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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / Almost got it

Almost got it Çeviri İspanyolca

761 parallel translation
Oh, I almost got it.
¡ Oh, casi le doy!
I've almost got it.
Casi lo tengo.
You know, I've almost got it made, my way.
Mira, ya casi tengo una fortuna, a mi manera.
I'm not sure of this, but remember the Jesureau girl last year! She almost got it!
No estoy seguro, pero recordad lo que le ocurrió a la chica de Jesereau el año pasado!
Almost, almost got it.
Casi, casi lo tengo.
Almost almost almost got it.
Casi casi ya casi lo tengo.
- I've almost got it.
- Casi he terminado.
U almost got it.
Cas ¡ me atrapan.
They almost got it yesterday.
Casi cayeron ayer.
He's not positive... He's almost got it. It's lettuce and tomato...
No está seguro, ¿ lechuga, tomate...?
Well, you've almost got it.
Casi lo tienes.
I got to hand it to you, baby, you almost hit the nail right on the head.
Tengo que admitirlo. Casi has dado en el clavo.
I think I got it almost word for word.
Creo que Io aprendí casi palabra por palabra.
Well, I made it. You almost got away from me.
Bueno, lo conseguí.
Young woman, you almost got away with it. But you didn't.
Joven, casi le sale bien la jugada, pero le ha fallado.
It cost me too much, almost got me fired!
Me ha costado caro, casi me despiden.
I asked my fiance's permission to welcome you and I defended you all afternoon and got fired for it by Mr Noble and almost broke off my engagement and you say I'm turning against you!
Aun así, le pedí permiso a mi prometido... para recibirte del modo que creí que te gustaría. Aunque me haya equivocado, te defendí toda la tarde... - por ello me despidió el Sr. Noble...
We almost got thrown in jail ourselves for holding it.
La tenemos nosotros. Casi vamos a la cárcel por esperarte.
Doggone it, almost the same place they got me before!
¡ Maldición! Casi en el mismo lugar que me dieron antes.
Well, you almost killed us doing it, but we got away from him.
Casi nos matamos, pero logramos escapar.
You almost got away with it.
Casi lo consigue. Casi.
It looks almost as if he's got that storm timed.
Es como si programara la tormenta.
I've almost got it.
- Ya casi está.
That's why Archie Lee got it for almost nothing.
Por eso Archie Lee la compró por casi nada.
You got it ; well... almost 20.
Bien, aún no hice 20.
The egg at the lab was almost hatching when we got it.
El huevo del laboratorio estaba por nacer cuando lo hallamos.
Almost any old place that`s got an Army post on it.
De casi cualquier parte que tenga un puesto militar.
It's amazing, a friend of mine got one in Germany almost the same
¡ Es sorprendente! Un amigo mío de Alemania tiene una casi igual.
Mars is almost as big as Texas, maybe it's got monsters.
Tal vez tenga monstruos. ¿ Carruthers sigue hablando de sus monstruos?
You almost got away with it.
Y casi lo logró.
And it almost got you.
Y casi te engaño.
It's got so I almost dread you coming home.
Tanto que casi temo que vengas a casa.
It's got a drug in the warhead, almost a gallon.
Se ha colocado la droga en la cabeza de la unidad, cerca de cuatro litros.
Supe que hay un separador de crema casi nuevo... y quizá lo consiga en oferta por sólo 89.50 dólares.
I almost got stuck in the sand when I tried to get around it.
Casi me quedo atascado intentando sortearlo.
It's almost got to the point where I deliberately want to trip her up.
Casi he llegado al punto de querer provocar que se equivoque.
You almost pulled it off, but you got a little overconfident.
Los muertos no se lamentan.
A joke which, even if it weren't mean, almost killed four people, you've got to admit it.
Bromas que, aun no siendo crueles, casi matan a 4 personas, hay que reconocerlo.
I almost got out of the way it must have sideswiped me.
Debe haberme dado de lado...
I almost got it.
Casi lo tengo.
Damn it, you almost got us killed!
¡ Casi nos matan por tu culpa!
Almost got you killed when it misfired once.
A ti casi te mata cuando falló al disparar.
- I got a reading of almost immeasurable power, but it's not there anymore.
He registrado un nivel altísimo de energía, pero ha desaparecido.
At which time it almost got me killed.
Y casi me matan.
Here it is, almost lunchtime, I ain't got change for breakfast yet.
Limpiadlos a todos. Ya es casi hora de comer... y aún no tenemos dinero ni para desayunar.
He stops so sharp, the kids almost got thrown out. He really did it!
Frenó tan de golpe que las chicas casi salen disparadas.
You get there, have a real good mission, hit your target, find out later your target was totally destroyed, that it wasn't one of these misses or almost, you got it.
Llegas allí, tienes una misión realmente buena, le das a tu blanco,... después te enteras de que tu objetivo fue totalmente destruido,... Que no fue uno de esos tiros errados o casis, lo conseguiste.
We say that it's for marbles,... even though I've got almost 2,000 at home.
Diremos que es por las canicas, aunque en mi casa tengo casi 2000.
You got a discount because it's almost closing time.
Tiene descuento porque vamos a cerrar.
Because it's you and it's Cloche and it's that morphine that almost got her killed tonight!
Porque tú y Cloche... y esa morfina casi la matáis esta noche.
It's as if we almost got to the...
Miren las mesetas.

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