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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / Scotland yard

Scotland yard Çeviri İspanyolca

1,264 parallel translation
Get me Scotland Yard quickly.
Con Scotland Yard.
A nice ocean voyage at the expense of Scotland Yard?
¿ Un viaje placentero a costillas de Scotland Yard?
- This is Inspector Hunter of Scotland Yard.
- El Inspector Hunter, de Scotland Yard.
Special Branch, Scotland Yard.
- Casos especiales de Scotland Yard.
Our orders are to keep it under observation until the Scotland Yard car arrives.
Nuestras órdenes son de vigilar... -... hasta que llegue Scotland Yard.
He sent me out to call Scotland Yard.
Me envió a llamar a Scotland Yard.
We'll just have to sit tight and wait for the car to arrive from the Yard.
Tendremos que quedarnos aquí y esperar a que llegue Scotland Yard.
I'm going to Scotland Yard to talk to General Colbourne of the special branch.
Voy a ir a Scotland Yard a hablar con el general Colbourne, de la unidad especial.
It must be Scotland Yard calling.
Será Scotland Yard.
I don't think Scotland Yard can be anything but an interested spectator.
No creo que Scotland Yard pueda ser más que un espectador interesado hasta que...
Shall I send the pistol and the wallet down to the Yard, sir?
¿ Envío Ia billetera y Ia pistola a scotland Yard? Sí.
Inspector Davidson of Scotland Yard here.
EI inspector Davidson de ScotIand Yard.
This is Inspector Davidson of Scotland Yard.
EI inspector Davidson de ScotIand Yard.
We seldom indulge in games at Scotland Yard, Mr. Froy.
No gastamos bromas en scotland Yard, Sr. Froy.
Especially with Scotland Yard involved.
Sobre todo con scotland Yard de por medio.
I want you to take them all down to the Yard, but arrange for separate transportation.
Quiero que vayan todos a scotland Yard en diferentes vehículos.
Is... Is that part of Scotland Yard over there, do you suppose?
¿ Esto pertenece a scotland Yard o a otra cosa?
You or Scotland Yard.
Vd. o scotland Yard.
This one man with one pair of hands has held the entire police force and Scotland Yard helpless with nowhere to turn.
Este hombre, con un par de manos... hace que Ia policía y scotland Yard se vean impotentes... - sin nadie a quien recurrir.
They must think a lot of you at Scotland Yard.
Deben respetarte mucho en Scotland Yard.
I now call Chief Inspector Hearne, Criminal Investigation Department, - New Scotland Yard.
Llamaré al estrado al Inspector en Jefe Hearne del Dpto. de Investigaciones Penales, Scotland Yard.
I'm a chief inspector in the commissioner's office popularly known as "Scotland yard."
Y soy Inspector de la Jefatura de Policía vulgarmente conocida por el nombre de Scotland Yard.
See this gets without fail to Chief Inspector Gideon at Scotland yard. Richard Strauss!
Entregue esto sin falta al inspector Guideon de Scotland Yard.
And I bet, as usual, I can't find a place to park my car.
Esto es Scotland Yard y como de costumbre no habrá sitio para aparcar.
George Gideon, Chief Inspector, Commissioner's office.
George Gideon, inspector jefe de Scotland Yard.
And get these fellows out of here.
- Brigada volante de Scotland Yard. Llévense a estos hombres.
It's Scotland Yard, dear. They've got some man at London airport.
Scotland Yard, George, Han cogido a un hombre en el aeropuerto.
I thought it was someone respectable like the inspector from Scotland Yard.
Pensé que era alguien respetable, como el inspector Scotland Yard.
Not Philip. Scotland yard.
Philip no, Scotland Yard.
Scotland yard?
¿ Scotland Yard?
Scotland yard doesn't allow new members of NATO To wander around without knowing where they go.
Scotland Yard no permite que los miembros de la OTAN anden por ahí sin enterarse de lo que hacen.
I saw it in a Scotland Yard report on Alfred's desk.
Vi el informe de Scotland Yard en el despacho de Alfred.
Carliss, Scotland Yard.
Carliss, Scotland Yard.
As a Detective from Scotland Yard.
Como detective de Scotland Yard.
- Then you know what they expect from Scotland Yard.
Claro, Sr. - Ya sabe lo que esperan de Scotland Yard.
I'm inspector Higgins of Scotland Yard!
Soy el inspector Higgins de Scotland Yard!
- Tell that to Scotland Yard.
- Dígaselo a Scotland Yard.
Well, Sir, perhaps Scotland Yard has it's own frog!
Bueno, Sr., ¡ quizá Scotland Yard tenga su propia rana!
No, I'm here at Scotland Yard with Inspector Hedge.
No, estoy aquí en Scotland Yard, con el lnspector Elk.
The whole story'll be on the teleprinter to Scotland Yard.
Toda la historia estará en los teletipos de Scotland Yard en el plazo más breve.
Telephone Scotland Yard, tell them to check Boomerang!
¡ Telefonee a Scotland Yard, diga que comprueben "Boomerang"!
Contact Scotland Yard!
¡ Póngase en contacto con Scotland Yard!
He tried to persuade her to phone up the Yard.
Intentó convencerla para que telefoneara a Scotland Yard.
Oh, to blazes with netball, this is important!
¡ Esto es importante! Tienes que contárselo todo a Scotland Yard.
Here we go. " Will anyone, who can give information please communicate with New Scotland Yard Telephone number..
" Si alguien puede proporcionar alguna información, por favor contacte con New Scotland Yard, número de teléfono...
- We went to Scotland Yard.
- Fuimos a Scotland Yard.
The skeptical mind of Scotland Yard, case histories, the file devoted to women who pretend to receive these calls to get attention from neglectful husbands.
De la mente incrédula de Scotland Yard. Dicen que hay mujeres... que inventan estas llamadas... para atraer la atención de sus esposos.
May I submit that it might have been wiser to call the Yard?
¿ No cree que sería mejor avisar a Scotland Yard?
I suggest, um, Scotland Yard, sir.
Le sugiero, Scotland Yard, señor.
My name is Gideon,
Inspector Gideon de Scotland Yard.
You must tell Scotland Yard.
Es nuestra única oportunidad.

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