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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I stole it

I stole it Çeviri İspanyolca

1,537 parallel translation
I stole it just for you.
Yo robé para ti.
What do you mean I stole it?
¿ Crees que los robé?
- What? And I didn't really lose the money. I stole it.
No perdí el dinero, lo robé
I stole it from the last place I worked at.
Lo robé en mi último trabajo.
The juice I was taking, I stole it from his room.
Los esteroides que yo tomaba los robé de su habitación.
I stole it from Courtney Love.
Se la robe a Courtney Love.
I stole it.
Yo la robé.
Because the person that I stole it from didn't tell me that part!
¡ Porque la persona a la que se lo robé no me contó esa parte!
Well it is supposed to be here. That's what the person who I stole it from told me.
Bueno, se supone que está aquí eso es lo que la persona a la que se la robé me dijo
I stole it off the lawyer's desk. I just had to see it for myself.
Lo robé del escritorio del abogado sólo necesitaba verlo por mí misma.
I'll tell them I stole it myself.
Yo.. yo les diré que lo robé solo.
- I stole it.
- Lo robé.
No, I stole it from you. Get some!
No, te lo robe a ti. ¡ Toma esto!
Well, I stole it. I jerked off like a madman for a week.
Bueno, lo robé, y estuve una semana matándome a "pajas" con el "Play-girl".
I stole it out of his overnight bag.
Lo robé de su bolso de viaje.
Oh, really? I heard you and I stole it for $ 200... and you spent your half at Club Chubby trying'to get that girl to break the rules.
A mí me dijeron que tú y yo se lo robamos, y gastaste tu parte... en el Club Chubby, intentando que una chica rompiera las reglas.
- Oh, I stole it from work... and I'm gonna keep stealing until I get $ 10,000 to pay Pops back.
- Las robé del trabajo... y seguiré robando hasta pagarle sus $ 10.000 al Abuelo.
I stole it.
Yo lo robé.
I stole it. No!
Lo robé.
I recorded it to leave evidence that he stole from me.
Lo grabé para dejar evidencia de que él me robó.
As far as I understand, we bought it from the people who stole it.
Hasta donde yo entiendo, se lo compramos a la gente que lo robó.
You stole the videotape, and I want it back right now.
Se robó la cinta de video y la quiero ahora mismo.
- You stole my tape and I want it back.
- Me robaste mi cinta.
- I'm the one who stole it.
- ¡ Soy quién lo robo!
I bet she stole it.
Apuesto a que lo robo.
Somebody stole his bike after I told him not to let anybody ride it.
Alguien le robo la bicicleta después de decirle que no deje a nadie usarla.
Sir, I didn't say that he stole it.
Señor, no dije que se lo haya robado.
- Is it because of that chair I stole?
¿ Es por esa silla que robé?
Matt said that I should lighten my freckles... so he stole some bleach cream from his mom's spa... and we put it on my face, and I had a reaction.
Matt me dijo que debería aclarar mis pecas... así que le robó una crema del spa a su mamá... la aplicamos en mi cara y tuve una reacción.
I don't care that you stole it.
No me importa que lo hayas robado.
Before I stole it from him.
Antes de que se la robara
Call it the "I'm Getting Skinny Because Some Nigga Stole My Bag of Food" diet.
Llamarlo la dieta de "Estoy Adelgazando Porque se Robaron mi Bolsa de Comida".
I don't know if it's a help, but the girl who stole the Treadman boots lives with two guys in their early 20s.
No se si será algo, pero la niña que admitió robar las botas Treadman Vive con dos hombres en sus 20.
Because she stole $ 50,000 from you and I don't know what you would do to get it back.
- Porque te robó 50 mil dólares y no sé qué podrías hacer para recuperarlos.
I didn't steal it. Al stole it.
Yo no lo robé, fue Al.
I let myself go a bit, and it's true, she stole a kiss from me- - one single kiss which has ruined my entire life.
Me dejé llevar un poco y es verdad, me robó un beso. Tan sólo un beso que arruinó mi vida.
Because I just stole $ 30 worth of underwear from Bergdorf's, and I think I might do it again.
Porque acabo de robar $ 30 en ropa interior de Bergdorf y creo que podría volver a hacerlo.
And I think that they thought that I stole something, when really I only meant to borrow it.
Y creo que pensaron que me había robado algo cuando en realidad sólo quería tomarlo prestado.
Mm, I guess someone stole it.
Supongo que alguien te lo robó.
I think he stole it from me.
Creo que me la robó.
I think somebody stole it.
Creo que alguien se la robó.
I set fire to the school, I stole Dad's car and smashed it up. I did...
Le prendí fuego a la escuela, robé el coche de papá y lo estrellé.
I got it. - Who stole my purse? - Ellie.
- ¿ Quién se robó mi cartera?
I think one my boys stole it.
Creo que uno de mis chicos la robó.
- Well, it's just a hunch, but I think Billie's possessor demon just stole the show.
- Es una corazonada pero el demonio posesor de Billie ha robado el espectáculo.
And one thing led to another and I just... stole it!
Y bueno, una cosa llevó a la otra y siemplemente... ¡ lo robé!
It's like that time I stole an entire train while it was moving.
Es como aquella vez que robé un tren entero en movimiento.
All that "I was their teacher" stuff goes out the window, if the students stole the scam and ran with it.
Todo ese "yo fui su maestro" salió sobrando si los estudiantes robaron el dinero y salieron corriendo.
you stole my dad's watch, and i want it back.
Robaste el reloj de mi padre, y lo quiero de regreso.
- You stole Matt Santos'briefcase? - I didn't steal it. I found it.
¿ Has robado el maletín de Matt Santos?
Ms. Willows, I stole a dead body and I trespassed, but that's it.
Sta. Willows, Yo robé un cadáver y entré sin autorización, pero es todo.

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