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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Chuckles nervously

Chuckles nervously Çeviri İspanyolca

156 parallel translation
Uh - [Chuckles Nervously] Thank you.
( chuckles nervously )
- [Chuckles Nervously] - Miss Alexander :
Srta. Alexander.
- [Chuckles Nervously] - Get dressed.
[Chuckles Nervously] Your gun with the yellow wooden handle.
La pistola con mango de madera amarillo.
Hi. [Chuckles Nervously]
( chuckles nervously ) Like pick my teeth.
Como urgar mis dientes. Hmm.
( chuckles nervously ) :
( ríe nerviosamente ) :
( chuckles nervously ) : So... so I've heard.
Bueno... me han contado.
( Chuckles nervously )
( Risa nerviosa )
( CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY ) I guess we waited a little too long.
Y creo que esperó demasiado.
Uh - [Chuckles Nervously] No. Just rearranging my underwear.
No, sólo me acomodaba los calzones.
[Chuckles Nervously] Looks like slim pickings today, Reverend.
Hoy tuvimos pocas ganancias, reverendo.
[CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY] Do you challenge?
¿ La retas?
Um, Mom, Dad, uh... ( chuckles nervously ) This is my fiancée... ( chuckles ) Daphne.
Papá, mamá... Ella es mi prometida... Daphne.
( Chuckles Nervously ) What's intense about it?
¿ Qué tiene de intenso?
[Chuckles Nervously] I always hate the first day at a new school.
Siempre odio el primer día en una escuela nueva.
I'm afraid he told everyone you're a hunter, and you hunt and kill crocodiles. [Chuckles Nervously]
Me preocupa que le ha dicho a todo el mundo que Usted es un cazador, y que caza y mata cocodrilos
( chuckles nervously ) look, all I'm asking you to do is sneak into mummy's room and steal an expensive-looking dress.
Sólo te estoy pidiendo que entres al cuarto de tu madre y le robes un vestido caro.
So, thank you. ( Chuckles nervously )
Así que, gracias.
Well, they had to fire the fourth landscaping crew ( CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY ) Because they caught me with them.
Bueno, tuvieron que despedir el cuarto equipo de paisajismo... porque me atraparon con ellos.
i don't know, but i got that same high i got when i peeled that orange. ( chuckles nervously )
- No lo sé, pero tuve la misma sensación cuando pelé aquella naranja.
( chuckles nervously ) Maybe I should just put a bag over your head, drive you to the middle of the woods and we can talk there?
¿ Crees que debería ponerte una bolsa en la cabeza, y llevarte al medio del bosque para que habláramos allí?
[chuckles nervously] tell him it's a deal.
Dile que es un trato.
We're not a "we." ( chuckles nervously )
No somos un "Nos".
( Se ríe nervviosamente )
( CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY ) I've heard you have your first psychotic break in your early 20's.
He escuchado que tienes tu primer brote psicotico a los 20.
( CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY ) All we need to know right now is are you theoretically interested in running for office?
Lo único que necesitamos saber es si está interesada para presentarse a elecciones.
( Chuckles nervously ) I don't think we'll be doing that.
No creo que vayamos a hacer eso.
- ( Jim chuckles nervously ) - Come on!
¡ Vamos!
[chuckles nervously ] [ car seat clicks] there we go!
Ahi vamos.
Uh, oh, um... [chuckles nervously] Um, okay. Uh, I need to get your mist machine.
Y odiaría no aprovechar esto.
This guy. [Chuckles nervously]
- Buen tipo. - Sí. Te ves algo nervioso.
I don't know. ( Chuckles nervously )
No lo sé.
Well, if you'll excuse me, we've had an incredible amount of stray dog attacks all over the city, so our E.R. is slammed. Hmm. ( Dennis chuckles nervously )
Bueno, si me disculpan, hemos tenido una increíble cantidad de ataques de perros callejero por toda la ciudad, urgencias está a tope.
[Chuckles nervously] We're not... no.
No somos... no.
You do know I'm allergic to strawberries? ( CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY )
Saben que soy alérgico a las fresas.
Uh, outcome? [chuckles nervously] Of what?
Uh, ¿ desenlace?
[sighs ] I don't remember any of this. [ chuckles nervously]
No recuerdo nada de esto.
Well, Skyquake is neither living nor dead and no doubt continues to wander through some dimensional neverealm in search of his missing limb. [chuckles nervously]
Bueno, Skyquake no esta vivo ni muerto y no hay duda de que sigue rondando a través de alguna realidad dimensional en búsqueda de su extremidad perdida.
Thirty-two grand a year, to start with? ( CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY )
Treinta y dos de los grandes al año, ¿ para empezar?
( CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY ) I don't have a car.
No tengo auto.
[Chuckles Nervously] Why, you can't blame a guy for tryin'.
No pueden culparme por intentarlo.
( chuckles nervously ) Kids...
[Chuckles nervously] Ladle.
When you get back, you can start filing these. ( chuckles nervously ) ( sighs )
Cuando vuelvas, puedes empezar a rellenar estos. ¿ Ocurre algo?
( CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY ) Would anyone like a drink?
¿ Quiere alguien una bebida?
It's me. It's him. [chuckles nervously]
Es él.
De acuerdo...

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