In his eyes Çeviri İspanyolca
2,252 parallel translation
It was something in his eyes, though, like he hated himself for doing it.
Había algo en sus ojos, como si se odiara a sí mismo por hacerlo.
She died twelve years ago in his eyes, when she ransacked his house and left with a guy.
Que para él se murió hace 12 años, cuando le desvalijó la casa y se fue con uno.
And I found petechiae on his skin and in his eyes.
Encontré hemorragias petequiales en sus ojos.
I looked in his eyes.
Lo vi en sus ojos.
I could see it in his eyes.
Podía verlo en sus ojos.
See, he has petechial hemorrhaging in his eyes.
tiene petequias hemorrágicas en sus ojos.
I can tell what he's thinking by the look in his eyes.
Se como piensa con solo mirarlo a los ojos.
- lundy had this look in his eyes.
Lundy tenía esa mirada en sus ojos.
Looked right in his eyes.
Lo miré directo a los ojos.
tears in his eyes, distraction in his aspect, a broken voice, and his whole function suiting with forms to his conceit?
llene de lágrimas sus ojos, distanciándose de la realidad, con una voz rota, y acomodando todas sus acciones a lo que quiere expresar?
Don't tell me you haven't seen the fear in his eyes.
No me digas que no viste el miedo en sus ojos.
And there's such love in his eyes, such... Hope.
y hay tanto amor en sus ojos, tanta esperanza.
I didn't see hatred in his eyes.
No había odio en sus ojos.
I could see it in his eyes'cause it's the same way he looked at me
Pude verlo en sus ojos porque a mí me miraba de la misma forma.
And I looked in his eyes and saw that he believed what he was saying.
Y miré en sus ojos y vi que creía en lo que estaba diciendo.
Already he falls for me. I can see it in his eyes.
Ya se enamoró de mí, puedo verlo en sus ojos.
I can see it in his eyes.
Lo puedo ver en sus ojos.
Do your job? I saw it in his face. I saw it in his eyes.
Trabajad, pero lo he visto en su cara.
He had a cold expression in his eyes.
Tenía una mirada fría.
The man turned and there was something rewarding in his eyes.
El hombre se volvió y había algo de satisfacción en su mirada.
Yes, Michelle. I can see it in his eyes.
Sí Michelle, lo puedo ver en sus ojos.
I couId see it in his eyes.
Podia verlo en sus ojos
" In the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 26, verse 18 Jesus informed Paul of his purpose : To open people's eyes, turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God. If God is light, then Satan is darkness.
"Los actos de los Apóstoles, capítulo 26, versículo 18 Jesús le informó a Pablo su propuesta de abrirle los ojos a la gente, de llevarlos de la oscuridad a la luz y del poder de Satanás al de Dios si Dios es luz, entonces Satanás es oscuridad si nosotros los humanos somos los hijos de Dios entonces las criaturas de la oscuridad son indudablemente los hijos de Satanás."
Taken his feet off, unscrewed his head, eyes bobbing about in a bowl of lens cleaner.
Sacando sus pies fuera desatornillar su cabeza, limpiandose los ojos y todas sus lentes.
You should have seen the look in his eyes.
Detective, me preocupa no haberle dicho que sus habilidades no son tan malas. Aprecio su fé, Profesor.
I saw it in his eyes.
Lo vi en sus ojos.
Then there is another thing, when you are fighting... and you are in trouble, and maybe there's someone else, maybe you have some friends nearby... you look behind his shoulders, as if you were looking at someone else, and you talk with your eyes saying "go get him".
Hay otra cosa, cuando te peleas y tienes problemas, quizá hay alguien, algún amigo cerca, mira detrás de su espalda, como si miraras a alguien, y tus ojos dijeran "a por él".
" a glint of the devil flickering in his beautiful, undead eyes.
Un destello del demonio parpadeando en sus hermosos ojos no muertos.
"he averts his eyes and keeps right on walking, Jamming his hands in his pockets."
"Él desvió su mirada y siguió andando, apretando las manos en los bolsillos."
Every kingdom he eyes either have to become his vassal or get ravaged in war.
Todo reino en que pone sus ojos o se convierten en sus vasallos o los arrasa en la guerra.
Look, where he has not turned his colour and has tears in's eyes.
Miradlo, ha palidecido su color y tiene lágrimas en los ojos.
I'll throw some Ambien in Ignacio's smoothie and we hit the road as soon as his eyes close.
Voy a poner un sedante en el trago de Ignacio y nos vamos apenas se le cierren los ojos.
