Were you not перевод на русский
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Ey, Were you not in the Christmas series
Минутку. Это не вы играли в рождественском сериале
Were you or were you not told by Captain Vargas not to confront Helen Ellingsworth last week?
Разве капитан Варгас не говорила вам не приближаться к Элен Эллингсуорт на прошлой неделе?
- No, he's too smart for that, but you were right not to call my cellphone.
- Нет, он слишком умен для этого. Но ты был прав, что не позвонил мне на сотовый.
Uh... We were not expecting you.
Не ожидали увидеть вас.
When were you gonna share the whole truth about this, AND not just the parts that suit you?
Когда ты собиралась рассказать нам всю правду, а не только то, что выгодно тебе?
You were specifically instructed not to land here.
Вас же специально проинструктировали, что здесь приземляться нельзя.
And I couldn't kill that thought not until I believed that you were gone for good, and what a relief that was!
И я не могла избавиться от этой мысли, пока не поверила, что ты ушла навсегда, и это стало таким облегчением!
I've never known you not complain when you've really been at it and, tonight, one could safely say, without fear of contradiction, you were at it.
И вечно-то вы жалуетесь, когда все на самом деле в порядке, а сегодня, без малейшего сомнения, все было в порядке.
You were right not to give me the ring years ago.
Вы правильно поступили, что не отдали мне это кольцо раньше.
You were supposed to leave your family, not get back involved with all the things that they do.
Ты должен был бросить свою семью, а не заниматься тем, чем они занимаются.
I'm perfectly aware were it not for you our mission there would've proved twice as disastrous.
Я прекрасно осведомлен, что если бы не ты, наша миссия там была бы в два раза большим провалом.
Well, if I were your mother, I would warn you not to sleep with your future husband and his son at the same time.
Если бы я была твоей матерью, то предупредила бы тебя не спать с будущим мужем и одновременно с его сыном.
You usually ate alone, not because people wouldn't sit with you, but because you were disgusted by the sounds they made when they ate.
Обычно вы обедали в одиночестве, не потому что к вам никто не подсаживался, а потому что звуки, которые сопровождали их трапезу, вызывали у вас отвращение.
No, and I'm not saying that you were trying to hurt me.
( ЖЕН ) Я не говорила, что ты стараешься мне подгадить.
Because I'm not. You were wrong when you said I can live off this work.
( ЖЕН ) Ты ошибалась, говоря, что я могу жить работой.
You were supposed to divert her, keep her from here, Not give her something that we need.
Ты должен был отвлечь её, держать подальше отсюда, а не давать ей то, что нужно нам самим.
You were not an official for two of them,
Вы не судили только 2 из них,
I'm not surprised you saw a UFO when you were a kid.
Я не удивлена, что ты видел НЛО когда был маленьким.
What if- - what if you showed this baby that you were choosing to pursue your passion, not- - not over him, but for him.
Так докажи этому ребёнку, что решила идти за своей мечтой не вместо него, а ради него.
That's not good enough for me, and I thought you were better than that, too.
Я не такая, и я думала, что ты тоже не такой.
What- - what if you showed this baby that you were choosing to pursue your passion, not over him, but for him?
Покажи своему ребенку, что твое стремление к успеху важно и для него тоже.
You were not part of that, Jo.
Тебя при этом не было.
Five years since I've even seen you, and it's not like we were bosom buddies to begin with.
Мы пять лет не виделись, да и до этого особо близки не были.
You are not the woman you once were.
Вы не такая, какой были прежде.
Not disinclined, and even if they were, that doesn't mean that you should jump in and offer up research that we both decided to postpone for the foreseeable future.
- Теряли интерес? Но будь оно так, ты совершенно напрасно вылез с предложением эксперимента, который мы оба согласились отложить на обозримое будущее.
You see, you may no longer look like the puppet you once were, but it matters not.
Как видишь, ты не похож на куклу, которой когда-то был, но это не важно.
You see, you may no longer look like the puppet you once were, But it matters not.
Возможно, ты больше не выглядишь, как кукла, но это не важно.
I'm not what you were hoping for.
Что ты не на такое надеялась.
You were the one fingering him for the mole not two days ago.
Ты сам пару дней назад предположил, что он крот.
Not just you ; the others. You girls were there for Mona,
Не только тебя остальных тоже.
You not only took it, you were darn good at it.
Вы не только стреляли, вы были чертовски хороши в этом.
