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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / Hush up

Hush up Çeviri İspanyolca

347 parallel translation
I'll hush up the affair too.
Y también acallaré el asunto.
Uh, hush up.
Bueno, cállese.
We've paid enough to hush up his other scandals.
Ha salido caro tapar sus otros escándalos.
For years you've paid to hush up his scandals.
Durante años has pagado para tapar sus escándalos.
Hush up. I'm sorry I ever thought of marrying a man like you.
¿ Como pude pensar en casarme con un tipo como tú?
Oh, hush up!
¡ A callar!
India, hush up!
¡ India, calla!
Hush up! Do you want them to hear you?
¿ Quieres que te oigan?
Hush up.
- Hush up such talk!
- No hay que hablar así.
Hush up, you two.
Calma los dos.
- Hush up.
- Cállate.
Hush up.
You hush up, Wi-i-i-ilbert!
¡ Cállate, Wilbert!
- Hush up, Julie.
- Cállate, Julie.
Well, you can hear me, and I told you to hush up.
Vosotras me oís a mí y os digo que cerréis el pico.
- Now hush up now.
- Guarda silencio.
Brothers and sisters, hush up for a minute.
¡ Hermanos y hermanas, callaos un minuto!
- Hush up.
- Calla.
Hush up!
¡ Cállate!
Hush up, man, I'm going to be a comrade in arms.
Cállate, amigo. Me haré soldado.
Sit down and hush up.
Siéntate y cállate.
Hush up, thee!
Hush up!
¡ Condenadas!
Hush up!
¡ Basta!
Enough to make you sick. - Hush up! I want to hear it.
Cállese, quiero oírla.
We drink up and hush up, ok?
Entonces lo dejamos. Buenas noches a todos. ¿ Vale así?
Now hush up and listen.
Ahora cállate y escucha.
- You hush up, Scout.
- Cállate, Scout.
Shut up! Hush!
¡ Cállate!
You think Robert forged her signature and you're trying to hush it up, aren't you?
Crees que Robert falsificó su firma e intentas ocultarlo, ¿ verdad?
They'll hush it up.
Lo encubrirán.
- we will all blow up! - Hush, wretch!
- saltaremos todos por los aires.
Oh, hush up!
¡ Cállate!
Now, Helene, don't let's hush this up, and don't let's wait till tomorrow.
Helene, no nos callemos. No esperemos a mañana.
i had to hush those fellas up.
Tenía que callarlos.
But I'll take her away with me - anywhere - to hush this up.
Pero me la llevaré adonde sea para acallar esto.
In fact, I tried to hush it up.
Al contrario, yo he tratado de acallarlas.
That will hush things up here.
Eso al menos silenciará las cosas por aquí.
First thing you know, they'll whip it up into one of those hush-hush things, demanding investigations.
Pronto pedirán una investigación.
Well, the only way to hush the parrot up was to put the cover...
La única forma de que se callara el loro era cubrir...
Well, the only way to hush the parrot up was to put...
En fin, que la única forma de que se callara el loro era...
We may want to hush it up.
Podríamos querer rehusarla.
Hush it up. Natural causes?
No hay que contarlo. ¿ Causas naturales?
Hush, behave yourself, be serious, shut up, got it?
Silencio, comportate, seriamente, callate?
I know that this case is a painful one. Unfortunately, I cannot hush this up, despite the great esteem in which I hold your husband.
Lamentablemente, esto no se puede silenciar más allá de la estima que tengo por su esposo.
My father would hush everything up, and I would return home...
Mi padre lo olvidó todo y volví a casa.
- Hush up.
Silencio, quiero escuchar.
- I'm not gonna hush. Just shut up!
- ¡ Yo no me callaré, cállate tú!
Once for drunk driving and once for a stag party cost me $ 5000 to hush it up.
Una vez por conducir borracho y otra por una fiesta que me costó 5.000 $.
Maybe you'll tell me it's my duty to tell the town all about it... not to hush it up.
Quizá me dirá que es mi deber contarle al pueblo acerca de eso... no echarle tierra al asunto.

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