He died last night Çeviri İspanyolca
109 parallel translation
He died last night. Then I ran away.
Murió anoche... y huí.
"He died last night of typhus."
Había muerto de tifus.
He died last night.
- Murió anoche.
If you'd read anything but those gossip columns, you'd know that he died last night.
Si pudieras leer otra cosa que las columnas de chismes, sabrías que murió anoche.
He died last night, but it was 35 years ago that fate squeezed the trigger.
Murió anoche, pero fue hace 35 años cuando el destino apretó el gatillo.
He died last night.
Murió anoche.
Colonel Constantinescu, next to Arionoaia, the one you've asked the auger well... he died last night
el coronel Constantinescu, de Arionoaia, por el que me preguntaste una vez, pues la palmó anoche.
He died last night between 8 : 00 and 9 : 00.
Murió anoche entre las 8 : 00 y las 9 : 00.
Because he died last night.
Porque murió anoche.
He died last night, killed in the line of duty.
Murió anoche, en cumplimiento de su deber.
I never told you this... and she died last night.
Nunca he contado esto... y se murió anoche.
In the mortuary chapel. He died last night.
En la capilla de la morgue.
He died last night in New Mexico.
Murió anoche en Nuevo México.
He died last night a fire.
Murió anoche en un incendio.
He died last night.
Él murió anoche.
Murio anoche.
I mean, he died last night in my arms... -... as I held him. - Oh, man.
Quiero decir, murió anoche en mis brazos mientras lo sostenía.
She was visiting her dad at hospital. He died last night.
Visitaba a su padre en el hospital.
He died last night.
El murió la otra noche.
He died last night during capture.
Murió anoche durante la persecución.
- Little Nutty Beamish died last night. He did?
- Loquito Beamish murió anoche.
He ain't het up about the miner who died sudden at the Palace last night.
Ni siquiera se preocupó por el minero que anoche murió repentinamente en el Palacio.
Fact of the matter is, last marshal died of a knife wound he got over at the Palace, checking up on a knife killing there the night before.
En realidad, el comisario anterior murió por herida de arma blanca recibida en el Palacio, investigaba un asesinato con arma blanca.
Even if he did ― Emily, a hundred people died in the untouchable quarter last night.
Aunque lo supiese... Cien personas murieron anoche en el barrio de los Intocables.
I slept in the old lady's bed who died last night.
He dormido en la cama de la vieja que murió anoche. Ah, no.
Atilano didn't attend class today because... he's gone to bury his mother, who died last night.
Atilano no ha asistido hoy a clase porque... ha ido a enterrar a su madre, que murió anoche.
Our dog died last night, too.
- Pero yo no me he muerto.
Look, love, use your head. He died last week and Martin was killed last night.
Razona, este murió hace una semana, y Martin fue asesinado anoche.
I asked him, "What's wrong?" He said, "Last night my dog died."
Le pregunté : "¿ Qué sucede?" Me dijo : "Mi perro murió anoche."
A pioneer of acid rock, Jerry Jervey died alone last night... at the age of 37 in a filthy ladies room backstage at the Penthouse Disco... minutes before he was to go on stage with his band, The Metal Corpses.
Pionero del rock ácido, Jerry Jervey murió solo anoche... a la edad de 37 años en un sucio aseo de señoras en la Discoteca Penthouse... minutos antes de salir a escena con su banda, The Metal Corpses.
That would mean he died between 8 : 00... and 10 : 00 last night.
Eso quiere decir que murió entre las ocho y las diez de anoche.
He died last night.
Falleció anoche.
I understand from the news that he died during the night, which regrettably means that one of the last calls he made in his life was to me.
Escuche en la mañana en el radio que murió durante la noche. Y por lo tanto, lamentablemente una de las últimas llamadas que hizo en vida fue a mi.
He probably died between 6 : 00 and 7 : 00 last night.
Probablemente murió entre las 6 : 00 y las 7 : 00 de anoche.
fué asesinado hoy en Memphis, Tennesse le dispararon a la cara en el balcón de su hotel, murió en el hospital.
He told me about a blow to the head, a fight... Jimmy... died last night.
Jimmy... ha muerto esta noche.
Chinese leader Deng Xiao Ping died last night in a Beijing hospital. He was 93.
El líder chino Deng Xiao-Ping murió la pasada noche en un hospital de Beijing a la edad de noventa y tres años.
The examination reveals he died of natural causes and his daughter informed us that he called last night and said he was giving a lift to two young men he met at the hotel.
El examen indica que murió de causas naturales y su hija nos ha informado de que llamó anoche diciendo que iba a llevar a dos caballeros del hotel.
- He died last night.
Falleció anoche.
He almost died last night.
Casi muere anoche.
- So, last night, he died.
Bueno, que anoche murió.
You were the last call he made last night on his cell before he died.
La última llamada de su celular fue a ti. Anoche, antes de morir.
He died last night?
¿ Ha muerto anoche?
He died late last night.
Murió anoche.
King André died in an accident last night at 8.. 1O after climbing one of the mountains he loved so well.
El Rey André murió en un accidente anoche a las 8 : 10 después de subir una de las montañas que más le gustaba.
Young man who died here last night, he was Stanley Lockwood's grandson.
El joven que murió aquí anoche, era el nieto de Stanley Lockwood.
He can tell you that Martin died last night on the lake.
Él estuvo aquí. Él les puede decir que Martin murió anoche en el lago.
Mohamed last night, he died for rivers of honey and 72 virgins.
Mohamed murió anoche por ríos de miel y 72 vírgenes.
The last night I was with him, he told me about his father who had died.
La última noche en que Io vi, me habló de su padre que había muerto.
Yeah, he died late last night.
Sí, murió anoche, tarde.
And you'll never guess who was the last person to call Baxter the night he died.
Y no adivinarás nunca quien fue el último en llamar a Baxter la noche en que murió.
he died last year 22
he died a hero 16
he died in my arms 17
he died of a heart attack 24
he died 569
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
last night 2619
last night was fun 21
last night was 29
he died a hero 16
he died in my arms 17
he died of a heart attack 24
he died 569
he died instantly 17
he died in 45
last night 2619
last night was fun 21
last night was 29
he didn't mean to 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't have to 77
he did nothing 20
he didn't want to 25
he didn't show up 29
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't 1210
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't have to 77
he did nothing 20
he didn't want to 25
he didn't show up 29
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96