In his words Çeviri İspanyolca
546 parallel translation
Stop insulting me. On his face, in his words, in his seeming cynicism in his seeming lack of respect can't you clearly see madness?
Acudió a la armería, compró el arma acudió a la casa de la víctima, y espió su salida y la siguió durante todo el día, a sus negocios.
And you believe in his words?
¿ Y crees en sus palabras?
See what truth there is in his words.
Ante Dios, siempre somos más culpables de lo que creemos.
"The street fencing masters," in his words.
Es la calle de los maestros de esgrima.
In other words, it means that he has yet to meet a woman who'll be beneficial to his business?
Quiere decir que Joo Goon no ha conocido a la adecuada que lo ayude en sus negocios.
With inexorable severity, the words of doom rang in his ears :
Con una severidad inexorable, resuenan las palabras en sus oídos :
Saigo's voice echoed in the hall, but his words were met with silence.
La voz de Saigo sonó poderosa, pero sus palabras sólo hallaron silencio.
By these words, he jumps in with the fire poker in his hand, pushes Mary, whose head hit the table, and collapses, unconscious.
Ante esas palabras, monta en cólera, con el atizador en la mano,... zarandea a Mary, cuya cabeza golpea la mesa,... y se desploma, inconsciente.
" Friends, I leave you today after a score of years in this church as a servant of the Lord, to whom I pray that he may let words of my mouth and troubled meditations of my heart be acceptable in his sight.
" Amigos, hoy les dejo, después de estar muchos años en esta iglesia, como un servidor del Señor, a quien ruego ponga palabras en mi boca y que las tribulaciones de mi corazón, sean aceptables ante su mirada
Thousands and thousands of you tuning in on Station G-O-D, God, on a wavelength that carries his blessed words to the furthermost reaches of the universe.
Miles y miles de ustedes sintonizados a la estación D-I-O-S, DIOS, en una longitud de onda que porta su bendita Palabra a las más lejanas regiones del universo.
Her piercing words sunk deep in his heart.
Sus palabras surgían de lo más profundo de su corazón.
And when he was moralizing to his brother-in-law, his words came from an honest soul and a pure heart.
Y cuando estaba sermoneando a su cuñado, sus palabras venían de un alma honesta y un corazón puro.
We only ask you to try, ladies and gentlemen try and realize that an unjustly accused man sits in this court. Sits waiting, not in vain, I pray, for the young couple to step forward and say the words that will definitely establish his innocence.
Sólo les pido, damas y caballeros que intenten creer que el hombre que está ahí sentado... ha sido acusado injustamente y espero que no espere en vano.
- In the words of Socrates - - "Let each man help his brother man."
- Como dijo Sócrates... - "Que todo hombre ayude a su prójimo".
Them words is in his bloomin'will in which he leaves me 3,000 pounds a year... on condition I lecture for the Wannafeller Moral Reform League... as often as they ask me, up to six times a year.
Esas son las palabras que dice en su maldito testamento en el cual me deja 3.000 libras anuales... a condición de que hable para la liga de la reforma moral... un máximo de seis veces al año.
The explanation is given in the words of that song where he poured out all the suffering that tore at and still torments... his soul, that of an artist betrayed.
La explicación está en la letra de aquella canción en la que el acusado vertió todo el sufrimiento que laceraba y aún hoy lacera su espíritu de artista traicionado.
In other words, One of my patients has simply Made up his mind to die... If miss macdaid isn't there Every hour she can spare... Out of the 24 She already works.
O sea, un paciente mío decidió morir... si la Srta. MacDaid no lo ve cada hora... de las 2 4 que ya trabaja.
You see in the language of his tribe stranger and enemy are the same words.
En la lengua de su tribu, desconocido y enemigo son la misma palabra.
I repeat, when Igor Stravinsky wrote his ballet, The Rite of Spring, his purpose was, in his own words, to "express primitive life."
Repito... Cuando Igor Stravinski escribió su ballet "La Consagración de la Primavera" su intención fue, según sus propias palabras,... "expresar la vida primitiva".
Those were his actual words in the war of 1870
Sus palabras textuales, dichas en 1870.
In his very words...
Según sus propias palabras :
In his own words...
Según sus propias palabras...
Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words -
¡ Nuestros nombres les serán tan familiares como los de sus parientes!
Filled with curiosity about places and people remote from his own experience, he wandered to the half-world of London, the words of Lord Henry vibrating in his mind.
Sentía curiosidad por los lugares y las personas ajenas a sus experiencias y fue a la otra parte de Londres con las palabras de Lord Henry vibrando en su cabeza.
In other words, a bribe from the Emperor Moctezuma, ruler of this heathen land... to bribe His Catholic Majesty, ruler of Christian Spain.
