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You're still up перевод на португальский

442 параллельный перевод
Obviously, we're still, uh, you know, in the process of setting up, but, you know, we got...
Obviamente, ainda estamos a montar tudo.
Um... so you're not still mad at me for slipping up, are you?
Um... entao voce ainda nao esta bravo comigo por escorregar, voce esta?
I'm glad you're still up.
Ainda bem que estás acordada.
That is if you're still driving up to the farm tonight.
Se vão para a quinta esta noite.
- Don't give up, you're still young.
- Coragem. Você ainda é jovem.
Ned, you're still up.
Ned, ainda está de pé?
If you're still alive, sheriff, speak up.
Se está vivo, xerife, fale.
You're not still pouting about... that silly old newspaper being all wrinkled up, are you?
Não será pelo jornal amassado, não?
Red, you act like you're still liquored up.
Red, parece que ainda estás tocado.
But you're still booked up solid for the afternoon.
Mas ainda tem a tarde inteira reservada
You're still too tensed up.
Vou ainda está muito tenso.
Drink up. You're still on your first one.
Beba, ainda é o seu primeiro.
You're going to stand up and stand real still.
Vão ficar de pé muito quietinhos.
I don't know if you're still in love with your wife... But I do know that you haven't given up on your marriage.
Não sei se ainda ama a sua mulher mas sei que ainda não desistiu do seu casamento.
Even when you freeze up on me, Hannah you're still the most beautiful, desirable -
Mesmo quando eras tão fria comigo, Hannah eras a mais bonita e desejável.
How come you're still up?
Como está?
We're still considering what we ought to do this morning and whether or not we should call up the Guard and just have them already there. Go in with you.
E se devemos chamar a Guarda e coIocá-Ia no local... entrando com você.
But you're still going up the hill.
- Mas você ainda está subindo.
Even when you're old, you still like to keep up.
Mesmo velha, ainda gosto de ler.
Comes morning, you're still here, pick up your gear and walk out of here.
De manhã, se ainda estiveres aqui, pega nas tuas coisas e vai-te embora.
Hey! You're still not up!
Você ainda não se levantou!
Now, you understand, of course, that I'm going to have to gag you and tie you up, huh? But we're still friends, aren't we? [grunts]
Agora, entende, é claro, que vou ter que o amordaçar... e amarrá-lo, hein?
Hold still. You're going to lose your clothes if you keep that up.
Está quieta, ou ficas sem roupas.
well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
Se ainda estão na sua grande cama, está na hora de se levantarem!
What you're saying is that the planet didn't blow up. And the captain and the others, they're still alive.
Não aceitámos, Sr. Chekov.
Well, before it was backed up eight hours, and they've been working at it and there are still some cats that think they can come here for Sunday, you know, and they're stopping them in Monticello and all that, you know,
Estava com oito horas de atraso. Há quem pense que pode... vir só no domingo. Estão a ser parados em Monticello.
Well, it's 13 minutes to the hour of nine, nine, nine here on wonderful radio one-one-one so if you're still lying in your big, big bed now's the time to get up out of it.
Passam 13 minutos da hora 9-9-9 aqui na maravilhosa Rádio 1-1-1. Se ainda estão na vossa grande cama, está na hora de se levantarem!
Good. You're still up.
Ainda bem que está acordado.
There's still time to fill a few more baskets, if you're up to it.
Ainda há tempo de encher mais uns cestos, se estiver disposto.
I still think you're kind of screwed up, Russell but you're so cute.
E agora? Ainda penso que estás meio lixado, Russell mas és täo giro.
I still think you're kind of screwed up, Russell but you're so cute.
Gunther, arranje um Volkswagen novo, está bem?
If it is, you better give it up while you're still ahead.
Se és, é melhor desistires enquanto é tempo.
Well, since you're still not feeling up to par, of course.
Bem, se ainda não te estás a sentir em condições, naturalmente.
Waking up, you`re still sleeping by my side
E vejo-te A dormir ao meu lado
Waking up, you`re still sleeping
E vejo-te ainda a dormir
That's why you're still in this office, Gifford, and not punkin'with the brothers up in steel city.
É por isso que ainda estás neste escritório, Gifford, e não a apodrecer no xadrez.
Well, I still think you're suiting up for nothing.
Ainda acho que estão a preparar-se para nada.
If you're still on that couch eating that doughnut, put it down and get up!
Se está sentada a comer bolos, esqueça-os e levante-se.
Look, tomorrow you're gonna wake up, you're still gonna be Charlie Driggs, you know?
Amanhã irás acordar e ainda vais ser o Charlie Driggs.
If you're still alive, look us up.
Se continuares vivo, reza por nós.
I can't believe you're still bringing that up.
Não acredito que ainda fales sobre isso.
You got a badge and a gun but you're still a punk so shut up...
Tens um distintivo e um revólver, mas ainda és um bruto!
And if, when you come back, you still want to be with woody, well, that'll be fine with me,'cause i'll know you're making a grown-up decision.
E se, quando voltares, ainda quiseres ficar com o Woody, tudo bem por mim pois saberei que estás a tomar uma decisão madura.
You know, every day... every fucking day I wake up to see if you're still alive.
Sabes, todos os dias... acordo todos os malditos dias para ver se ainda estás vivo.
They're older than me, but, you know,'cause I'm, like, a girl, and I'm, like... still kind of young and all, I gotta kind of, like, work up to it, you know.
Eles são mais velhos que eu e como sou garota e jovem tenho que passar por apertos.
No matter how high up, you're still accountable.
- E acredita em mim.
You're still up.
Ainda está acordado!
You're afraid he's still gonna be able to hit you. Oh, are you kidding me? The guy's a washed-up old has-been.
A minha pesquisa de mercado mostrou que este bairro precisava de um lugar assim.
You're still not giving up?
Ainda não desistes?
But you're still carrying a burden of guilt from the break-up...
Mas ainda carrega o fardo de culpa pela separacao.
You can start calling yourself Madonna... but you're still going to end up in an outhouse shanty like every other dock-working nobody.
Podes chamar-te de Madonna, mas mesmo assim vai terminar num poleiro como qualquer outro estivador de cais.

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