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We'll see you перевод на португальский

3,282 параллельный перевод
We'll see you tomorrow night with the next George and Chip show.
Vemo-nos amanhã á noite com o próximo George e Chip show.
Do you think we'll see any bears?
Achas que veremos ursos?
We'll be back to see you soon.
Ver-nos-emos em breve.
We could go back to the charts, you'll see that...
deviam reavaliar os resultados.
We'll see you Friday.
Nós ficamos bem.
If you really want to, we'll go and see her in a little while.
Se queres mesmo, vamos vê-la daqui a pouco.
We'll see a movie tonight, you and me.
Vamos os dois ao cinema, esta noite.
We're kind of like dogs, see, you pet us, we'll be loyal to you forever.
Somos como cães. Se nos tratarem bem, seremos leais para sempre.
Well, we'll see you Sunday.
Até domingo.
We'll see you then.
Vemo-nos lá então.
When I was a kid, and that was a 100 years ago and you'll never be my age, but, we actually... got the report card and took it home to our parents so they could see it.
Quando eu era jovem, Eu sei... já lá vão muitos anos. mas acostumei-me, a mostrar o meu boletim aos meus pais.
- Well, we'll see you soon, Charlie.
Bem, vamos ver te em breve, Charlie.
Let's see what you got, then we'll decide.
Vejamos o que tens e depois decidimos.
All right, little man, we'll see you...
Muito bem, homenzinho, vemo-nos daqui...
We'll see if he can take you on as a claw cracker.
Vamos ver se ele te pode levar como rastreador de pinças.
You've gotta hit him! Hit him, and we'll go see Isabel.
Dá-lhe cabo do canastro e depois vamos ver a Isabel.
Please, I promise you we'll go and see her.
Por favor, prometo-te que a vamos ver.
See you tomorrow, we'll do something fun.
Até amanhã, vamos fazer alguma coisa divertida.
We'll be home with our kids soon. You will see.
Estaremos em casa com os nossos filhos, vais ver.
And we'll see you tomorrow.
E vermo-nos amanhã.
- We'll see you about 6 : 00.
Vemo-nos às 6 : 00.
Maybe we'll see you both again.
Talvez voltemos a vê-los.
You know, we'll see Sophia again in heaven some day.
Sabes, voltaremos a ver a Sophia no Céu, um dia.
- Fuck you. We'll see.
- Vai-te foder, vamos ver...
- Christine, we really need to talk... - I'll see you on Monday.
- Precisamos de conversar.
- Okay, we'll see you Soon.
Vejo-te... Em breve.
You come sometime and you, put your head in at the window at the forge and you'll see Joe the blacksmith, and what larks we'll have!
Vens a qualquer hora, é colocas a cabeça pela janela da ferramentaria e vais ver o Joe, o ferreiro, e temos aventuras!
Yeah. We'll see you later.
Vemo-nos mais tarde.
We'll see you afterwards.
Vamos nos ver depois.
We'll see you after the 20th.
Nos veremos depois do dia 20.
And after this, we'll see if you break eggs again.
Depois disto, veremos se voltas a partir ovos.
- So we'll see you soon in Cannes?
- Então, vê-la-emos, em breve em Cannes?
Lower away. We'll see you soon.
You want to come see where I take care of the horses and then maybe during the races we'll get you some goggles?
Queres ver onde eu cuido dos cavalos e depois, nas corridas, - a ver se te arranjamos uns óculos?
We'll see you in the morning.
- Até amanhã.
And we'll never see you again.
E nós, não voltaremos a ver-nos.
- We'll come back to see you, huh?
Voltaremos a ver-vos?
We could use some more youth on the team. Why don't you bring him to practice tomorrow and we'll see what he's got?
Faz falta malta jovem no grupo, e trazê-lo amanhã e ver do que é capaz?
Now, we did our job. You'll see that.
Nós fizemos o nosso trabalho.
If I like what I see today, we'll give you one and only one shot.
Se eu gostar do que vir hoje, dar-lhe-emos, apenas uma chance.
I don't know what we'll talk about, but you will come see me every week.
Não sei do que vamos falar, Mas o senhor irá ver-me todas as semanas.
Perfect, we'll see you right in there.
Perfeito, vemo-nos lá.
We'll see you at the next stop.
Vemo-nos na próxima paragem.
I'll, uh- - We'll see you in the morning.
Vemo-nos amanhã.
Um, you know, we'll have to see after, you know, we get back, but, uh, yeah, I'm, uh, I'm really optimistic.
Hum, sabes, vamos ter que ver depois, sabes, de voltarmos, mas, uh, sim, estou, uh, estou realmente optimista.
We'll see you then.
Vemo-nos nessa altura.
- We'll see you tonight. - Okay.
Vemo-nos esta noite.
If you'll flip to page 10, you'll see we're having a ball buying fertility clinics.
Se saltarem para a página 10, verão que nos estamos a divertir a comprar clínicas de fertilidade.
We're going to have a very dry winter, you'll see.
Teremos um inverno muito seco, verás.
We'll see you next week, I hope.
Espero vê-los na próxima semana.
We'll see you next week.
Vemo-nos para a semana.

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