Gray hair Çeviri İspanyolca
483 parallel translation
I shall most likely push back the gray hair, curse at the wrinkles, and say, "You did not allow the great Ivan to make love to you, " and now look at you. "
Echaré para atrás mi pelo gris, maldeciré mis arrugas,... y diré : "No dejaste que el gran Iván te hiciera el amor," "y mírate ahora."
Will you kindly respect my gray hair?
¿ Quiere hacer el favor de respetar mis canas?
He mocked me and my gray hair.
Se burló de mí y de mis canas
Yeah, another day, another gray hair.
Sí, otro día, otra cana.
Ask me that when I'm an old woman with gray hair.
Pregúntamelo cuando sea una vieja de pelo blanco y te lo diré.
My gray hair shall not be ashamed!
no notamos los caminos.
Here sits the shame of an artistic family, a famous father's despair, the cause of his gray hair.
La vergüenza de una familia de artistas, su desesperación, la raíz de sus canas.
He was tall, distinguished-sized,... Had gray hair... mustache.
Era alto, de porte distinguido, tenía pelo gris y bigote.
Kind face, 60 years old, gray hair, deep crease in the forehead.
Rostro agradable, 60 años, cabello canoso muchas arrugas en la frente.
The Schemer is a man about 50... with a heavy head of gray hair.
El "Planificador" es un hombre de unos 50 años, con el pelo gris...
For every gray hair I got on my head, there's a bond in somebody's files.
Cada cana corresponde a una fianza. ¿ Qué saco yo con todo esto?
Well, she had gray hair, was about 65 years old, short and stout.
Tenía el cabello canoso, unos 65 años de edad,... de baja estatura y corpulenta.
That's what the landlady said, it's a man with gray hair.
Es lo que dijo la casera, un hombre de pelo canoso.
Don Vicenzino, I have gray hair now.
Don Vicenzino, yo tengo canas ya.
Already have gray hair, hurry up.
Ya tienes canas, date prisa.
But, time flies Before your dream materiaIizes you get gray hair By that time, your parents and friends are dead and gone
Pero el tiempo vuela.
Us sitting in a rocker with a lot of gray hair.
Nosotros sentándonos en una mecedora con un montón de pelo gris.
That sweet, little old lady with the gray hair?
¿ Te refieres a Ia cariñosa dama de pelo gris?
Mio Amico has silver-gray hair.
"Mio amico" tiene el pelo gris plata.
With gray hair.
Con pelo gris.
Gray hair and wrinkles. Look.
Canas y arrugas.
No gray hair.
Mira. Ni una cana.
I was only 26 and I hadn't had a gray hair on my head.
Tenía sólo 26 años y ni una sola cana en la cabeza.
With an appropriate nutritional balance, you wouldn't have any gray hair.
Con un equilibrio nutritivo apropiado, no tendría una sola cana.
I like having gray hair, so I can worry without it showing.
Me gusta tener canas, así puedo preocuparme sin que se note.
- What, gray hair?
- ¿ Tenía canas?
add the blood from the heart of a virgin. Then you can observe the blood must be from a girl with white skin, blond hair and blue or gray eyes.
añada la sangre del corazón de una virgen y observe, la sangre debe ser de una chica, de piel pálida, cabello rubio y ojos azules o grises.
Probably a little gray hair.
Sienes plateadas.
- If your hair weren't gray.
- Si su pelo no fuera gris
His hair is gray, but he talks he did in 20s.
Tiene el pelo gris, pero habla como cuando tenía 20 años.
Would it turn your hair gray?
Además, no es asunto tuyo.
My hair's turning gray with so much on my mind... and you're keeping Scotty from rehearsals.
Mi pelo se está volviendo gris con tanto en mi cabeza... y usted me distrae a Scotty de los ensayos.
Your hair is gray, but you look young enough.
Tiene el pelo gris pero sigue siendo joven.
Only your hair's really getting gray now, instead of being a wig.
Sólo que tu cabello está gris ahora, en vez de la peluca.
Phil Church, age 37, height 5'11 "... weight 185 pounds, eyes brown... hair dark, gray at the temples. Last seen wearing a light gray suit.
Phil Church, 37 años, 1,80 m de estatura, 83 kg de peso, ojos castaños, cabello oscuro, sienes canosas.
If your hair were gray you'd look like Whistler's mother.
Si tuvieras el pelo canoso, parecerías una vieja.
Why, that gray patch come in my hair afore I was 30.
Es que tengo el pelo canoso desde los 30.
She's about five-feet-five, blonde hair, gray eyes...
Mide 1, 62, pelo rubio, ojos grises...
The escaped convict is 5'10 ", hair : dark brown, eyes : brown... last seen wearing gray prison trousers, black shoes.
El prófugo mide 1,77 m, tiene el pelo y los ojos marrones... iba vestido con un pantalón gris de la cárcel y zapatos negros.
Your hair's turned really gray.
Se te está poniendo el pelo canoso.
... approximately 40 years, 5'10 ", 175 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, dressed in a gray suit and wearing a gray hat.
... aproximadamente 40 años, 5'10 ", 175 libras, pelo negro, ojos marrones. viste un traje gris y usa sombrero gris.
I can already see her in the witness chair - without any makeup... her hair just a little straggled and gray... wearing a rather faded print dress from a bargain basement... and no girdle.
Me la imagino en el estrado : Sin maquillaje, con el cabello despeinado y con canas... con un vestido de tela desteñida de un sótano de liquidaciones... y sin faja.
About six feet tall, gray suit, dark hair.
1,80 de alto, con traje gris y cabello oscuro.
Though my hair be old and gray
Though my hair be old and gray
When my hair is old and gray
When my hair is old and gray
When your hair turns gray, time is no object.
Cuando encaneces, el tiempo no es problema.
But her hair was gray, and she only had enough to make a braid so long.
Pero sus cabellos eran grises y sólo podía hacerse una trenza pequeña.
- I wonder where I'll be when my hair is gray.
Me pregunto donde estaré yo cuando tenga el cabello gris.
A young fellow about six feet tall, a gray suit and a blond hair?
Un tipo joven y alto, de traje gris y pelo rubio.
And then I said, "But-but, you're turning my hair charcoal-gray?"
Y luego dije : "¿ Pero me está pintando el cabello de gris carbón?"
Well, Major, otherwise make my hair may become gray.
Mayor, si no le esperase, se me pondría el pelo gris.
hair 308
haircut 83
hairy 66
hairs 21
hair of the dog 32
hair color 28
hair loss 19
haired 77
haired man 25
haired girl 27
haircut 83
hairy 66
hairs 21
hair of the dog 32
hair color 28
hair loss 19
haired 77
haired man 25
haired girl 27