En otras palabras, un soborno del emperador Moctezuma soberano de estas tierras para sobornar a Su Majestad el soberano español.
My Lord, when Latour gave his evidence in chief the words used by him were, "The Colonel told me to go away."
Señoría, Ias palabras de LaTour han sido : " "EI coronel me dijo que me fuera" ", no " "que Ie dejara" ".
"The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart."
"Los dichos de su boca son más blandos que mantequilla... pero guerra hay en su corazón".
You don't have to call Michel in or have words with him in the office, but run to his room, kiss him, and surprise him.
No se trata de llamar a Michel, ni de hablarle en el despacho, se trata de correr a su cuarto, besarlo, y sorprenderlo.
In other words, to satisfy malicious gossips like Mr. Hammond, Mr. Appleton and his awful mother, you want to kick Mr. Belvedere out.
Vamos, que para dar la razón a unos chismosos como el señor Hammond el señor Appleton y su horrible madre, quieres despedirlo.
The witness may testify in his own words.
El testigo puede proceder...
Mrs Holland, will you tell Their Lordships in your own words the substance of the conversation you had with your husband the evening before his death?
Sra. Holland, ¿ quiere decir a sus Señorías en sus propias palabras... el asunto de la conversación que tuvo con su marido... la tarde antes de su muerte?
In any case, his life and fate have best been summed up... ironically enough, in the words of Nazi Germany's sternest enemy... the honorable Winston Churchill.
En cualquier caso, irónicamente, su vida y destino tuvieron mejor reflejo en las palabras del peor enemigo de la Alemania nazi, el honorable Winston Churchill.
I've asked my client to tell you his story in his own words.
Le he pedido a mi cliente que cuente su historia él mismo.
... thinks kindly of the general idea, or in his own words... American, eh...
... ve factible la idea, o en sus propias palabras... es americano, ya sabes...
In other words, all his thoughts.
Es decir, sus pensamientos.
Because he told me in his own words he's a deserter.
Porque me dijo, con sus propias palabras, que era un desertor.
In other words, I have gracefully refused his challenge, as I do every year.
En otras palabras, he rehusado amablemente su reto, como hago todos los años.
And one day, in his own good time, he will speak out. In words that can not be misunderstood.
Un día, llegará el momento en que su voz se oirá con palabras imposibles de malinterpretar.
The words of Godwin suggest that he condones rebellion in his domain.
Las palabras de Godwin sugieren que él condena la rebelión en su dominio.
If I may offer.. a few words of comfort At the grave of this poor, poor, under-age child... who was taken from his suffering mother... on the last day of the year... in such a strange and inexplicable way...
Knobbe... y aún cuando yo pueda... pronunciar unas palabras de consuelo... junto a la tumba de este pobre, pobre menor... que ha sido arrebatado a su apenada madre... el último día del año... de una forma tan extraña, tan inexplicable...
His words lived on in the hearts of thousands of his followers.
Sus palabras vivían en los corazones de miles de sus seguidores.
Everyone who has put their trust in Him have found His words to be true.
Todo el que ha puesto Fé en él, ha encontrado estas palabras verdaderas.
In other words, being un-businesslike, isn't enough to explain his absence.
En otras palabras, el hecho de ser poco eficiente no explica su ausencia.
Each of you is hearing my words in his or her native tongue.
Cada uno me escuchará en su idioma nativo.
In other words, you believe the individual must sacrifice his personal feelings... and work with somebody else for the benefit of the whole enterprise?
- Es decir... crees que el individuo debe sacrificar sus sentimientos personales... y colaborar con otra persona por el bien de la empresa.
Don't put words in his mouth, Steinbrenner.
No pongas palabras en su boca, Steinbrenner.
¤ They're lost and forgotten words that the echo in his call, calling again.
# Son voces perdidas y olvidadas que el eco en su llamada las vuelve a recordar.
Now that our erstwhile Sheriff, Mr. Regan, has graciously conceded and sent over his badge, which I've taken the precaution of disinfecting, I think a few words from Mr. Masterson are in order.
Ahora que nuestro otrora Alguacil, el Sr. Regan, admitió su derrota y envió su placa, la cual me encargué de desinfectar, creo que corresponde oír unas palabras del Sr. Masterson.
In his own words, this isn't a debate, it's a cross-examination in a murder trial.
Según él, esto no es un debate, sino un interrogatorio de un caso de asesinato.
He raised his hand in anger and shouted Archimedes'famous last words :
" Alzó su puño y gritó la famosa palabra de Arquímedes :
He raised his hand in anger and shouted Archimedes'famous last words :
la famosa palabra de Arquímedes.. ¡ Eureka, lo encontré!
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his words 65
words 313
words to live by 22
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his mind 49
his words 65
words 313
words to live by 22