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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Chuckie

Chuckie Çeviri İspanyolca

356 parallel translation
This is no Jimmy, this is Chuckie.
No soy Jimmy, soy Chuckie.
Been missing your Chuckie, honey?
¿ Extrañas a tu Chuckie, cariño?
- Oh, don't be so high and mighty, Chuckie.
- No seas altanero, Chuckie. - ¿ Chuckie?
Give him a break, Chuckie. He's been busting his butt in the 0.R. All night long.
Déjalo, Chuckie ; estuvo trabajando toda la noche en el quirófano.
Chuck wagon. Chuckie wagon. I like that.
chuck wagon, chuckie Wagon
- Chuckie.
- Chuckie.
- # # Love # # # # - Chuckie, Mom told you to stay out of the tree house.
- Chuckie, mamá te dijo que no te acerques a la casa del árbol.
Come on, Chuckie.
Vamos, Chuckie.
major improvement, Chuckie.
Gran progreso, Chuckie.
Chuckie Miller, right?
Chuckie Miller, ¿ cierto?
Good morning, Brian. Hey, Chuckie.
Buenas, Brian.
How's the woman slayer?
- ¡ Chuckie! ¿ Cómo va, mujeriego?
- Good morning, Chuckie.
Buenas, Chuckie. Buenas, Lou.
So, Chuckie, did you see any bloodhounds out there on the trail?
Así, Chuckie, ¿ viste alguna sabuesos que hay en el camino?
His name is Chuckie Loeder.
Se llama Chuckie Loeder.
His name " s Chuckie Loeder.
Era del Ejército Ario.
Chuckie Loeder " s no longer a brother in the resurrection of our nation.
Él ya no es hermano de nuestra nación.
Chuckie Loeder is not Aryan Army and you guys aren " t behind this.
Loeder no es del Ejército Ario y ustedes no están en esto. ¿ Correcto?
And I wouldn " t need a goddamn theory if you could find Chuckie Loeder.
No necesitaría una maldita teoría si hallara a Chuckie Loeder.
No one has heard of Chuckie Loeder.
Nadie conoce a Loeder.
Maybe he " s not calling himself Chuckie Loeder these days.
Quizás ya no se llama Chuckie Loeder.
And my investigator can " t find the art store where Chuckie Loeder works!
¡ Mi investigador no halla dónde trabaja Chuckie Loeder!
Look, this Chuckie Loeder is a material witness in a murder trial.
Este Chuckie Loeder es testigo en un juicio.
I lost Chuckie, got a lecture from the jailhouse saint and where were you?
Perdí a Chuckie, un penado me dio un sermón ¿ dónde estabas?
Chuckie " s address.
La casa de Chuckie.
Kitty, Chuckie Loeder " s most recent address just happens to be a hole in the ground.
Kitty, el domicilio de Chuckie justamente es un agujero en el piso.
He was a junkie.
Chuckie era drogadicto.
Now, did you have Chuckie Loeder try to scare Eddie off the case?
¿ Hizo que Loeder asustara a Eddie por el caso?
- Why don " t you ask Chuckie?
- ¿ Qué dice Chuckie? - Sobredosis.
Not like Chuckie.
Como Chuckie.
Listen, Chuckie, I'm gonna bring this bird back into the hangar.
Oye Jockey, voy a devolver este pájaro al hangar.
# All I worship and adore #
Buenas, Brian. - ¡ Chuckie! ¿ Cómo va, mujeriego?
Chuckie! How's the woman slayer?
Sí, correcto.
You should think about the job at Bluestar Wildman offered you.
Buenas, Chuckie. Buenas, Lou. Bud...
What makes you think Chuckie was thinking of you when he asked me to the dance?
¿ Qué te hace pensar que Chuckie pensaba en ti cuando me invito al baile?
If I flunk history, you can thank Chuckie Wilson for me.
Si me aplazan en historia, agradécele a Chuckie Wilson.
Chuckie, what are you doing?
Chuckie, ¿ qué haces?
Know your lines, be nice to Chuckie.
Recuerda tu diálogo, sé amable con Chuckie.
"Watch out, Steve-o, Chuckie's back."
"Cuidado, Steve, Chuckie regresó".
- Little Chuckie.
- El pequeño Chuckie.
Fine, Chuckie.
Bien, Chuckie.
And that little kid was Chuckie Wilson, that's who Kelly's going out with.
Y ese niño era Chuck Wilson, el que sale con Kelly.
Honey, you remember, when the kids were little, I used to say Brandon looked like little Chuckie.
Amor, recuerdas que cuando estaban pequeños solía decir que Brandon era parecido a Chuckie.
Well, I've known Steve and Chuckie since elementary school.
Conozco a Steve y a Chuckie desde la primaria.
It's just that Chuckie goes out of his way to push my buttons.
Es que Chuckie se excede para molestarme.
- You're my problem, Chuckie.
- Tú eres mi problema, Chuckie.
We have to play this for the principal and he'll see why you punched Chuckie out.
Hay que mostrárselo al director y él verá por qué golpeaste a Chuckie.
Chuckie Wilson doesn't play fair, okay?
Chuckie Wilson no juega limpio, ¿ sí?
- Hi, Chuckie.
- Hola
Chuckie Loeder OD " d.
Take it away, Johnny! Okay, Chuckie, baby.
Recibido, aquí Jockey.

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