Peter bishop Çeviri İspanyolca
114 parallel translation
Peter Bishop?
Peter Bishop?
Yes, Peter Bishop whose history of questionable business practices verge on fraud.
Sí, Peter Bishop cuya historia de negocios cuestionables rayan en el fraude.
Peter Bishop? I'm Phillip Broyles, Department of Homeland Security.
Peter Bishop, soy Phillip Broyles, Departamento de Seguridad Nacional.
Uh, Peter Bishop, he was brought in about an hour ago.
Lo trajeron hace una hora, más o menos.
This is my team. Peter Bishop and Dr. Walter Bishop.
Mi equipo, Peter Bishop y el doctor Walter Bishop.
Peter bishop. walter bishop's son.
Peter Bishop. El hijo de Walter Bishop
Peter bishop.
Peter Bishop.
Peter bishop, really?
¿ En serio? ¿ Peter Bishop?
- Peter Bishop.
- Peter Bishop.
Peter Bishop.
Peter Bishop.
I'm Peter Bishop.
Soy Peter Bishop.
Agent Dunham, Peter Bishop's on line six.
Agente Dunham, Peter Bishop por la línea seis.
- This is Peter Bishop.
- Este es Peter Bishop. - Hola.
This is Peter Bishop.
Este es Peter Bishop.
It's Peter Bishop calling.
Soy Peter Bishop.
Olivia Dunham, and this is Peter Bishop.
Olivia Dunham, y él es Peter Bishop.
Peter Bishop, Olivia Dunham.
Peter Bishop, Olivia Dunham
Has anyone seen Peter Bishop?
¿ Alguien ha visto a Peter Bishop?
Peter Bishop and Dr. Walter Bishop.
Peter Bishop y el doctor Walter Bishop.
This is Peter Bishop.
Él es Peter Bishop.
His name is peter bishop.
Su nombre es Peter Bishop.
Peter bishop is a con man With many talents and many identities -
Peter Bishop es un estafador con mucho talento y muchas identidades...
I meant it when I said that peter bishop is dangerous.
He dicho en serio que Peter Bishop es peligroso.
It's about peter bishop.
Es acerca de Peter Bishop.
So you're saying that you hired her To hire me to find peter bishop?
Entonces ¿ está diciendo que la contrató a ella para contratarme a mí para encontrar a Peter Bishop?
Now who the hell is peter bishop, And why are you looking for him?
Ahora, ¿ quién demonios es Peter Bishop, y por qué le está buscando?
You think peter bishop stole your heart?
¿ Cree que Peter Bishop robó su corazón?
A few hours ago, a man attacked me with that, And told me to forget I'd ever heard the name peter bishop.
Hace unas horas, un hombre me atacó con eso, y me dijo que olvidase que alguna vez había escuchado el nombre de Peter Bishop.
okay, so what's that got to do with peter bishop?
Está bien, ¿ qué tiene eso que ver con Peter Bishop?
Peter bishop has it.
Peter Bishop lo tiene.
Peter Bishop. Were you a customer here last night?
¿ Fue un cliente de este lugar anoche?
"Space reserved for Peter Sherman, Executive Vice Bishop of Uttoxeter."
"Espacio reservado para Peter Sherman, Vice-Obispo Ejecutivo de Uttoxeter."
I mean, I could go on and on about his cock, his bone, his knob, his bishop, wang, thang, rod, hot rod, humpmobile, Oscar, dong, dagger, banana, cucumber, salami, sausage, kielbasa, schlong, dink, tool, Big Ben, Mr Happy, Peter, pecker, pee-pee, wee-wee, wiener, pisser, pistol, joint, hose, horn,
Quiero decir, podría cabalgar sin cesar sobre su pene su hueso su manija su alfil pedazo, trozo, barra, hierro candente, joroba móvil Oscar, nabo, daga, banana pepino, salame salchicha, salchichón, chorizo falo, herramienta, Big Ben, Sr. Alegría, chupete taladro, pajarito, piyón, meador, pistola, miembro, manguera, cuerno pierna del medio, trípode, tripa palanca, joystick, barreta maravilla de un solo ojo, enano, pequeña cabeza polla, serrucho, pomo, sable músculo del amor, flauta de piel torno, excavadora, víbora...
Do you know a man named Peter Clemence, the Bishop's chaplain?
¿ Conoce usted a un hombre llamado Peter Clemence, capellán del Obispo?
And you... be aware that Peter Clemence is one of our most able young men, a great favourite of my Lord Bishop and of the King himself.
Y usted... sepa que Peter Clemence es uno de los hombres más capaces, favorito de mi Señor el Obispo y del Rey mismo.
Well, an early church document clearly states that a Roman bishop, not a Greek, was Saint Peter's successor.
Un antiguo documento de la Iglesia sostiene que un obispo romano, y no griego, fue el sucesor de San Pedro.
Pope Leo X, sovereign bishop of Rome, successor to Saint Peter and holy head of the Roman Catholic church.
El Papa León X, obispo soberano de Roma, sucesor de San Pedro y cabeza santa de la Iglesia Católica Romana.
- His name's Peter Bishop.
- Se llama Peter Bishop.
Hola. ¿ Peter Bishop?
- Dr. Bishop. Peter.
Doctor Bishop.
When I would do this, I'd base it on my name, Bishop. So, Peter King, Peter Knight.
Cuando yo lo hacia, la basaba en mi propio apellido Peter King, Peter Knight.
Peter and Walter Bishop.
Peter y Walter Bishop.
So I just talked to Tripp.
Así que solo hablo con Tripp. Al final, comprobé la coarta de Peter Bishop.
Turns out, Peter Bishop's alibi checked out.
El no estaba mintiendo.
This is Peter and Walter Bishop.
Ellos son Peter y Walter Bishop.
Uh, Peter and Dr. Bishop are out, and Olivia went to New York to see Nina Sharp.
Uh, Peter y el doctor Bishop han salido, y Olivia fue a Nueva York a ver a Nina Sharp.
The Bishop of Rome was the Pope, honoured in the West as successor to the Apostle Peter.
El obispo de Roma era el Papa, honrado en occidente como sucesor del apóstol Pedro.
It was during the time of Pope Damasus I that the Bishop of Rome was established as bishop in unbroken succession from St Peter.
Fue durante la época del Papa Dámaso I que el Obispado de Roma fue establecida como Obispado en una sucesión directa hasta San Pedro.
Well, I'll stick my neck out and say that I don't believe that Peter was Bishop in Rome.
Bueno, voy a ponerle el cascabel al gato y diré que no creo que Pedro fuera Obispo en Roma.
As successor of Peter, the Bishop of Rome became the Holy Father, Pope, of all Christians in the West.
Como sucesor de Pedro, el Obispo de Roma se transformó en el Santo Padre, el Papa de todos los Cristianos del Oeste.
Hi, there.
Hola. Peter Bishop.
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peter 8305
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