Fair and square Çeviri İspanyolca
603 parallel translation
Own up like a man when you're beat fair and square.
Sé un hombre y confiesa si te derrotan.
I promise to be fair and square with you no matter what happens.
Prometo ser honesta contigo pase o que pase.
I'll take it'cause I won it fair and square.
Lo acepto porque gané en buena lid.
- I got that fair and square.
- Lo adquirí legalmente.
Now, if I were talking to the King, man to man, I "d say," "William, can" t you and I come " " to a fair and square understanding?
Si hablara con el Rey, de hombre a hombre, le diría : " Guillermo, ¿ podemos llegar a un acuerdo justo y convencional?
And after you've deliberated sufficient... weighed all the evidence fair and square... and brought in a verdict of not guilty... you'll be amply rewarded, y'understand?
Y después de deliberar lo suficiente... de sopesar todas las pruebas en buena ley... y de emitir un veredicto de inocente, serán generosamente recompensados. - ¿ Entendido?
We agreed to draw lots for your daughter, to play fair and square, and this dirty dog cheated!
Acordamos echar a suertes a tu hija, jugar limpio, ¡ y esta rata hizo trampas!
Well, Tom ain't more than a hair off, but Alvin's done cut dead center, fair and square.
Vaya, Tom se ha desviado un pelo. Pero alguien dio en el centro con toda limpieza.
Maybe he is, but seeing as how I'm trying to do the fair and square thing, Alvin, $ 20.
No me cabe duda. Pero se trata de algo más que de hacer mejor o peor negocio. 20 dólares.
I've won fair and square.
He ganado justamente.
But Commodore Devereaux's fair and square.
Pero el Comodoro Devereaux es justo y correcto.
He's fair and square, but old.
Es justo y correcto, pero viejo.
Mrs. Hart and I have nothing to say except that win or lose... we expect to play the game fair and square... and let the court decide on the plain, unvarnished facts.
La Sra. Hart y yo no tenemos nada que decir excepto que, ganemos o perdamos... esperamos jugar la partida honrada y abiertamente... y que el juez decida por los puros y sencillos hechos.
Now, look here, Charlie, he won her fair and square, so that's that.
Escucha, Charlie, te ganó limpiamente. Así que se acabó.
Ah, he weren't decoratin'no ambusher... But a man that fought fair and square for his country.
No condecoró a un mercenario sino a quien luchó justamente por su país.
You won it fair and square.
Te lo has ganado limpiamente.
I got it fair and square.
Lo conseguí limpiamente.
I'll play it fair and square right down the line.
Lo usaré de manera limpia y justa hasta el final.
I bought it fair and square from a transport pilot.
Me la vendió un piloto de un portaaviones.
Yeah. I wanted you to be my son - in-law, but fair and square. And this way, behind the door, you can't be.
Sí, yo una vez quería que tú fueras me yerno, boro con todas las de la ley, así detrás de la puerta no puede ser.
It was fair and square.
Nadie hizo trampa.
And just to treat you fair and square, we're paying double wages and a bonus, from Frisco to Shanghai and back, all found.
Para que veáis que somos justos, ofrecemos paga doble más una prima. Ida y vuelta, de Frisco a Shanghai, todos...
- It wouldn't be fair and square.
- No sería justo y honesto.
As fair and square as anything that's happened today.
Nada de lo que ha ocurrido hoy es justo y honesto.
- That makes it fair and square.
- De ese modo será justo.
And remember, I raised you to be fair and square.
Y acordaos que os he educado para que seáis justos y honestos.
Hey, that's not fair and square.
Eh, eso no es justo.
You ready to fight, Fremont, fair and square?
¿ Preparado para pelear, Fremont, justa y honestamente?
It was all fair and square, Ben.
Todo fue en buena lid, Ben.
The folks out there were fair and square
La gente era justa y honrada
I'm going to kill this bucko here fair and square.
Mataré a este tipo de una vez por todas.
Would you say he won it fair and square or he cheated?
¿ Crees que la ganó limpiamente o que hizo alguna trampa?
You won it fair and square.
Ganó justamente.
We didn't steal this money. We took it in battle, fair and square.
Nosotros no robamos esto | peleamos en batalla, limpiamente.
Fight fair and square, Iike a real samurai
Pelea limpio y dignamente, como un samurai de verdad
How would you like to start fightin fair and square for a change?
¿ Qué te parecería empezar a pelear honradamente para variar?
Ain't that fair and square?
¿ No os parece justo?
I won it fair and square, ask my friend.
Lo gané limpiamente. Pregúntale a mi amiga.
Fair and square, we share it in three equal parts. Deal?
Lo dividiremos en tres partes iguales. ¿ Qué te parece?
You're real fair and square.
Que eres un hombre justo y honrado.
You see, Kate, she only likes folks that play fair and square because that's the way she plays herself.
Verá, a Kate solo le gusta la gente que juega limpio... ... porque es así como juega ella.
- We won it fair and square!
- La ganamos de manera justa.
- It was fair and square.
- Fue justo. Si pudiéramos continuar...
There : 36 for 30, fair and square, I have the exact sum.
- Entonces ponemos 12 y 24. Exacto, 36 por 30.
But like I say, I'm in no mood for it, so I'm gonna treat you so fair and square that you won't have one human reason...
Pero como he dicho, no me apetece, así que voy a tratarla tan bien que no podrá quejarse...
I hit that animal, fair and square.
Le di a ese animal, sin duda.
I beat you fair and square.
Te he vencido limpiamente.
If I spit now, I'd get him fair and square, man.
Si escupiera ahora, daría en el blanco, hombre.
- Look, you fought him fair and square.
- Oye, ya tuviste una pelea justa.
I don't think it was so fair and square.
No creo que haya sido una pelea tan justa.
I earned that dough fair and square.
iYo me gané mi parte del botín!
square 146
squared 29
square feet 77
square miles 49
fair enough 1495
fair point 106
fair lady 16
fair play 60
fair is fair 49
fair warning 60
squared 29
square feet 77
square miles 49
fair enough 1495
fair point 106
fair lady 16
fair play 60
fair is fair 49
fair warning 60