For whatever it's worth Çeviri İspanyolca
134 parallel translation
For whatever it's worth, blood!
Eso es lo que cuenta, la sangre.
For whatever it's worth. Thanks, Mr Andrews, but I'm not trusting to luck.
Gracias, Sr. Andrews, pero no confío en la suerte.
It's useless, I'm not cut out for acting. For whatever it's worth...
No estoy hecha para el cine.
Well Colonel. For whatever it's worth.. .. you can have it.
Coronel, si vale algo se la doy.
You can take this for whatever it's worth, and maybe that's not much, but you're a hell of a guy.
Puede tomárselo como quiera, y tal vez no signifique mucho para usted, pero es una gran persona.
That's my observation, for whatever it's worth.
Ésa es mi opinión, por si sirve de algo.
For whatever it's worth, you can tell mother... he didn't suffer towards the end.
Dile a mamá que no sufrió al final.
And now, he's thrown all that away and whatever it's worth so, you can bet it has to be for something damn important.
Ahora, ha dejado todo eso a un lado y lo que eso implica... así que no hay duda de que se trata de algo muy importante.
Joanna, for whatever it's worth, thank you.
Joanna, por malo que haya sido, gracias..
So for whatever it's worth, here it is.
Well... for what it's worth... my guess is... whatever's left of him... is rotting in that old shipwreck.
Bueno. Si te sirve de algo, sospecho que... lo que quede de él... se está pudriendo en ese viejo barco.
Well. for whatever it's worth. Mr. Roe.
Bueno, por si le interesa señor Roe.
If that's the case... and that tape ends up in somebody else's hands... before it ends up in my hands... whatever you got for it ain't going to be worth it.
Si ése fuera el caso y la cinta terminara en manos de otra persona... antes que en las mías... lo que te hayan dado por la cinta no valdrá la pena.
If it works, it's worth whatever price you paid for it.
Si funciona, el precio habrá valido la pena.
For whatever it's worth I too have known myself all my life and yet not at all.
Por lo que valga yo también me conozco de toda la vida y aún así no me conozco.
Whatever it is, Ching, it's not worth dying for.
Sea por lo que sea, Ching, no vale la pena morir.
Look, I don't claim to know what you're going through but whatever it is, it's not worth dying for.
No sé lo que está pasando, pero no merece la pena morir por ello.
Harry, listen. For whatever it's worth, you were right and I was wrong.
Harry, ahora veo que tenías razón y yo estaba equivocado.
For whatever it's worth, I'm here to tell you that it is possible.
Aunque no signifique nada para ti, quiero decirte que es posible.
You know, for whatever it's worth, when I was in the fourth grade,
Si te sirve de algo, cuando estaba en cuarto grado, hice de rey en la obra escolar
For whatever it's worth, Annie, took a lot of guts for you to come here.
Como sea en mi opinión, Annie, se necesitó valor para venir acá.
I think, for whatever it's worth, you're angry towards our friend Ted in there because he figured this out before you did.
Creo, si no te importa, que estás enfadado con nuestro amigo, Ted porque él lo resolvió antes que tú.
I'm not sure if this paper is what you wanted- - if I hit the social significance... or whatever you're looking for... but for what it's worth, thanks a lot.
No sé si esto es lo que Ud. Quería. Si acerté con el significado social o lo que sea que Ud. Quería. Pero, de todos modos, muchas gracias.
So you can take that for whatever it's worth.
Esa es la verdad.
For whatever it's worth. For whatever it's worth.
Para lo que sirvan.
For whatever it's worth, I'm not a scientist.
Por si cuenta. Yo no soy un científico.
for whatever it's worth I thought what you did today was terrific.
No sé cómo lo vayas a tomar pero hoy hiciste un excelente trabajo.
For whatever it's worth, I'm sorry I dragged you into this shit.
Oye, lamento haberte metido en esta mierda.
For whatever it's worth, I thought it was a really nice song.
Si de algo vale, me pareció una canción muy linda
Joey just so you know for whatever it's worth, and I don't know what that is, but I just didn't....
