No responsibilities Çeviri İspanyolca
571 parallel translation
I have no responsibilities.
No tengo responsabilidades.
No troubles, no responsibilities.
No tienes problemas ni responsabilidades.
No responsibilities on our part, just statements from John Doe and we can blast our heads off.
No somos responsables, sólo repetimos las declaraciones de Juan Nadie, sólo eso.
No more worries, no responsibilities, no ulcers.
Basta de preocupaciones, de responsabilidades, de úlceras.
You have no responsibilities. You make no decisions.
No tiene que tomar decisiones.
To live life as you see it, as you feel it, to the full. With no responsibilities to someone else.
Vivir la vida como quieres, como la sientes... sin responsabilidades tontas hacia otra persona.
No worries, no responsibilities.
Sin preocupaciones ni responsabilidades.
You got a good job, no wife, no responsibilities.
Tienes trabajo y no tienes esposa ni responsabilidades.
You're single with no responsibilities. Stay that way.
¡ Eres soltero y no tienes responsabilidades!
You've got no responsibilities left now, except to yourself.
Ya no tienes más responsabilidades, excepto para contigo.
I have no deep attachments, no demanding relationships... no responsibilities.
No tengo grandes ataduras, ni dependo de nadie... no tengo responsabilidades.
I have a son, I have responsibilities, I can't take risks.
Tengo un hijo, tengo que ser responsable, No puedo permitir esto!
You wouldn't have to shoulder all the responsibilities.
No asumirías todas las responsabilidades.
A man with Richard's responsibilities has no business running himself into danger.
Con las responsabilidades que tiene, no debería ponerse en peligro.
No, of responsibilities. What would you do with that girl on the swing?
No, de las responsabilidades. ¿ Qué harías con la chica del columpio?
All right. I'm not afraid of responsibilities I'll take the girl, and the risks involved
Lo arreglaré. No tengo miedo de las responsabilidades Tomaré a la chica y los riesgos que implica
You seem to be less worried about the responsibilities now
¿ No te daban miedo las responsabilidades?
And I couldn't just stand still and watch it fall to pieces at my feet, because along the way I picked up responsibilities there are those who look to me for the things they wanna build.
No puedo quedarme sentado a ver cómo se derrumba. Porque he ido adquiriendo responsabilidades. No puedo abandonar a la gente que se mira en mí.
They will have to prove that they have no debt, since this expedition should not be a way to escape one's responsibilities.
No tendrán deudas, ni se sustraerán de sus obligaciones.
I'm young, I have no particular responsibilities.
Soy joven y no tengo responsabilidades.
You know how Leo's always talking about how he doesn't want any responsibilities.
Pero, sabes, él no quiere responsabilidades.
Don't you know he has great responsibilities in NY?
¿ No sabe que él tiene grandes responsabilidades en NY?
He is not allowed to run away from his responsibilities.
No se le permite escaparse de sus responsabilidades.
Ellen Whitcomb represents, as no other individual the development of the rights women fought for and the responsibilities we must assume.
Ellen Whitcomb representa, como ningún otro individuo la expansión de los derechos por los que han luchado las mujeres y la responsabilidad que cada cual debe asumir.
I considered asking you to come home to look after her, but with your production quota increase underway and in light of your responsibilities as group leader, I can't ask you to do that.
Consideré pedirte que volvieras a casa para cuidar de ella, pero con el aumento de la cuota de producción y a la luz de tus responsabilidades como jefa de grupo, no puedo pedirte eso.
And, besides, I've had no training that would befit me for the responsibilities of such a life.
Además, no tengo una preparación adecuada para tantas responsabilidades.
And of the grave responsibilities which it involves, I advise that the congress declare the recent course of the imperial German government to be in fact nothing less than war against the government and people of the United States and that it formally accept the status of belligerency which has thus been thrust upon it.
... y de las graves responsabilidades que implica...,... recomiendo que el Congreso declare que la reciente línea de acción del Gobierno Imperial Alemán no es en realidad otra cosa que la guerra contra el Gobierno y el pueblo de los Estados Unidos.
I ask these personal questions because I've a very lucrative position open to a young woman with no family responsibilities. No romantic attachments.
Le hago estas preguntas personales porque tengo un puesto vacante bien remunerado para una joven sin responsabilidades familiares, ni relaciones amorosas.
