He came at me Çeviri İspanyolca
520 parallel translation
I still don't know what instinct made me step aside when he came at me.
Aún no sé qué hizo que me apartara cuando vino hacia mí.
But he came at me with a knife.
Pero me atacó con un cuchillo.
He came at me with a rock and the next thing I knew he was lying there.
Vino hacia mí con una piedra. y enseguida estaba tumbado en el suelo. Entrégate, Dan.
He came at me like a demon.
Se puso hecho un demonio.
Instead of being frightened, he came at me.
En lugar de tener miedo, él vino hacia mí.
- I told you he came at me...
- Le dije que él me atacó...
He came at me, insisting that I give him money, even though I told him I didn't have any, and I tried to get the gun away from him and it went off.
Se me acercó, insistiendo en que le diera dinero, aunque le dije que no tenía nada, y al tratar de quitarle la pistola se disparó.
When he came at me again, I fired.
Cuando vino de nuevo hacia mí, le disparé.
Before a draw was called, he came at me with an illegal tsuki thrust.
Antes de que declararais el empate, Bunnojo vino hacia mi con una estocada Tsuki ilegal.
He slammed into him and then he came at me, so I shot him.
Le golpeó a él y luego vino hacia mí, así que le disparé.
He came at me like a mad thing.
Venía hacia mi como un loco y tuve que dispararle.
I mean, they were all over the place. And I remember, I came into his living room and I sat down in his rocking chair and he gave me, he said "Here, take a look at these."
Yo recuerdo, entré en el recibidor y me senté en su mecedora, y dijo "Acá, toma éstas"...
" Tis like jelly I am with fright. He came right at me!
Estoy muerto de miedo.
I was amazed at his violent reaction until the evidence came to me that he owned those very 200 acres.
Me sorprendí ante su reacción tan violenta hasta que recibí la evidencia de que era dueño de esos 200 acres.
You saw the way she looked at me when I came in.
Ya han visto cómo me ha mirado cuando he entrado.
He came looking for me at the boarding house this morning.
- Yo qué sé. Ya le conoces. Esta mañana fue a buscarme a la pensión pero no me encontró.
When you came to me at Melbridge shortly after he disappeared... I told you I was sure he hadn't deserted you knowingly.
Cuando me llamó usted de Melbridge después de que él desapareció... ya le dije que él no lo hizo a sabiendas.
It was... My uncle Leopold. He came to fetch me at the station.
El tio Leopold vino a buscarme a la estación.
I know that you are angry at me, as I came back now.
Sé que está enfadado conmigo ahora que he vuelto.
No, I came out to look at some cottages he wanted rebuilt for the tenants.
¿ Es amigo de Sir Ralph? Me llamó para remodelar unas casas.
That night when Nicholas came to collect me after the concert he knocked at my door.
Aquella noche cuando Nicholas volvió para recogerme tras el concierto. Llamó a mi puerta.
They came from Santiago at the last moment to relieve me of my command... but I believe I've successfully convinced them... that I am going to be the captain of this company... or there isn't going to be any captain... eh, gentlemen?
Han venido de Santiago para relegarme del mando. Pero los he convencido de que o soy capitán de la compañía o no habrá capitán, ¿ eh, caballeros?
I didn't see him personally, but they told me at the office that he came in this afternoon, extremely agitated, looking for her, insisting on finding her at once.
Yo no lo vi, pero me dijeron en el despacho que había ido a buscarla y parecía muy nervioso.
Well, I used up all my letters for this month, but they came back saying the person no longer lived at the address.
Ya he enviado todas las cartas que me tocaban este mes, pero me las han devuelto diciendo que la persona ya no vive allí.
I came up on him at Tip Henry's homestead, he said he was planning to take over.
Me topé con él en la granja de Tip Henry, dijo que estaba planeando hacerse cargo.
I used to turn weak whenever he touched me or looked at me or even came into the room.
Él me derretía, siempre que me tocaba o me miraba o solamente al entrar.
Aldo, when Bernard just started to seeing me regularly, one night, he came to see me at "CafÈ d'en face."
Aldo, cuando Bernard comenzó a verme regularmente, una noche vino a verme al café de enfrente.
