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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ D ] / Distorted voice

Distorted voice Çeviri İspanyolca

121 parallel translation
[distorted voice] I... am mightier than you.
Yo... soy mas poderoso que ti.
[distorted voice] You have... defied me.
Me han... desafiado.
distorted voice : Never sing my music again.
No vuelvas a cantar mi música.
[distorted voice] i fucked up, o.k.?
¿ Lo eché a perder de acuerdo?
[distorted voice] do this!
¡ Hazlo!
[distorted voice] don't you fucking move!
¡ No te muevas!
[distorted voice] i'm going to eat your face like a chicken.
Me comeré tu cara Como un pollo.
( distorted voice ) You were born at my grace to serve only me.
Naciste en mi Gracia para servirme.
[Distorted Voice] Sounds like Alison Peretsky at WNKW Action News.
[Voz distorsionada] Suena como Alison Peretsky del noticiero WNKW.
- [Distorted Voice] Dr. Cross.
- [Voz Distorsionada] Dr. Cross.
[Distorted Voice] Track 15, go!
[Distorted Voice] 15, muevete!
[Distorted Voice] Go to the first car.
[Distorted Voice] Ve al primer carro.
[Distorted Voice] You there yet?
[Voz distorsionada] Estas alli?
Hola Andy
Hey, soy Claudia
[Distorted Voice] No way, man.
De ninguna manera.
- ¿ Dónde está el coronel Griffin?
MAX [IN DISTORTED VOICE] : Where is Colonel Griffin?
¿ Dónde está el coronel Griffin?
( distorted voice ) You've had quite an earful.
Tremendo aluvión de noticias.
Distorted voice : I have certain photographic studies of you and your boyfriend.
Tengo ciertas fotografías... de usted y su novio.
DISTORTED VOICE :'You want Alfie back, this is what you do.
Si queréis a Alfie, esto es lo que vais a hacer.
Then, with great difficulty, finally, he is able to talk, but he talks with the distorted voice of the dummy.
Entonces, con dificultad, finalmente logra hablar, pero habla con la voz distorsionada del muñeco.
DISTORTED VOICE : Just forget about her, OK?
Sólo olvídate de ella, ¿ Bien?
Señorita Lane.
Él habla.
[distorted voice] come in... If you dare.
Entren... si se atreven.
DISTORTED VOICE : Come on, Walter.
Vamos, Walter.
¿ Entonces?
DISTORTED VOICE : Got quite a kick, doesn't it?
Es como una patada, ¿ no?
( Distorted voice ) The archangel of justice is coming to smite thee.
El arcangel de la justicia esta viniendo por ti
- [distorted voice] take off your clothes, brandy.
Quítate la ropa, Brandy.
[distorted voice] - take off your clothes, brandy.
Quítate la ropa, Brandy.
DISTORTED VOICE Listen to me very carefully.
Escúchenme con mucho cuidado.
DISTORTED VOICE : There's your proof of life.
Ahí tiene su prueba de vida.
Patching through now. DISTORTED VOICE : Who is this?
Conectarlo ahora. ¿ Quién es?
It WAS you! That voice... distorted and horrible, from the tank!
¡ Era tu voz distorsionada saliendo de aquél tanque!
"She moans, her hoarse voice sounding distorted with pain, and the highest peaks of pleasure at the same time."
"Ella gime, con una voz ronca parecido a un gemido de dolor, llegando al pico más alto del placer al mismo tiempo."
The other voice was deliberately distorted.
La otra voz estaba deliberadamente distorsionada.
[Distorted Male Voice] No, I've been there a few times before.
[Voz masculina distorsionada] No, he estado aqui antes.
¿ Esto es mejor?
( distorted voice ) One... two... three... four... five... six... seven...
Uno... Dos... Tres...
( Bradford, Voice Distorted ) I Always Knew Something Like This Wagonna Happen.
Siempre supe que algo como esto iba a suceder.
Sergeant, even with your face covered up and your voice distorted by that stupid mask, you are still a terrible liar.
Sargento, incluso con la cara tapada y la voz distorsionada de ese casco estúpido... sigues siento un mentiroso horrible.
MAN ( voice distorted ) : We'll take the $ 3 million.
Tomaremos los $ 3 millones.
MAN ( voice distorted ) : Is the money ready?
¿ Está listo el dinero?
- [distorted voice] WRONG ANSWER, JULIAN.
Respuesta equivocada, Julian.
The voice was intentionally distorted, but it didn't match John Kramer's.
La voz estaba demasiado distorsionada, pero no concuerda con la de John Kramer.
[voice distorted] abby!
¡ Abby!
[Distorted ] It does robot voice laser sound - - [ Electronic Whine ] - And fart noise. - [ Blatting]
Suena como voz de robot y como gases.

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