In god's eyes, you're still his wife.
y para los ojos de Dios, sigues siendo su esposa.
The first time I laid eyes on Yunis, in his dodgy trackie and his shades, I thought, "Bugger me, it's Ali G."
La primera vez que puse mis ojos en Yunis, en su ropa de gimnasia y sus gafas oscuras, pensé, "Diablos, es Ali G."
The petechial hemorrhaging in his eyes, I'm guessing I'll find pulmonary edema once I open him up. So you're thinking asphyxiation.
¿ Cómo sabes que el cuerpo ha sido movido?
So, post-mortem on his eyes revealed hyperplastic formations in the mid-peripheral retina.
Así que, después de la muerte, sus ojos revelaron formaciones hiperplásticas en la retina media-periférica.
So, in Benton's eyes, when they cut that treatment, they signed his death warrant.
Así que a los ojos de Benton, cuando le quitaron el tratamiento, firmaron su sentencia de muerte.
The way his eyes try to take in the whole world at once.
El modo en que sus ojos intentan acaparar el mundo entero de una sola vez...
Was undressing me with his eyes in the commercial, too?
¿ Me estaba desnudando con la mirada en el anuncio también?
Of course, he's going to keep his eyes open for anything interesting or unusual in the car.
Por supuesto, él mantendrá sus ojos abiertos por cualquier cosa interesante o inusual en el coche.
I don't know, I just had a dream, and in it he was coughing, he had these white, oozy things on his face, and... he was bleeding a little around his eyes and his nose.
No lo sé, acabo de tener un sueño, y en el el tosía, El tenia estas cosas pegajosas blancas en su cara el sangraba un poco alrededor de los ojos y de la nariz.
His skin was flaccid. The look in his blue eyes which had mesmerized the crowds was reddened by insomnia.
" Su piel estaba flácida la mirada en sus ojos azules que mesmerizaba muchedumbres fue quebrada por Insomnio.
But one day, Morgan found a male fly with white eyes in his collection. He decided to crossbreed it with a red-eyed female.
Pero van Helmont También quería probar que los ratones surgían espontáneamente del sudor y los granos de trigo.
Hyun Jun, after seeing the car Seung Hee was inside, exploded in front of his eyes, is in conflict.
Hyun Jun, después de ver que el auto en el que Seung Hee estaba... explota delante de sus ojos, está fuera de sí.
The trouble was, in the eyes of the Catholic Church, everything about his Christianity was heretical.
El problema era que, para los ojos de la Iglesia Católica, todo en esta Cristiandad era herético.
- I said, it seems a crafty monkey with a big screw in his head kidnapped this sweet, innocent little village girl against her will, in front of my very eyes.
- Dije que, Un gorila con un tornillo en la cabeza Secuestró a esta dulce e inocente Niña de la villa en contra de su voluntad,
And I know he's still there, all in white, standing, averting his eyes to preserve their dignity.
Y sé que sigue ahí, todo de blanco, parado, apartando sus ojos para preservar su dignidad.
They stabbed his eyes out, blinded him, stuck him in a dungeon, bread and water, whipped, lashed morning, noon, and night.
Le sacan los ojos, lo dejan ciego lo meten a un calabozo a pan y agua y lo azotan día y noche.
I was looking at Andy's eyes, I can see everything that his body's doing but I can also see Dad standing there and I can see 180 degrees in front of me.
Estaba observando los ojos de Andy, puedo ver todo... lo que hace su cuerpo, pero tambien puedo verlo a papá parado ahí... y tengo un campo de visión de 180 grados.
And as he bent down to comfort her, she brought her arms up around his neck and looked into his eyes in the most human fashion.
Y se inclinó para consolarla, llevó los brazos alrededor de su cuello, y le miró a los ojos de la más humana de las maneras.
So body in the bathtub his eyes were wide open, and the only thing missing was... his ring, sir.
Entonces el cuerpo estaba en la bañera con los ojos muy abiertos y lo único que faltaba era... Su anillo, señor.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his office 49
in his defense 27
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
his eyes 73
eyes 364
eyes on the prize 41
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
his eyes 73
eyes 364
eyes on the prize 41
eyes on me 42
eyes up 51
eyes on the road 42
eyes up here 21
eyes open 53
eyes down 32
eyes forward 43
eyes front 76
eyes here 16
eyes on 29
eyes up 51
eyes on the road 42
eyes up here 21
eyes open 53
eyes down 32
eyes forward 43
eyes front 76
eyes here 16
eyes on 29