Those of us conscious of our responsibilities, like the prosecutor Reverend Berg, myself and Mr. Andersson would not have squandered our money in a critical situation.
Los que somos conscientes de nuestras responsabilidades, como la acusación, el Reverendo Berg, yo mismo y el Sr. Andersson, no habríamos malgastado nuestro dinero en una situación crítica.
The fact you've taken the time to come this great distance in search of knowledge proves that you're not afraid of responsibilities.
El hecho de que viajaras hasta aquí en busca de la sabiduría... demuestra que no temes las responsabilidades.
Remember, girls, when you get to Bugandi you'll each have your own responsibilities.
No lo olvidéis, chicas, cuando lleguéis a Bugandi tendréis vuestras propias responsabilidades.
I take on all the responsibilities, don't I?
Asumo la responsabilidad ¿ no?
Victoria, since your father seems unwilling to assume the simplest responsibilities of parenthood,
Victoria, dado que tu padre no parece dispuesto a asumir... Las más simples responsabilidades paternas,
I'll make justice face its responsibilities.
¡ Le denunciaré por no cumplir su deber!
You obviously don't have any responsibilities.
Se conoce que no tienes obligaciones.
And don't think this relieves you of your responsibilities to this woman you are married to.
y no creas que esto te releva de tus responsabilidades con esta mujer con la que estas casada.
At your age, with no favorable home conditions and no beneficent influences on the outside, we feel that nine months is too short a time to prepare you for your responsibilities outside.
A tu edad, sin condiciones de hogar favorables... y sin influencias beneficiosas afuera... creemos que nueve meses es muy poco tiempo... para prepararte para las responsabilidades.
Your new responsibilities do not compel you to shower me with compliments in private.
Tus nuevas responsabilidades no incluyen hacerme cumplidos en privado.
Haven't you accepted too many responsibilities?
¿ No te habrás echado demasiadas responsabilidades encima?
Daddy told me to take my responsibilities and that he doesn't want to see his disgraced daughter anymore
Papá me dijo que tomara la responsabilidad y que no quería ver a su hija deshonrada.
You can't run away from responsibilities, even the smallest ones.
No puede huir de las responsabilidades, incluso de las más pequeñas.
Yes, but you weren't told to come here to talk to me about my responsibilities.
Sí, pero no se le ha hecho venir aquí para hablar de mis responsabilidades.
no outside responsibilities.
no tienes responsabilidades.
Will nothing teach you once and for all that I will not be bound by responsibilities and debts and ties and obligations?
¿ Es que no te vas a dar cuenta de una vez y para siempre que no quiero atarme a responsabilidades, deudas, lazos y obligaciones?
I dont have many responsibilities.
No tengo muchas responsabilidades.
Well, there are times when you are given certain responsibilities. You can't ignore them.
Hay veces cuando tienes ciertas responsabilidades, no puedes ignorarlas.
Well don't you have any responsibilities to Hope and me?
Pero tú no tienes ninguna responsabilidad ¿ Y Hope y yo?
I'm in on this as well, I know the responsibilities, I'm not a child.
Yo también estoy metido, tengo sentido de la responsabilidad, ya no soy un niño.
You got responsibilities, right?
Tienes responsabilidades, ¿ no?
When a man has responsibilities, he shoulders them.
No me diste oportunidad Cuando un hombre tiene dificultades las enfrenta
Don`t you realize you have responsibilities to other people? That you have a position to fulfill, that you`re not alone in this world?
¿ Nunca vas a aceptar que tienes responsabilidades con los demás que debes ocupar una posición y que no estás sola en el mundo?
responsibilities 27
no response 122
no rest for the wicked 37
no refunds 32
no reply 23
no return 32
no regrets 133
no records 21
no relatives 18
no reason 651
no response 122
no rest for the wicked 37
no refunds 32
no reply 23
no return 32
no regrets 133
no records 21
no relatives 18
no reason 651
no record 91
no respect 40
no remorse 20
no really 41
no retreat 38
no reaction 22
no reward 17
no resistance 16
no reason at all 28
no relation 32
no respect 40
no remorse 20
no really 41
no retreat 38
no reaction 22
no reward 17
no resistance 16
no reason at all 28
no relation 32