His soul Çeviri İspanyolca
3,025 parallel translation
He doesn't want his identity, he wants his soul.
No quiere su identidad, quiere su alma.
Give him his soul back now.
Devuélvele el alma ahora.
Bobby sold his soul for this!
¡ Bobby vendió su alma por esto!
I snap my fingers, Sam gets his soul back.
Yo chasqueo mis dedos, y Sam tiene su alma de regreso.
He needs his soul.
El necesita su alma
He needs his soul.
Necesita su alma.
His soul has been in there for a year, and I understand that it's... damaged.
Su alma lleva allí un año, y tengo entendido que está... dañada.
The boy's debt is cleared. His soul is his own.
La deuda del chico está saldada, su alma le pertenece.
You were nothing but a two-bit tailor who sold his soul in exchange for an extra 3 inches below the belt.
No eras más que un simple sastre que vendió su alma... a cambio de diez centímetros en la entrepierna.
- It's his soul.
- Es su alma.
- When Sam was resurrected... it was without his soul.
- Cuando Sam fue resucitado... fue sin su alma.
- His soul is intact.
- Su alma está intacta.
How do we get his soul back?
¿ Cómo recuperamos su alma?
I snap my fingers, Sam gets his soul back.
Sueno los dedos y le devuelvo su alma a Sam.
- It's his soul.
Es su alma, se ha ido.
I snap my fingers, Sam gets his soul back or I shove Sam right back in the hole.
Chasqueo mis dedos, Sam tiene su alma de vuelta. O envío a Sam de vuelta al agujero.
It's his soul.
Es su alma.
He wanted to make sure his soul never found peace.
Quiso asegurarse de que su alma no hallase la paz.
Was his soul troubled by the suicide of your brother, Timothy?
¿ Estaba su alma angustiada por el suicidio de su hermano, Timothy?
Perhaps you're right, Higgins, perhaps this is where his soul resides.
Quizá tengas razón, Higgins, quizás aquí es donde reside su alma.
God rest his soul.
Dios guarde su alma.
Don't take his soul and get his soul out.
No te lleves su alma y saca su alma- -
Because I wanted his soul to live on through me.
Porque quería que su alma viviera a través mío.
Well, Hank, please tell me, what did you see, his soul?
Bien, Hank, dime, ¿ Qué viste, su alma?
You let him open up and bare his soul, you'll be a constant reminder of how weak he really is.
Si lo dejas abrirse y dejar al descubierto su alma serás el constante recuerdo de lo débil que realmente es.
There is a veil over his eyes, Deacon, and a darkness in his soul.
Hay una venda sobre sus ojos, diácono y oscuridad en su alma.
This body's nothing but a shadow, not reborn, but reanimated, and not by God, but by beings who can rebuild a man's body, but not his soul.
Este cuerpo no es más que una sombra, no renacido, pero reanimado, y no por Dios, sino por unos seres que pueden reconstruir el cuerpo de un hombre, pero no su alma.
Then we see a guy who destroys himself and his soul by becoming involved in it.
Luego vemos a un hombre que destruye su alma por involucrarse en eso.
I've got everything I want and lose his soul?
Tengo todo lo que quiero. "¿ Es un hombre acomodado no es capaz de ver que pierde su alma"
A likable boy with sadness in his soul.
Un chico agradable con tristeza en su alma.
You could say he bought his popularity for the small price of his soul.
Podrías decir que el compró su popularidad por el pequeño precio de su alma.
You were supposed to clean his soul! Liars!
¡ Se suponía que limpiaran su alma!
When he dies, his soul will leave his body leaving you free to slip in in his place.
Cuando muera, su alma dejará su cuerpo dejándolo libre para que te metas en él.
When storytelling was not enough to cleanse his soul, he turned to more drastic means.
Cuando contar cuentos no suficiente para limpiar su alma, recurrió a medidas más drásticas.
I said "May God give his soul rest."
Yo dije "Que Dios le de paz a su alma."
May God have mercy on his soul and have mercy on me for not coming to my sister's aid sooner.
Puede tener Dios misericordia en su alma y tener misericordia de mi por no ir a ayudar a mi hermana antes. Sí
May God have mercy on his soul.
Que Dios lo tenga en su gloria.
Never would've had to tell that to your brother Ebor, rest his soul.
Nunca tuve que decirle eso a tu hermano Ebor. Que en paz descanse.
I looked into your Uncle's eyes... Saw his soul.
Ví a los ojos de tu tío... ví su alma.
A man can't heal his soul if there is bad blood with his mom.
Un hombre no puede sanar su alma si tiene una mala relación con su mamá.
Yes, he's been dating at a near-Clooney pace recently, but at this point, the only hole he's trying to fill is the one in his soul, which means it's the emotional connection with Cameron that he misses.
Sí, estuvo saliendo a un ritmo Clooney recientemente Pero éste es el punto, el único agujero que está tratando de llenar, es el que tiene en el alma, lo que significa, la conexión emocional que perdió con Cameron.
His heart and soul belong to you.
Su corazón y su alma te pertenecen.
He wouldn't hurt a soul, unless you're in the way of his next bottle.
- No dañaría una mosca a menos que se interpusiera entre una botella.
Get the ghost, you can swap Crowley his son for your soul.
Luego, puedes cambiarle a Crowley a su hijo por tu alma.
Because of his lost soul Osiris was doomed to rule the underworld for all eternity.
Por perder su alma Osiris fue condenado a gobernar el inframundo eternamente.
Madam, believe me, I shall be the soul of discretion in my dealings with all His Majesty's children, and with the world.
Señora, creame, seré el alma de la discreción en mi trato con los hijos de su Majestad - y con el mundo.
"to which a man's soul is exposed during his life on earth " affects me doubly, triply.
" a la que el alma de un hombre es expuesta durante su vida en la tierra me afecta, triplemente, doblemente.
also God's high minister here, Head of His Church and soul of the whole Kingdom.
También alto ministro de Dios aquí. Cabeza de Su Iglesia y alma de todo el Reino.
On the outside, he may look warm, kind, and like the coach from white shadow, but on the inside is a cold, dark soul capable of taking the lives of others in order to save his own.
En el exterior, él puede lucir cálido, amable, y como el entrenador de sombra blanca, pero por dentro es una fría y oscura alma. capaz de llevarse por delante las vidas de otros con tal de salvarse a sí mismo.
The kind of student we want at Yale is the kind that puts his heart and soul into everything he does regardless of how it might turn out.
El tipo de estudiante que queremos en Yale es el que pone su corazón y alma en todo lo que hace sin importar lo que pudiera suceder.
What'll happen to his body if I fail, and my soul goes back to where it belongs?
¿ Qué le pasaráa su cuerpo si fallo y mi alma vuelve a donde pertenece?
soul 113
souls 45
soulless 17
soul mate 28
soul mates 27
his son 135
his sister 102
his shoes 20
his secretary 21
souls 45
soulless 17
soul mate 28
soul mates 27
his son 135
his sister 102
his shoes 20
his secretary 21