Joey... Sólo para que sepas, si sirve de algo y no sé para qué, pero yo no...
Promise me, John, that whatever sacrifice you make for this place you just make sure it's worth it.
Prométeme, John, que antes de hacer un sacrificio por este sitio.. ... te asegurarás de que vale la pena.
Por lo que sea, vale la pena, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
whatever he did whatever he accomplished i'm not sure it's worth it because he had to live a lot more years and it's been out of power for a long time you know 25 years now in his own way the reason I don't worry about war crimes
Todo lo que ha hecho, cualquier logro, no sé si vale la pena porque le quedan muchos años por vivir y lleva mucho tiempo alejado del poder, 25 años, Y la razón por la que no me preocupan los crímenes de guerra u otra cosa.
For whatever it's worth, and I'm sure it isn't much...
Por si te importa, lo cual dudo...
You have my word, for whatever it's worth.
Tienen mi palabra. Si es que vale algo para ustedes.
For whatever it's worth, the kind of people you're talking about are not typically sanctioned by any church.
Por lo que valga, el tipo de gente de que hablas no está sancionado típicamente por iglesia alguna.
Stan, for whatever it's worth, I think you were really brave.
Esperen un minuto. Es cierto. Si!
Speaking of which... I know everything is really great with you and Marie... and I hope it stays that way. But for whatever it's worth...
Y a propósito, ya sé que todo va bien entre Marie y tú, y espero que siga así, pero... si te sirve de algo creo que deberías tener cuidado.
Maybe you just haven't found whatever it is that's worth cutting off an ear for.
Todavía no has encontrado un motivo para cortarte una oreja.
I'll pay you for whatever it's worth.
Te pagare su valor, sea cual sea.
Hey, for whatever it's worth...
Fuera lo que fuera, besas tremendamente bien
For whatever the heck it's worth, I always thought you did the right thing... even though it cost you your job there on the force.
Es un placer. Porque todo lo que diablos que vale la pena, Siempre pensé que hice lo correcto... a pesar de que le puede costar su trabajo allí en la fuerza.
Look, for whatever it's worth, I didn't steal those drugs.
Mira, si sirve de algo, yo no robé esas drogas.
For what it's worth the state will do whatever it can to assist the investigation.
Por si le interesa el Estado hará lo que sea para ayudar en la investigación.
Look, for whatever it's worth, you did the right thing with Prado.
Mira, por si te sirve, hiciste lo correcto con Prado.
But listen, for whatever it's worth, I'll do whatever it takes to help you meet another woman.
Pero escucha, si vale de algo haré lo que sea para ayudarte a conocer a otra mujer.
I know it's not the Lost City of Atlantis we're looking for here, but whatever it is, could be worth finding.
Se que no es la Ciudad Perdida de Atlantis lo que estamos buscando aquí pero sea lo que sea, podría merecer la pena buscarlo
It's good to branch out occasionally. For the record, she's not worth it. Treacle, Candyfloss or whatever her name is.
no vale la pena... sufrir por esa "caramelito" o como se llame.
Anyway, thought I ´ d just share that, for whatever it ´ s worth.
En fin, creí que debería contártelo, por si sirve de algo.
For whatever it's worth, I truly do love you.
Si te sirve de algo, te quiero.
But for whatever it's worth, my vote is that we keep doing this.
Pero si sirve de algo, mi voto es que sigamos haciendo esto.
for whatever reason 151
it's worth a shot 139
it's worth 72
it's worth the risk 34
it's worth a try 115
it's worth checking out 20
it's worth a fortune 19
it's worth a lot 17
it's worth it 168
it's worthless 47
it's worth a shot 139
it's worth 72
it's worth the risk 34
it's worth a try 115
it's worth checking out 20
it's worth a fortune 19
it's worth a lot 17
it's worth it 168
it's worthless 47
for what 4177
for what purpose 109
for what it's worth 577
for what reason 115
for what you did 18
for work 78
for whom 118
for which 21
for who 232
for weeks 63
for what purpose 109
for what it's worth 577
for what reason 115
for what you did 18
for work 78
for whom 118
for which 21
for who 232
for weeks 63