In his house Çeviri İspanyolca
3,128 parallel translation
He had this weird little teapot in his house.
Tenía una teterita rara en su casa.
While Jim was off saving the world, I was stuck in his house, in his barracks, being father and mother to his kids.
Mientras Jim estaba salvando al mundo, yo estaba atrapada en su casa, su barraca, siendo la madre y el padre de sus hijos.
So the CEO offers him a room in his house.
Así que el director le ofrece una habitación en su casa.
Well, who else lives in his house besides his parents?
Bueno, ¿ quién vive en su casa además de sus padres?
Freaky ho's working in his house.
Ponte en mi lugar de trabajo ho en su casa.
You will go in his house, not me.
Tu irás a su casa, no yo.
This man, Richard LeVelle, had what we estimate to be $ 200,000 in illegal weaponry stored in the basement of his house.
Este hombre, Richard LeVelle, tenía lo que estimamos ser $ 200,000 en armería ilegal en el sótano de su casa.
He shows in this he loves his own barn better than he loves our house.
Muestra en esto que tiene más afecto a su granja que a nuestra casa.
Ladies and gentlemen, everything my learned friend has said in his opening address can also be applied to my client, except that my client was first in her year, captain of the debating team, and attends Kelly House on a full scholarship.
Damas y caballeros, todo lo que mi distinguido colega ha dicho en su discurso de apertura también se puede aplicar a mi cliente, excepto que mi cliente fue la primera de su año, capitana del equipo de debate, y asiste a Kelly House con una beca completa.
Now that happened either because Dr. House has established that that's okay in his world. Or his prank war distracted you. Or House makes medicine a game and you just wanted to beat him.
Eso sucedió porque el Dr. House ha dejado claro que eso es correcto en su mundo o porque su guerra de bromas lo distrajo o porque House hace un juego de la medicina y usted solamente quiso ganarle.
And if you think we still need House's approval, it also explains dying in his sleep.
Y si crees que todavía necesitamos la aprobación de House eso también explica la muerte en tus sueños.
It's not a shocker to find his D.N.A. in the house.
No es ninguna sorpresa encontrar su A.D.N. en la casa.
- To his house in the country. - What house?
- Al campo, qué se yo.
- He said he was taking it to his country place. - Pedro doesn't have a house in the country.
- Él dijo que se lo iba a llevar al campo.
He can go back to building his house, flying in his plane, buying other resorts.
Se puede volver a construir su casa, volando en su avión, la compra de otros complejos.
He rents a house here in Los Feliz with his family.
Alquila una casa aquí en Los Feliz con su familia.
Two of his targets are living in a safe house.
Dos de sus objetivos están viviendo en un piso franco.
He just sits in his car now and watches our house?
¿ Se sienta en su coche y vigila la casa?
now he's freelancing out of his house in Herndon.
ahora trabaja como autónomo fuera de su casa en Herndom.
He had spent some period of time on the evening of May the 5th in the house of David Jacoby, who was a friend of his.
Pasó parte de ese periodo de tiempo del cinco de mayo en casa de David Jacoby, un amigo suyo.
I am his guest in this house.
Soy su invitada en esta casa.
But the house is in the Berkeley hills, so he'd still be close to his friends and to school and the house is actually right up the street from that great park with, you know, soccer... so you already found a house?
Pero la casa es en las colinas de Berkeley. así que él seguirá estando cerca de sus amigos y del colegio y en realidad la casa está justo subiendo la calle de ese parque genial, ya sabes, el del fútbol así que, ¿ ya habéis encontrado una casa?
Just doesn't seem like him, you know, not leaving his house in order.
No era típico de él, sabes, dejar las cosas sin orden.
Well, I say we move to toss the prenup and go after his house in Aspen.
Bueno, yo digo que movemos ficha y veamos que sale del acuerdo prenupcial y le visitemos en su casa en Aspen.
Half his business assets, the house in Highland Park, and sole custody of their daughter.
La mitad de sus negocios, la casa en Highland Park, y la custodia absoluta de su hija.
Bob invited me to his house in Telluride.
Bob me invitó a su casa en Telluride.
A few days ago, Emily earwigs me into getting all up in Mason's grill, and then coincidentally, his house burns to the ground?
Hace unos días, Emily me convencio en meterme en los asuntos de Mason. y entonces casulmente, su casa arde hasta los cimientos?
My cousin had his house over there near Lee Playground in the Lower Nine.
Mi primo tenía su casa allí, cerca de Lee Playground.
Army corp of engineers kicked his door in while he was in Houston saying they had to tear his house down'cause of the asbestos.
