I was drunk Çeviri İspanyolca
2,379 parallel translation
Well, I was drunk, And we were in the v.I.P. Room.
Bueno, estaba borracha, y estábamos en la habitación V.I.P.
I was drunk with its scent.
Me embriagaba su perfume.
I was drunk, passed out.
Yo estaba borracho, me desmaye.
I was, I was drunk, and... and I was... I was hurt.
Yo, estaba borracho, y estaba... yo estaba dolido
I was drunk.
Yo estaba borracho.
I was drunk and in no position to answer to a police grilling.
Estaba borracho y no en condiciones para responder a un interrogatorio policial.
What I meant was, when I was drunk I wasn't really sure...
Lo que yo quise decir es que, como estaba borracho yo no estaba realmente seguro...
I was drunk on secret toppings!
Estaba borracho de ingredientes secretos.
Because it was New Years and I was drunk arid she was wearing these fishnet stockings
Fue hace años, estaba borracho, y llevaba unas medias preciosas.
Should I say that I was drunk?
¿ Debo decir que estaba borracha?
Nobody. Just some chick that I boned when I was drunk.
Nadie, es una chica con la que me acosté cuando estaba ebrio.
I got married before I was drunk...
Me casé antes de ser alcohólica- - Digo, antes de beber.
I was drunk That's why I do not remember.
Yo estaba borracho es por eso que no recuerdo.
I was drunk.
Estaba ebrio.
I was drunk in Vegas.
Estaba borracho en Las Vegas.
If I was drunk, would I be able to do this?
Si estuviera ebria, ¿ podría hacer esto?
I was drunk.
Estaba borracho.
No, no, no, no. What you had was an unverified sighting outside a hooker joint with a drunk agent who But I trust...
No lo que tú tienes es algo no verificado, fuera de la perra que se acostó con un agente borracho que no debía estar allí.
So I guess when that drunk driver killed my father, that was your way of putting himon the back.
Por el bien de aquellos que aman a dios. Entonces supongo que cuando ese abrio mato a mi padre, era tu manera de darle una palmadita en la espalda.
Was I exceedingly drunk?
¿ Estoy extremadamente borracha?
Look, I'd love to sit here and play interrogation with you, But we've got a game in a few hours and I was hoping to get drunk, so- -
Mira, me encantaría sentarme y jugar a los interrogatorios, pero tenemos un partido en una horas y esperaba emborracharme, así que...
And two, I was so drunk I barely remember it.
Y dos, estaba tan borracho que apenas me acuerdo de ello.
I got drunk one night, woke up, it was there.
Me emborraché una noche, desperté y estaba ahí.
Came by last week when I was at school, drunk off his ass.
Vino la semana pasada, cuando estaba en la escuela, borracho como una cuba.
I was just so drunk that I forgot I'd tried it on.
Estaba tan borracha que ni me di cuenta que me la había puesto.
I mean, maybe if she was drunk.
Quizá si estaba bebida.
That night, at 2am, I was lucky enough to be woken by a call from a steaming drunk Simon.
Esa noche, a las 2, tuve la suerte de despertarme por una llamada de un humeante y borracho Simon.
The casino may have liability if the patron drives drunk, but if betting drunk was an offense, I think even you can see where that goes.
El casino puede ser responsable si el cliente conduce ebrio, pero si apostar borracho fuera un delito, creo que incluso usted puede ver... a dónde nos llevaría eso.
Yeah, only she was really drunk, and she thought she was kissing her boyfriend, but apparently, I'm a better kisser than him, so, that's good.
Sí, sólo que estaba realmente borracha, y pensó que estaba besando a su novio, pero aparentemente, soy mejor besando que él, así que, está bien.
I was in a club, I got drunk, and when I woke up, next to me was Giorgos Argyriou.
Estaba en un club, me emborraché, y, cuando me desperté, estaba a mi lado Giorgos Argyriou.
I was a little drunk. Ha, ha. - Ha, ha.
Estaba un poco ebria.
And I was so crazy in the place I lost that one in about a month because I had about four drunk driving on there.
Y estaba tan loco en la posición social Perdido aquél en cuestión de un mes Porque tuve acerca de cuatro La conducción bajo estado de embriaguez en allí.
I wasn't drunk, but I was over the limit.
No estaba borracho, pero estaba pasado.
I was very drunk, and he had his cock and balls taped into his arse crack.
Estaba muy borracho, y él tenía su polla y sus pelotas pegadas al ojete.
I'm fucking ashamed of it. I wasn't drunk, but I was over the limit.
Me da vergüenza
I guess she said that because she was drunk.
Creo que ella dijo eso, porque estaba ebria.
- I was not drunk.
- No estaba borracha.
Some drunk girl was screaming in my face, so I hit her and that was the end of it.
Una chica borracha me estaba gritando, así que la golpeé y eso fue todo.
If this is about me sending that vibrator to your mom, I was totally drunk at the time- -gone.
Si esto se trata de cuando le envié el vibrador a tu mamá, estaba totalmente ebrio entonces... ciego.
"Last night, I was so drunk, she probablyjust gave me her phone number'cause she felt sorry for me."
"Anoche, estaba tan borracho, ella seguro sólo me dio su número porque sintió lastima por mí."
I was gonna get drunk and mock them.
Vine a emborracharme y a burlarme.
- Brendan, I was a drunk.
- Brendan, era un borracho.
- I was so drunk once I backed my car over my mother outside Walgreens.
Una vez estaba tan borracho, que atropellé a mi mamá en Walgreens.
I got drunk, I woke up, I was just... dressed as a priest.
Me emborraché, me desperté y estaba vestido como sacerdote.
L'm the kind of man who got into a drunk driving accident and nearly killed a kid, but did I get some fancy-pants lawyer to get me off scot-free'cause I was just below the legal limit? Uh-uh!
Soy de los hombres que casi matan a un niño por conducir en estado de ebriedad, pero, ¿ acaso me valí de un abogado para salir impune porque mi nivel de alcohol no sobrepasaba el límite?
I could never fight him off in a small space but out in the open I was strong enough to deal with an old drunk.
En un espacio pequeño no podía defenderme pero allá afuera tenía la fuerza para lidiar con un viejo borracho.
I was married, to a house-painter, as it happens, a drunk and a bully.
Estuve casada, con un pintor de casas, un borracho y un matón.
I was tired and drunk.
Estaba cansado y borracho.
I was super drunk, and so were you.
Estaba totalmente ebrio. Tú también.
We-we were fullylothed the entire time, and Blaine was too drunk to drive, so I let him crash here.
E-estábamos totalmente vestidos todo el tiempo, Y Blaine estaba muy tomado como para manejar, así que le dejé descansar aquí.
I was supposed to be drunk an hour ago.
Se supone que debería llevar borracho desde hace una hora.
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32