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His whole life Çeviri İspanyolca

1,262 parallel translation
There's more money in that pile than Pa made in his whole life.
Ahí hay más dinero que el que ganó papá en toda su vida.
He spent his whole life playing jokes.
Se pasó la vida gastando bromas.
My friend says it's the best food he's ever eaten in his whole life.
Mi amigo dice que es lo mejor que ha comido en toda su vida.
The guy's been kicked around his whole life, from his father on down.
El tipo viene recibiendo patadas toda su vida empezando por su padre.
A young man. His whole life in front of him disappears.
Un joven con la vida por delante desaparece.
But now it all seemed forgotten as if his whole life was only what surrounded him at this moment,
Todo ello ahora le parecía muy lejano, ya que su vida se limitaba a lo que le rodeaba en ese instante,
The Commander saw that he could spend his whole life like this.
Entendía el comandante que bien podía transcurrir su vida así.
Then he came to hate both the ship and his whole life, everything, from his childhood up to the present minute.
Luego, había empezado a odiar ese barco y su vida entera, desde su niñez hasta ese mismo momento.
His whole life has been full of sin till now.
Hasta ahora toda su vida ha estado llena de pecado.
Worked hard his whole life for this.
Toda su vida trabajando para esto.
He has trained his whole life.
Entrenó durante toda su vida.
In other words, when this little goldfish is happy, he thinks he's been happy his whole life since his whole life was only 30 seconds ago.
En otras palabras, cuando este pez dorado está feliz, cree que fue feliz toda su vida pues toda su vida fue apenas hace 30 seg.
And when this little goldfish is hungry, he thinks he's been hungry his whole life.
Y cuando este pez dorado tiene hambre, cree que tuvo hambre toda su vida.
And when he's dying, this little goldfish thinks he's been dying his whole life.
Y cuando este pez dorado está muriendo, cree que se ha estado muriendo toda su vida.
His whole life is a fantasy camp.
Toda su vida es un campamento de fantasía.
And these are guys he knows his whole life, you know?
Y son tipos a los que conoce desde siempre.
He's waited for this his whole life.
- Ha esperado esto toda su vida.
Sadness accrues. Your uncle's had a hard-on his whole life.
Ropa... electrodomésticos... casas.
I was like, "Oh, my God, this is his whole life, making this one film."
Fue como : "Oh Dios, toda su vida, haciendo esta película".
His whole life is here.
Es su vida.
It's just something I know Brendan's been wrestling with his whole life.
Es algo con lo que Brendan ha estado luchando toda su vida.
His whole life was on it.
Toda su vida estaba en ella.
Richard lived his whole life here in Badger's Drift.
Richard vivió toda su vida aquí en El desvío del tejón.
Your uncle's had a hard-on his whole life.
Tu tío lo ha tenido difícil toda su vida.
My granddaddy lived his whole life on that ranch, seventy-four years.
Mi abuelito vivió toda su vida en ese rancho. 74 años.
I don't want Danny to spend his whole life running.
Nada más no quiero que Danny pase toda su vida huyendo.
I mean, the kid's 18 years old he's got his whole life life in front of him and why would he want to hang himself?
¿ Un chico de 18 años con toda una vida por delante?
He's had HIV his whole life.
Ha tenido el VIH toda su vida.
He probably waited his whole life for an occasion special enough to open that bottle.
Probablemente espero toda su vida por una ocasión especial para abrir esa botella.
Ray has been hellbent on destroying Jesse his whole life.
Ray ha intentado destruir a Jesse toda la vida.
Ray was screwing with his brother's mind his whole life.
Ray se pasó la vida jugando con su mente.
Otherwise, the court was his whole life.
Pero el juzgado era toda su vida.
You've got to pity the guy who had one thing go wrong his whole life.
Hay que tenerle pena al hombre al que algo le salió mal toda la vida.
Works his whole life, takes care of his family.
Trabajaba y se ocupaba de su familia.
I mean, this is the first time in his whole life that he's ever had a girl, you know?
Quiero decir, esta es la primera vez en toda su la vida que él nunca tuvo una niña, ¿ sabe usted?
- It was his whole life.
- Era toda su vida.
In return Samuei Curtis agrees to be the Pirate's partner at... the big dance contest because Curtis didn't have a plan and... the Pirate neverwon anything in his whole life and those were... The most beautiful trophies he'd ever seen. Unquote.
Para devolverle el favor, Samuel Curtis se vuelve su pareja de baile... en el concurso de baile porque Curtis no tenía un plan y... el Pirata nunca se había ganado algo en su vida y esos trofeos... eran los más lindos que había visto.
So there's this man and he lived his whole life on Earth and his name was Mr. Stevenson.
Había un señor que había vivido toda su vida en la Tierra, y se llamaba el Señor Stevenson.
He can't close his eyes his whole life!
Pero no iba a tirarmela con los ojos cerrados!
He's been hypnotized his whole life, totally focused on the outside.
Estuvo hipnotizado toda su vida, centrado en lo externo.
Then he will happiluy sit in shit his whole life.
El resto del mundo los tiene sin cuidado.
The man had been driven his whole life buy hatred of his father.
Todo el sentido de su vida consistía en odiar a su padre.
He developed a style of playing, and Tony's gonna play that style his whole life.
Creó un estilo que practico toda su vida.
Dr. Collins is a good and caring doctor who's spent his whole life looking after other people.
El Dr. Collins es un buen médico... que pasa la vida mirando por otras personas.
Come on! He spent his whole life thinking about vaccines.
Silvio, va allá, el hombre pasa la vida pensando en vacunas...
"There were times when it appeared to Dorian Gray... " that the whole of history was merely a record of his own life.
" Había momentos en que a Dorian Gray le parecía que la historia entera era un mero relato de su vida.
One critic said he'd never seen anything like it in the whole of his theatrical life.
Un crítico dijo que nunca había visto nada como eso en toda su vida teatral.
He wouldn't lie about his whole life.
Ha mentido sobre su vida.
What if this whole thing had just enough give to save his life?
Tal vez esto le salvó la vida.
He's wasting his life staying here watching TV the whole day.
Está desperdiciando su vida mirando la tele todo el día.
The majority of the country, if the tabloids are to be believed, is hostile to the whole idea of this man standing trial for murder, worse his going to prison on a mandatory life sentence.
La mayor parte del país, si hay que creer a los tabloides, es hostil a la idea de este ensayo la situación del hombre por asesinato, su peor ir a la cárcel en una sentencia de cadena perpetua obligatoria.

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