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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ M ] / Mr hunt

Mr hunt Çeviri İspanyolca

282 parallel translation
The only somebody that's bothering me right now is Mr Hunt Bromley.
El único que me importa es el Sr. Hunt Bromley.
Invariably, Mr. Rainsford, invariably they choose to hunt.
Invariablemente, señor Rainsford, prefieren ir de caza.
Mr. Gray was secretary to hunt.
El Sr. Gray era asistente de caza.
Will you call up Ms. Cicely Hunt and tell her Mr. Tyler's here, please?
¿ Puede llamar a la Srta. Cicely Hunt y decirle que el Sr. Tyler está aquí, por favor?
Andy, I just found out that Mr. Hunt is Polly's cousin.
Andy, supe que el Sr. Hunt es el primo de Polly.
- Oh, Mr. Hunt.
- Sr. Hunt.
That was Mr. Hunt, my stockbroker.
Por lo que probablemente debes volver a casa.
It wasn't Mr. Hunt himself.
- Bueno.
Were you in love with Laura Hunt, Mr. Lydecker?
¿ Estaba enamorado de Laura Hunt, señor Lydecker?
Did you approve of Miss Hunt's coming marriage to Mr. Carpenter?
¿ Aprobaba usted el matrimonio de la señorita Hunt con el señor Carpenter?
- Good night, Miss Hunt. - Good night. - Good night, Mr. Carpenter.
- Adiós, señorita Hunt, señor Carpenter.
- No, I never heard of her, Mr. Hunt.
Nunca, Sr. Hunt.
- Yes, Mr. Hunt.
- Sí, Sr. Hunt.
P.S. Mr. Hunt says... Keep your eye on this girl. She may go places.
Pongan el ojo en esa muchacha, pues ella irá lejos.
Oh, Mr. Hunt, how could we arrange such a thing?
¿ Cómo puede determinar una cosa de esas?
But I have to wait for Mr. Hunt.
Gracias. Pero tendré que esperar por el Sr. Hant.
Oh, Mr. Hunt. Toots shore's?
¿ Vamos al Tout Choirs?
Oh, no, Mr. Hunt.
Yo ya estaba de salida.
Is there anything you want me to do, Mr. Hunt, because if... oh, yeah, I'm glad you brought that up.
¿ Puedo serie útil en alguna cosa? Ya que toco en ese asunto.
You certainly have to work hard to make the Copacabana a success, don't you, Mr. Hunt?
Pero hay que trabajar mucho para mantener el suceso de Copacabana.
Hello? This is Mr. Hunt's secretary.
Aquí es la secretaria del Sr. Hunt.
E-excuse me, Mr. Hunt.
Discúlpeme, Sr. Hunt.
- Mr. Hunt.
- Llamada para el señor.
Oh, Mr. Hunt.
¡ Sr. Hunt!
Mr. Hunt, have you seen the afternoon paper?
¿ Vio los periódicos de hoy, Sr. Hunt?
Pardon me, Mr. Hunt.
Con permiso, Sr. Hunt.
Then he went down to hunt for them and I turned, sort of to lead Mr. Conovan away.
Entonces se agachó para buscarlas y yo me dediqué a liberar al señor Conovan.
The reason, Mr. Gashade, for a hunt is the kill.
Perseguimos a alguien para matarle.
I should very much like to speak with Mr. Sam Hunt, little girl.
Me gustaría hablar con el Sr. Sam Hunt, jovencita.
- I should like to see Mr. Sam Hunt and tell Mrs. Roat that I should also like to see her. Where are they?
- Me gustaría ver al Sr. Sam Hunt y a la Sra. Roat. ¿ Dónde están?
Forgive me for bursting in on you like this, Mr. Hunt.
Perdone por presentarme así, Sr. Hunt. No.
He thinks that my wife has been seeing this Mr. Hunt.
Cree que mi mujer ha estado viéndose con el Sr. Hunt.
Were you in love with Laura Hunt, Mr. Lydecker?
¿ Estaba enamorado de Laura Hunt, Sr. Lydecker?
Did you approve of Miss Hunt's coming marriage to Mr. Carpenter?
¿ Aprobaba usted su futuro matrimonio con el Sr. Carpenter?
Mr. Koy is a loyal American. I will not subject him to any witch-hunt.
Coy es un americano leal.
Mr. President, in addition to Bright Eyes, I believe the prosecutor has reassembled all the surviving humans that were captured in the hunt.
Sr. Presidente, además de Ojos Brillantes, el Fiscal ha reunido a todos los humanos que fueron capturados vivos en la cacería.
Mr. Schumacher, I know you were all part of this mouse-hunt Resulting in a death and a severely wounded man.
Señor Schumacher, sé que tomaron parte en aquella cacería, que concluyó con un muerto y un herido de consideración.
Mr. Hunt isn't here just now.
El Sr. Hunt no se encuentra aquí en este momento.
- Mr. Hunt isn't here just now.
- El Sr. Hunt no está en este momento.
I was told that you had worked with a Mr. Howard Hunt.
Me han dicho que Ud. ha trabajado con el Sr. Hunt.
You do know Mr. Hunt?
¿ Pero Ud. conoce al Sr. Hunt?
I was wondering if you could confirm some information... on one of your employees, Mr. Howard Hunt?
¿ Podría confirmar cierta información... acerca del Sr. Howard Hunt?
The truth is, I don't have a card that says Mr. Hunt took any material.
No hay una ficha que indique si el Sr. Hunt sacó algún material.
I do remember getting material for somebody, but it wasn't for Mr. Hunt.
Reuní material para alguien, pero no era para el Sr. Hunt.
The truth is, I didn't have any requests at all from Mr. Hunt.
La verdad es que no he tenido ningún pedido del Sr. Hunt.
The truth is, I don't know any Mr. Hunt.
La verdad es que no conozco a ningún Sr. Hunt.
Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post had a conversation... with a White House librarian... on some books a Mr. Howard Hunt took out on Senator Edward Kennedy.
Carl Bernstein del Washington Post habló con una... bibliotecaria de la Casa Blanca... sobre ciertos libros que el Sr. Hunt consultó acerca del Senador Kennedy.
She comes back five seconds later, she says, "I don't even know a Mr. Hunt."
Cinco segundos después dice : "Ni siquiera conozco al Sr. Hunt."
She said someone did call her asking about Mr. Hunt... but all she did was refer him to the Press Office... and she denies that...
Dijo que alguien la llamó preguntándole acerca del Sr. Hunt... pero todo lo que hizo fue dirigirlo a la Oficina de Prensa. Y niega que tuviera lugar...
Now, you are all invited by our chairman, Mr. Hunt Sears, to a reception across the hall... just before the performance, and enjoy yourselves, will ya?
Nuestro presidente, el Sr. Hunt Sears, les invita a una recepción antes del espectáculo. Que se diviertan.
Would you agree that discipline had improved... once Mr. Robertson was removed and Capt. Hunt and Lt. Morant took over.
¿ Estaría de acuerdo en que la disciplina mejoró... después que el Capt. Hunt y el teniente Morant reemplazaron al Sr. Robertson?

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