Un grupo de ingenieros del ejército le tiró la puerta abajo diciendo que debían derribar su casa por el asbesto.
He gave us orphans a place in his huge house.
Él nos dio a nosotros, huérfanos, un lugar en su gran casa.
An era Morgan helped create when he and his rivals put their President in the White House.
Una era que Morgan ayudó a crear cuando él y sus rivales ponen a su Presidente en la Casa Blanca.
You've got me paranoid about Speltzer, so... I'm gonna drive by his house, make sure he's tucked in for the night.
Me tienes paranoica con lo de Speltzer, así que... voy a conducir hacia su casa, me aseguraré de que esté dentro esta noche.
Can't someone tell jokes in his own house?
¿ Uno no puede bromear incluso en su casa?
Travis, as you probably read in his memoir, "Step Up To Dream", handily disarmed me and later snuck into my house to settle the score.
Travis, como probablemente habrán leído en sus memorias, "Logrando un Sueño", me desarmó sin problemas y más tarde se coló en mi casa para ajustar cuentas.
Oh, wait a minute... maybe the knife was still in his chest when he slid out of the house.
Espera un minuto... Tal vez el cuchillo aún estaba en su pecho - cuando se deslizó fuera de la casa.
Without a house in Mumbai no sensible father will let you marry his daughter.
Sin una casa en Mumbai ningún padre sensato te permitirá casarte con su hija.
Some guy's house burns down, another guy comes looking for his stolen property, which I find in my house, left by you, and I'm nearly beaten to death for it.
La casa de un tipo arde, otro tipo viene buscando las cosas que le robaron y las encuentra en mi casa porque las dejaste tú, y casi me matan a golpes por ello.
He's sleeping at his house tonight and they're going fishing in the morning.
Esta noche se queda a dormir en su casa y mañana van a pescar.
They bring him back to his house where he's now locked in a basement!
¡ Lo devolvieron a su casa donde ahora está encerrado en un sótano!
The house is locked, his car isn't in the garage.
La casa está cerrada con llave, su coche no está en el garaje.
We found Barrett at his house, his clothes were covered in blood, and a bloody knife with his fingerprints all over it found underneath the couch that he was passed out on.
Encontramos a Barrett en su casa, su ropa estaba cubierta de sangre, y un cuchillo sangriento con sus huellas por todas partes fue encontrado bajo el sofá en el que se había desmayado.
Had journalists in his father's house?
¿ Había periodistas en la casa de tu padre?
But on a Wednesday morning two years ago in the Daan Forest Park near his house
Pero en la mañana de un miércoles hace dos años... en el Parque Forestal Daan cerca de su casa.
We found Brandon's necklace in your house with his blood still on it.
Hemos encontrado el collar de Brandon en tú casa con su sangre todavía en el.
Sylvia's accepted to join the Duke's house party at his place in Northumberland.
Sylvia aceptó ir a la fiesta en la casa del Duque en Northumberland.
His wife and kids weren't there that night, they were visiting relatives in Sheffield but we know that he phoned her at 11pm or, at least, that a phone call was made from his house.
Su mujer y sus hijos no estaban esa noche, estaban visitando a unos parientes en Sheffield, pero sabemos que la llamó a las 11 o, al menos, que se hizo una llamada desde su casa.
His new alibi, which we're still looking at, puts him in a house less than 200 yards away from where Dylan's body turned up this morning.
Su nueva coartada, que aún estamos revisando, lo sitúa en una casa a menos de 180 metros de donde apareció el cuerpo de Dylan esta mañana.
He's at his sister's house in Henderson.
Está en la casa de su hermana en Henderson.
What's that in front of his house?
¿ Qué es eso enfrente de su casa?
Tom Stanton, that's him in the photo, left the place to the parish to house his bits and pieces.
Tom Stanton, el de la foto, cedió el lugar a la parroquia... para albergar sus objetos.
Dear Lord, bless this house and all that are in it and please watch over our half-brother, Jacob, as he travels back to his home.
Querido Señor, bendice esta casa y a todos los que están en ella y por favor cuida de nuestro hermanastro, Jacob, mientras viaja de vuelta a su casa.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
his house 47
house 1583
houses 83
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
his house 47
house 1583
houses 83
housewife 19
housekeeping 91
housekeeper 25
house counsel 18
house rules 39
house fire 20
in high school 193
in hindsight 63
in high 25
housekeeping 91
housekeeper 25
house counsel 18
house rules 39
house fire 20
in high school 193
in hindsight 63
in high 25