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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ C ] / Cover him up

Cover him up Çeviri İspanyolca

307 parallel translation
I'll cover him up.
Lo voy a tapar.
Come on, cover him up.
Cover him up.
He's got his job all cut out for him so cover him up and let him get to it.
Tiene el futuro solucionado, así que cubridlo y dejad que se vaya.
He is a wild boy. Cover him up.
Es un niño salvaje
We better cover him up.
Será mejor que lo cubra.
I need something to cover him up with.
Necesito algo para taparlo.
Cover him up with something.
Cúbralo con alguna cosa.
- Quick, cover him up.
¿ Pero qué ha ocurrido?
Cover him up, he'll get sick.
Tápalo bien, si no le vaya a dar aire.
- Cover him up.
- Tápale.
Give me a hand. We'll cover him up.
Ayúdame a cubrirle.
Throw him in there, and cover him up so he can't be seen.
Arrójalo ahí y cúbrelo para que no puedan verlo.
I'm gonna hide him, cover him up, forget him.
Voy a esconderlo, a enterrarlo y a olvidarlo.
Get a blanket or something to cover him up.
Cúbrelo con algo.
Cover him up, quickly.
Tapadle, rápido.
Get his poncho and cover him up.
No oí nada. Coge su poncho y tápalo.
Just cover him up.
Tápalo bien.
- Somebody ought to cover him up.
- Que alguien lo cubra.
- Find something to cover him up. - Yes, sir.
- Busque algo para cubrirle.
Cover him up.
Blade, cover him up.
Bisturí, cúbrelo.
First - you should never cover him up like that.
Primero : nunca lo debes tapar así.
Cover him up and let the wife in.
- Sí. Dígale a la señora que pase.
I'm gonna get a blanket to cover him up.
Lo cubriremos con una manta.
Get something and cover him up.
Trae algo con qué cubrirlo.
Cover him up.
Cubrirlo con una manta.
Cover him up good.
Get him up there, cover him.
Llévelo y cubralo.
You're in love with him and trying to cover up his tracks, but it won't work.
Lo ama y quiere encubrirlo, pero no podrá.
Cover him up.
¡ Cúbrelo!
Here, start tossing these down to Jug, tell him to cover up that hole.
No lo sé, pero tenemos que ser rápidos haciendo decoración de interiores.
Tell him to cover up that hole, Don't let him waste any time.
Vamos, vamos.
Why do you cover up for a guy like him?
- ¿ Por qué encubre a un tipo así?
- Cover up for him?
- ¿ Encubrirle? ¡ ¿ Cómo?
So, I'm the guy who knows that you're the one who took the 20 grand from Smiley to cover up the dirk and kill him.
También soy el tipo que sabe que has sido tú quien cogió los 20 grandes de Smiley por encubrir su asesinato.
Cover him up.
any fool could sit on it and squash it go on, cover me... hurry up yes, cover him so we won't see him what are you doing Sir?
¡ Y el bobo se echa encima y por poco la despanzurra! ¡ Venga, tápeme! ¡ Aprisa!
Go up the trail and get some cover and take a shot at him every once in a while, and make him think we're stuck down here.
Siga el rastro, busque protección, dispárele cada tanto... y hágale creer que estamos atascados.
You're in love with him, and you're trying to cover up for him.
Está enamorada de él y está tratando de encubrirlo.
Well, if you think I'd cover up for him, you're crazy.
Bueno, si piensa que lo ayudaría, está loco.
Wouldn't that be a sweet cover-up for a cop on the take the past 10 years? To have his whole smelly past put on a boat and sent someplace where it couldn't ever bother him again.
¿ No sería una buena tapadera para un policía que ha estado aceptando sobornos desde hace 10 años que metieran su apestoso pasado en un barco y lo mandaran lejos a algún sitio desde el que no pudiera causarle más problemas.
I'll have to get him to cover up my tracks these past few weeks in hell.
Tendré que decirle que limpie las huellas de esta semana.
Then they'd take'em off, cover the man up... and they wouldn't touch him again until later on.
Después las sacaba. Tapaban al hombre... y no lo tocaban hasta más tarde.
Tell him to cover up his hands.
Dígale que le cubra las manos.
And when I accused him he thought he could cover it up with this lie.
Y cuando lo acusé pensó que podría encubrirlo con esa mentira ridícula.
Why do you cover up for a guy like him?
- No le contestes Laura.
I think this extraordinary story of his about someone going around impersonating him is... Simply something he's invented as a sort of cover-up. I refuse to believe it.
Y créame, lo demandare por tanto que no será capaz de pagar sus impuestos.
Can you cover him while I get up?
¿ Lo puede cubrir mientras monto?
Cover him up.
Que le tapen.
When he disappears like this, I try to cover up for him.
Cuando desaparece así, trato de cubrirlo.

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