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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I missed that

I missed that Çeviri İspanyolca

1,783 parallel translation
I missed that little laugh of yours.
Extraño tu pequeña risa.
I missed that.
Lo extraño.
I don't. I can't. I don't know, I missed that class in college.
no lo hago. no puedo. no sé, me perdí esa clase en la universidad.
There are my pooper troopers. Hey, sorry I missed that walkie-talkie call.
Perdón por no tomar su llamada al walkie-talkie.
I think I missed that one.
Creo que me lo perdí.
I missed that class, I can tell you for sure.
Puedes estar segura que no fui a esa clase.
Sorry I missed that.
Es una lástima.
I think I missed that day in school.
Creo que falte ese día a clases.
I don't understand either, but I do know that I'm here and that I've missed you so much, Bean.
Yo tampoco lo entiendo, pero se que estoy aqui y que te he echado mucho de menos, Bean.
That gave me ten seconds to run to the car, get in, start it, drive past and get a shot of the car moving, but I missed it.
Arrancarlo y manejar al frente de la cámara para tener una foto del auto en movimiento... pero le erré
Anyway, I... I noticed that there were a few missed calls on my cell and I didn't know if one of them might have been you.
Como sea, yo noté que había algunas llamadas perdidas en mi celular y no sabía si alguna era tuya.
I know that I missed a lot.
Sé que he perdido mucho.
But I think that he missed the camaraderie, you know?
Pero creo que echaba de menos la camadería, ¿ saben?
Yes, I am because I think that Rosa's clearly missed the point of the film.
Sí porque creo que Rosa ha visto la película sin meterse, eso es evidente..
I must have missed that day at medical school.
Debí haber faltado a clases ese día en la escuela de medicina.
I would have missed that.
- Qué maniático.
I know I have the pun missed, but that was not acceptable.
Sé que dije que extrañaba los juegos de palabras, pero ése fue inaceptable.
In fact, in all my research, I found that he never missed a target.
Tras toda mi investigación, descubrí que jamás había fallado un blanco.
I think I transferred some of that on to him, and he was so busy taking care of me that he missed out on part of his childhood.
Creo que yo se lo transmití y se ocupó tanto de cuidarme que perdió parte de su infancia.
I think I realized when I was away how much I missed Alice. That I was never going to speak to her again.
Creo que me di cuenta, mientras estuve fuera de lo mucho que extrañaba a Alice.
I don't know how I couId have missed that.
No sé cómo no lo reconocí.
So you're Internal Affairs now, huh? I must have missed that memo.
¿ Conque ahora trabajas en Asuntos Internos?
Back in my day, which was not that long ago, I never missed a party.
En mis dias, lo cual no fue hace mucho nunca me perdi una fiesta.
I must have missed it. This is the latest that it could have arrived if it was ever going to.
Debí perderlo,... si iba a llegar sería hoy el ultimo día.
- I was trying to hit that tree. I missed.
- Quería darle al árbol.
Were there some re-writes that I missed?
¿ Reescribieron cosas de las que no me enteré?
But I do not believe, that a whole piece of land they have missed.
Pero es difícil creer que se les haya pasado algo tan grande.
And, oh! Don't tell me that you've missed the same day delivery drop off time because I need it back for 5 o'clock tonight'cause my fabulous dress is in the dry-cleaning, huh, huh?
No me digas, que perdiste la entrega en el mismo día, recógelo a tiempo porque lo necesito para las cinco en la noche, porque es mi fabuloso traje el que está en la lavandería.
Yeah, I kind of missed that bit.
Si, como que me perdí esa parte.
Damn, I don't know how I missed that.
¿ Cómo no lo pensé?
- I must have missed that class.
- Me perdí esa clase.
- Thats why I missed that class.
- Por eso la perdí.
I can tell that you really missed me a lot, Sam!
Se nota que me extrañaste mucho.
That warmth I've missed in Austin.
Esa calidez que he extrañado de Austin.
I must have missed that part of the Bible where Jesus became a capitalist.
Debo haberme perdido esa parte de la Biblia donde Jesús se volvió capitalista.
I couldn't tell you the truth, which was that I missed you every single day.
Simplemente te dije eso porque no podía decirte la verdad la cual es que te extrañé todos y cada uno de los días.
Why did you tell Inma that you didn't want to sleep with me, that you regretted everything and missed I don't know who?
¿ Por qué le dijiste a Inma que no quería tener sexo conmigo, lo siento y que estaba solo yo no sé para quién?
Remember that time I came back from the world economic forum with mono And missed a week of work and I wanted to pull my hair out but I couldn't because it's too thick?
Te acuerdas de aquel tiempo que volvi del foro económico mundial con mono y me perdi una semana de trabajo y queria arrancarme los pelos pero no pude porque es muy grueso?
I can't believe I missed that.
No puedo creer que se me pasara eso.
No, I can't believe you missed that, either.
No, yo tampoco me puedo creer que se te pasara eso.
I was signaling you to encourage Wendell by saying anyone could've missed that, but...
Estaba diciéndote que animaras a Wendell diciéndole que a cualquiera le puede pasar, pero...
And he would show me pictures of the twins. And I would tell him that I missed them all and wanted to come home.
Y él me mostraba fotos de las gemelas y yo le decía que los extrañaba a todos y que quería volver a casa.
I just missed you, that's all.
- Estoy bien. Los extrañé, eso es todo.
Wow. - I don't see how we missed that.
No entiendo cómo pudimos obviar eso.
I don't know how I could have missed that
No se como he podido perdermelo.
All right, look, the truth is, what happened in mexico... is that I missed you.
De acuerdo, mira, la verdad es que, lo que pasó en Méjico es que te eché de menos.
And I missed it again. That's okay.
Y no lo escuché de nuevo.
I mean, I totally missed that. Are you sure? Pretty sure.
Qué brusco, ni siquiera se me ha presentado.
Christina, i know you're upset. But you've missed a lot of work, And it's not that i mind covering for you,
Cristina, sé que estas alterada pero te has perdido un montón de trabajo, y no es que me importe cubrirte, porque no es eso, pero ayer le hice el dobladillo a una falda con una grapadora.
I missed the dinner to be at that rally.
Me perdí la cena por estar en esa concentración.
I have absolutely no idea how I could have missed that.
No tengo adsolutamente ninguna idea de cómo pude no haberme dado cuenta.

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