Always Çeviri İspanyolca
268,913 parallel translation
Well, you always liked to drive a nice car.
Siempre te gustó manejar un auto lindo.
You always do what you want.
Siempre haces lo que quieres.
Just to be clear, it's not that I haven't always known you were there.
Aclaremos las cosas. No es que no supiera que están ahí.
Yeah, third-party candidate is the future, and always will be.
Un candidato de otro partido es y será el futuro.
You may not always agree with him, but you like him.
No siempre estás de acuerdo con él, pero te agrada.
Was it always this dirty?
¿ Siempre fue tan sucio?
You never talk shop at the table. It's always when you're cashing out.
No hablas de trabajo en la mesa, solo cuando cobras.
Always has been.
Siempre fue así.
I could always choose the best places.
Siempre escogía los mejores lugares.
I said yes'cause I have always been a sucker for what people tell themselves about themselves.
Accedí porque siempre tuve debilidad por lo que la gente cree de sí misma.
You were always good at tracking me down.
- Jamás te costó mucho encontrarme.
And I'd like to point out that I'm proud to be representing the men and women of the FBI here today, who conducted that investigation as they always do in a competent, honest, and independent way,
Y quiero decir que me enorgullece representar hoy aquí a la gente del FBI quienes dirigieron esa investigación como siempre con habilidad, honestidad e independencia...
Look, Claire, you and I have always been on the inside.
Tú y yo siempre hemos estado adentro.
I almost always answer the president's phone.
Casi siempre atiendo el teléfono del presidente.
Look, I've always been a supporter of the idea of a woman in the Oval Office.
Yo siempre apoyé la idea de una mujer en la Oficina Oval.
I've always told myself that everything I did was for her.
Siempre me dije que todo lo que hice lo hice por ella.
At night, I'd pretend he was up there and talk to him, and when he didn't answer back, I always just figured,
Por la noche, fingía que él estaba arriba y le hablaba, y cuando no me contestaba, siempre pensaba :
One of my regulars at the coffee shop is always asking if I want to do some motorboating.
Uno de mis habituales de la cafetería no hace más que preguntarme si quiero montar en lancha motora.
Unpleasant as always, Martin.
Tan antipático como siempre, Martin.
It's just always felt like unfinished business to me.
Siempre he sentido que era un asunto sin resolver para mí.
- like you always do.
- lo que haces siempre.
Of course, when you two were growing up, she was always the slow one.
Con razón. Cuando erais pequeñas ella siempre iba a la zaga.
Mitchell and Haley always come back giggling over shared secrets, and I feel left out.
Mitchell y Haley siempre vienen entre risitas compartiendo secretos y yo me siento apartado.
Well, I always say, if you give love to the world, you'll get twice the love back.
Bueno, yo siempre digo que si le das amor al mundo, recibirás el doble a cambio.
I always knew I had trouble recognizing other people's emotions, but that machine just made it so real.
Yo siempre supe que tenía problemas reconociendo las emociones de otras personas, pero esa máquina lo hizo muy real.
And that's always in fashion.
Y eso siempre está de moda.
'Cause you deserve to date a handsome guy, and I always like sticking it to Marjorie.
Porque mereces salir con un tío guapo y siempre me gusta tomarle el pelo a Marjorie.
My mother's sister's always my first call after sex.
Mi tía es siempre la primera persona a la que llamo después de tener sexo.
Always trying to make you proud, Mom.
Siempre intentando hacerte sentir orgullosa, mamá.
People are always looking for the next hot young thing.
La gente siempre está buscando la próxima cosa joven y nueva.
I can't be responsible for whatever changes you are going through, but I love you and I will always be there for you.
No puedo ser responsable de los cambios que estás pasando, pero te quiero y siempre estaré ahí para ti.
I always thought it was the person actually having the baby that got to act crazy.
Siempre pensé que era una persona... que pensaba que tener al bebé era actuar como un loco.
You always are.
Siempre lo estás.
She always said she never believed in Sundays.
Siempre decía que nunca creyó en los domingos.
You always tell us to respect the law.
Siempre nos decís que respetemos la ley.
It's why I always write her one of my Gregmark cards.
Por eso siempre le escribo mis propias "Gregjetas" de felicitación.
I was always focused on being an athlete.
Estaba concentrado en ser atleta.
But we were always intrigued with, you know, actually making a sample that worked.
Pero siempre nos intrigó hacer un calzado que en verdad funcionara.
[Tinker] A basic design is always functional, but a great one will say something.
Un diseño básico es siempre funcional, pero un gran diseño dirá algo.
I coined the phrase "anti-country club," because it's not always just about the shoe design.
Yo inventé la frase anti club de campo porque no siempre se trata solo del diseño del calzado.
I always wanted to feel light on my feet.
Siempre quise pies livianos.
I drew them backwards because we were always fighting convention.
Las dibujé hacia atrás porque siempre luchamos contra lo convencional.
[Tinker] We're always trying to solve problems for the best athletes in the world.
Siempre tratamos de resolver problemas para los mejores atletas del mundo.
He goes, "How did you know... that only my very best and closest friends have always called me Black Cat."
Y él repite : "¿ Cómo lo sabes? Solo mis amigos más cercanos siempre me han llamado Gato Negro".
And I always feel very empathetic towards those 17-year-old people who say, "I don't know what to do."
Siempre siento mucha empatía con los jóvenes de 17 años que dicen : "No sé qué hacer".
I come back excited from meetings, because she's always coming up with information I would've never known or discovered by any other means.
Regreso emocionado de nuestras reuniones porque ella siempre tiene información que nunca habría tenido o descubierto de ningún otro modo.
And I have always enjoyed, since then, being amongst the tribe of musicians.
Y desde entonces, siempre he disfrutado estar en la tribu de músicos.
I thought that bands, you see,'cause I had been going out with a record producer, and we went to see lots of shows, and I always thought they were visually desperately boring.
Creía que las bandas... Yo salía con un productor musical íbamos a muchos conciertos y siempre pensé que eran visualmente aburridos.
She always came up with things that made me think about things anew.
A ella siempre se le ocurren cosas que hacen replantearme todo.
As I start to shade things in, what I'm always thinking about is how the audience will feel.
Cuando comienzo a trabajar siempre pienso en lo que sentirá la audiencia.
always and forever 43
always alone 22
always a pleasure 163
always remember 37
always ready 22
always has been 106
always busy 18
always late 21
always will 39
always have been 78
always alone 22
always a pleasure 163
always remember 37
always ready 22
always has been 106
always busy 18
always late 21
always will 39
always have been 78