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Translate.vc / английский → португальский / [ W ] / Where were you today

Where were you today перевод на португальский

105 параллельный перевод
- Where were you today, Sam?
- Onde esteve hoje, Sam?
Come on, give, Georgie. Where were you today?
- Vá lá, onde estiveste hoje?
Where were you today?
Onde foste hoje?
- Where were you today?
- Onde te meteste tu hoje?
Where were you today between twelve thirty and twelve forty?
Onde estava hoje entre 12 : 30 e 12 : 40?
Where were you today?
Aonde você estava hoje?
Where were you today?
- Onde te meteste hoje?
Where were you today?
Onde te meteste, hoje?
- Where were you today?
- Aonde foi?
Hey, where were you today?
Onde estiveste hoje?
- Where were you today?
- Onde estavas hoje?
Where were you today?
Onde estiveste tu hoje?
So where were you today, Jack?
Então, onde estiveste hoje, Jack?
Where were you today?
Onde estiveste, hoje?
Where were you today at 3 : 00?
Onde estava hoje, às 15 : 00?
So, Joey, where were you today anyway?
Então, Joey, mas afinal, onde estiveste hoje?
- Where were you today?
- Onde estiveste hoje?
- Where were you today?
- Onde é que andaste, hoje?
- Hey, where were you today?
- Ei, onde estava hoje?
Hey, Silver. Hey, where were you today?
Onde andaste hoje?
Where were you today?
Onde estiveste hoje?
But where were you today?
Mas onde estiveste hoje?
- Where were you today?
- Onde é que foste?
Where were you today before the wedding rehearsal?
Onde é que esteve hoje? Antes do ensaio?
Everything that's happened to my daughter and me today only happened for one reason : Because you were too stupid to look where you were going, and wrecked our car!
Tudo o que aconteceu comigo e a minha filha foi porque... você foi estúpido e acabou com o nosso carro.
Where were you going to take me today?
Aonde você ia me levar hoje?
Where were you between two and five today?
Onde esteve entre as 2 e as 5 H de hoje?
Where were you around 3 : 00 today? You know, my favorite part was the penguin cage.
Bem, as barbatanas e um sutiã de remoção fácil.
Where were you when I needed you today?
Onde estavas tu quando precisei de ti hoje?
- Well, where were you today? - What do you mean?
Bem, onde estiveste hoje?
- Where were you today?
Onde esteve?
You won't believe where we were today.
Não vais acreditar aonde estivemos hoje.
- Where were you today?
Aonde foste hoje?
Did you think you were free? Where were you going at 2 : 00 today?
Julgavas-te livre?
Where were you guys today?
Onde estiveram hoje?
How did you know where we were today?
E como sabia onde estávamos?
Where were you going today?
Sim, claro. E onde é que se dirigia esta manhã?
Sal, where were you at lunch today?
Sal... onde esteve durante a hora de almoço?
Okay, where were you at 1 : 57 a.m. Today?
Está bem, onde estavas à 1h57m de hoje?
I mean, not that we didn't make a great team out there today... minus the whole part where I was kidnapped and you were shot.
Não é que hoje não tenhamos sido uma boa equipa menos a parte em que fui raptada e tu foste baleado.
Where were you at today?
Onde andaste hoje?
Mr. Frobisher, you were intimately involved in founding your company, running your company, bankrupting your company, and yet you sit here today wanting us to believe that you have no idea where the money went.
Sr. Frobisher, estava intimamente relacionado... na fundação da sua empresa, dirigia a sua empresa, declarou a quebra da sua empresa, e ainda está sentado aí hoje a querer que acreditemos que si... não tinha nem idéia para onde foi o dinheiro.
You now this Republic was spawned by armed conflict, where the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy today were a consequence of armed conflict, insurrection if you will.
Sabe que esta república responde, pelo conflito armado... As independências e liberdades que gozamos actualmente, são consequência, do nosso conflito armado, ou insurreição se preferir.
You want to see where we were today?
Queres ver onde estivemos hoje?
You want to see where we were today?
Queres ver onde estivémos hoje?
- Where else were you working today?
Onde mais trabalhaste hoje?
I mean, look, son, today you were at the school where you picked a fight with your own classmate Blair.
Olha, filho, hoje estavas na escola e lutaste com um dos teus próprios colegas o Blair.
Later you were moved to the Mallemort facility where you appear today before the Appeals Board regarding your request for release on probation.
Seguidamente, foi transferido para a prisão de Mallemort, onde é hoje presente ao tribunal da apelação, para que seja considerado o seu pedido de liberdade condicional.
You know, he--he was doing a trick today Where he moved the ball from one hand to the other, And you were helping him with that, right?
Sabes, hoje ele fez um truque em que passava uma bola de uma mão para a outra, e tu ajudaste-o com isso, certo?
So, where were you at noon today?
Então onde estavas hoje ao meio-dia?
Where were you today?
Onde estavas?

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