A strange feeling came over me, when I sat at reception today
Cuando hoy me he sentado en la recepción, he tenido una sensación extraña.
When I came out I saw a policeman who held up the traffic.. ... Chris don't scoff at me, but he seemed to me to have the face of an angel
Al salir de la tienda vi al agente que había detenido el tráfico y, no te burles de mí, pero me pareció que tenía cara de ángel.
I was walking towards home when he suddenly came at me with a wild look in his eye and insisted... - we were married.
Yo iba caminando a casa, se me acercó y empezó a decirme que estábamos casados.
- A man came up this morning... with an offer of 14,000 cash for our house if he could move in at once.
Esta mañana vino un hombre y me ofreció $ 14000 en efectivo... por nuestra casa, si nos íbamos de inmediato.
He came to the restaurant at lunch. He recognized me.
Vino al restaurante y me reconoció.
In the tenth, he opened up the other eye. The blood came down and I couldn't see at all.
En el décimo me abrió el otro, con tanta sangre, no veía nada.
Since I came, he keeps sneering at me, calling me names.
Desde que llegué, se burla de mí y me llena de insultos.
"Suppose I testify that he was not at home with me at the time of the murder, that he came home with blood on his sleeves, and that he even admitted to me that he'd killed her?"
Yo podría declarar que él no estaba en casa conmigo a la hora del asesinato que llegó a casa con sangre en las mangas y que incluso me confesó que la había matado.
- Since he came in, he's been looking at me, laughing.
- Desde que entraron éste me mira y se ríe.
He had his gloves on and when you came in, he was making a pass at me.
Estaba fumando con guantes y, cuando tú llegaste intentaba propasarse conmigo.
That afternoon, when you came after me at the barrier, that's when he kicked me out.
Aquella tarde, cuando viniste tras de mí en la barrera,... fue cuando me echó.
Before my return, he came to visit me at the hospital.
Antes de que me repatriaran, vino a verme al hospital.
He came to interview me at the White House.
Vino a entrevistarme a la Casa Blanca.
No, he came to pick me up at 5 : 30 in the morning, I think.
No, vino a recogerme a las 5 : 30 de la madrugada, creo.
He told me that if had not came with him, he would have taken the risk not to leave at all.
Me dijo que si no hubiera venido con él, habría aceptado el riesgo de no marcharse en absoluto.
He came to see me at the station, it seemed like everything was going well for him. With a mysterious air, he said : 'Don't worry about me.'
Vino a verme a la comisaría, parecía que todo le iba bien,... con un aire misterioso me dijo, no te preocupes por mí,... creo que pronto voy a darte una sorpresa.
I came from outside at the time to work and I came straight.
He llegado de fuera a la hora de trabajar y me vine derecho.
Right? I bent down to get the cups and at that moment Giorgio came in. All he did...
Me agacharía a coger las tazas y en ese momento entraría Giorgio, que viéndome así, me habrá dado una palmadita.
- He came straight at me.
Vino directo hacia mí.
He wasn't hurt. He came right at me. I could see the bullet holes in his chest.
No le herí. seguía andando, y pude ver los agujeros en su pecho.
If he found out I came to see you,... I'm sure he would get really mad at me.
Si se enterase de que he venido a verla, estoy segura de que se enfadaría mucho conmigo.
This evening I came round at 7.1 5 and stayed till 2 a.m.
Hoy he llegado a las 7.15 p.m. y me he ido a las 2 a.m.
I remember that she parted my buttocks and he gazed at them all the time then came closer and fingered them
Recuerdo que se separó de mis nalgas... y las miraba todo el tiempo... Luego se acercó y me metió el dedo.
I came for a moment, but I'll leave at once.
He venido un momento, pero me voy enseguida.
he came 86
he came to me 86
he came back 79
he came home 23
he came out of nowhere 46
he came in 45
he came to us 20
he came here 25
he came to see me 41
at me 65
he came to me 86
he came back 79
he came home 23
he came out of nowhere 46
he came in 45
he came to us 20
he came here 25
he came to see me 41
at me 65
he can't swim 20
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19
he can fly 25
he can't walk 19
he can't 392
he can handle it 31
he can't speak 18
he can't hurt you 21
he can't help himself 22
he can't hear me 22
he can't come 19