I'm sorry I'm not the murderer you were hoping I was.
Мне жаль, что я не убийца, которого вы ищите.
The man you were looking for was killed. I'm not sure if that's what you wanted, but, well, at least it's over, right? I...
Мужчина, которого вы искали, был убит
It's not like you were married to her, is it, at t'time.
Ты ж не на ней в то время был женат.
As I live and breathe, I did not think you were gonna make it, dear brother.
Пока я живу и дышу, не думала что ты пойдешь на это, дорогой брат.
The change in your subconscious process is not as fast and deceives you, you were crushed in type B.
Твое подсознание не сможет это быстро переработать и внушит тебе, что ты влюбилась в "мужчину В", хотя это и не так.
I'm not entirely sure, but if I were you, I'd take it as a compliment.
Точно не знаю, но на вашем месте я расценил бы этот как комплимент.
If it were not for you, I would have retired to my room.
Если бы не вы, я бы удалился к себе в комнату.
And you were telling the truth about not knowing Gibbs until he arrived at the estate, weren't you?
И вы говорили правду, что не знали Гиббса, пока он не прибыл в поместье, так?
You were so not you. ( chuckles )
Вы были так не похожи на себя.
You wouldn't, but even if you were, it wouldn't matter because nothing matters, not... a... thing.
Ты не стал бы, но даже если бы и стал, то это не важно. Потому что сейчас ничего не важно, ни-че-го.
Not if she were like you.
Не будь она такой, как ты.
You told me you were bringing your godmother, not your sister!
Ты говорила, что приведёшь крёстную мать, а не свою сестру!
It's not that. It says you were a guarantor for an apartment that defaulted.
Тут говорится, что вы гарант по квартире, за которую перестали платить.
- I'm not trying to offend you, we were just expecting, like, uh, either a really strong man or kind of like a guy with, like, a mustache.
- Я не хотел обидеть вас, мы просто ожидали кого-то либо очень сильного, либо с усами.
I gotta say, when we were back in the Academy, you were not the one I would have voted most likely to end up at 1PP.
- Да. Должна сказать, что когда мы учились в академии, я бы в жизни не подумала, что ты станешь важной шишкой в полиции.
You, Abigail, were chosen for this centuries ago... you, among all others... to win a war we could not.
Ты, Эбигейл, была избрана для этого сотни лет назад.. ты, среди всех остальных... чтобы выиграть войну, которую мы не смогли.
I had word you were coming, but my next trip's not till the end of the month.
Мне сказали, что вы придете, но моя следующая поездка только в конце месяца.
You know when you were kidnapped, the worst thing about it was just not knowing what happened to you.
Знаешь, когда тебя похитили, худшим было не знать, что с тобой.
You can't, not unless you were there. You...
Если только вас там не было.
And that crap about not wanting to look like you were going around me?
А что ты мне там наплёл о том, что ты не хотел меня во всё это впутывать? ! – Фрэнк, послушайте...
were you there 127
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you waiting for me 17
were you drunk 20
were you aware of that 16
were you 840
were you close 42
were you talking to me 24
were you alone 34
were you sleeping 48
were you here 16
were you waiting for me 17
were you drunk 20
were you aware of that 16
were you 840
were you close 42
were you hurt 19
were you surprised 19
were you asleep 35
were you worried 21
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
were you looking for me 29
were you following me 24
were you followed 58
were you in love with her 21
were you surprised 19
were you asleep 35
were you worried 21
were you scared 70
were you drinking 25
were you looking for me 29
were you following me 24
were you followed 58
were you in love with her 21
you noticed that 32
you noticed 84
you note 45
you notes 18
nothing 25771
not allowed 48
note 183
noth 18
notice 40
notebook 23
you noticed 84
you note 45
you notes 18
nothing 25771
not allowed 48
note 183
noth 18
notice 40
notebook 23
notes 105
not yet 7691
notorious 29
not really 5709
nottingham 42
not at all 5606
noticed 24
nothin 482
notch 62
noted 237
not yet 7691
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not really 5709
nottingham 42
not at all 5606
noticed 24
nothin 482
notch 62
noted 237
nothing else matters 82
nothing to see here 87
not me 3274
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
nothing more 611
not anymore 2246
not tonight 725
nothing happened 754
not my type 47
nothing to see here 87
not me 3274
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
nothing more 611
not anymore 2246
not tonight 725
nothing happened 754
not my type 47