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She knew that Çeviri İspanyolca

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and she knew that he was coming at 6 : 30 because he's texted her to say so.
Y ella sabía que llegaba a las 6 : 30, porque le envió un mensaje para decírselo.
Because she knew that making improvements was the best way to establish ownership on squatted land.
Porque sabía que hacer mejoras era la mejor manera de hacerse con la propiedad de un terreno ocupado.
But it turns out she knew that young policeman who was killed.
Pero resulta que ella conocía a ese joven policía asesinado.
But for the first time in her life, she found herself thinking about such things. Because she knew that her life was coming to an end.
Por primera vez en su vida se encontró pensando en esas cosas porque sabía que su vida estaba llegando a su fin.
And she knew that I publish a highly respected... investigative monthly.
Y ella sabía que yo publico una revista de investigación mensual... muy respetada.
She knew that if Kayla told her story, it would destroy Reed's career.
Ella sabía que si Kayla contaba su historia, destruiría la carrera de Reed.
She knew that our love is so strong that if she had told you, you would have told me.
Sabía que nuestro amor es tan fuerte que si os hubiera dicho la verdad me la habríais dicho a mí.
And she knew that Jesse had been trying to sleep with Lauren, and she knew Lauren didn't wanna sleep with him.
Y ella sabía que Jesse había intentado acostarse con Lauren, y sabía que Lauren no quería acostarse con él.
All those years I spent on the run, I knew that someday it would come full circle and that Amanda would get what she deserves.
Todos estos años que pasé en la carrera, sabía que algún día se volvería un circulo completo y que Amanda conseguiría lo que merecía.
I knew that something was wrong when she didn't... when she didn't come home last night.
Sabía que algo iba mal cuando no... cuando no volvió ayer por la noche.
She was really, really smart, and she was really, really fun. And she knew how to write a song that communicated all kinds of things.
Era verdaderamente inteligente y muy divertida y sabia como escribir una canción que comunicara todo tipo de cosas.
If my boss knew that my brother was a convicted armed robber and I had him living here in my house she'd -
Si mi jefa supiera que mi hermano es un asaltante a mano armada, convicto, y que lo tengo viviendo aquí en mi casa, me... - ¿ Despediría?
He claims the first he knew that she was missing was when he saw it on the local news last night.
Dice que supo por primera vez que estaba desaparecida cuando lo vio anoche en las noticias locales.
Well, it matters, because Lindsey is innocent, and my guess is, Rosa borrowed your bike that night to meet someone off the grounds, and he or she moved her body back onto the grounds, but never knew about the bike.
Bueno, importa, porque Lindsey es inocente, y mi sospecha es que, Rosa cogió prestada tu bicicleta esa noche para encontrarse con alguien fuera del campamento, y él o ella devolvió el cuerpo al campamento, pero nunca supo nada de la bicicleta.
But it's weird, sir, Mags predicting Jeremy's death like that, and she knew you were a Scorpio.
Pero es raro, señor, Mags prediciendo la muerte de Jeremy de esa forma, y sabía que usted es de Escorpio.
Look, dad, I always told lolli all about it, And that's how she knew to trust me.
Mira, papá, siempre se lo conté todo a Lolli y así es como supo que podía confiar en mí.
In fact, it's possible that she believed that I knew something.
De hecho, es posible que creyera que yo sabía algo.
In that moment, I knew that she wasn't my Odette.
En ese momento, supe que ella no era mi Odette.
I thought that if she knew how much I cared about you, then she would back down a little.
Creo que si ella supiera cuánto me importas, se echaría atrás un poco.
Like, I truly, genuinely cared for her, but I knew she hated that Whitney wanted to be with me, that she didn't want to be with her.
Realmente me preocupaba por ella, pero sabía que ella odiaba que Whitney quisiera estar conmigo, que ella no quisiera estar con ella.
I always kind of knew that she wanted to tell us, and, you know...
Siempre supe lo que quería contarnos y, ya sabes...
She... she told me outright that she can't miss what she never knew.
Ella... ella me contó abiertamente que no puede echar de menos algo que nunca ha conocido.
You knew that if Connie worked out that you were helping Wayne, then she'd figure out that you were helping all of the sovereign cases and she'd expose you for taking bribes.
Sabías que si Connie se enteraba de que estabas ayudando a Wayne, entonces sabría que también ayudabas en el resto de los casos de los independientes y te denunciaría por aceptar sobornos.
Tammi feels partly responsible because she had urged her mother to accept that free trip from a man Sandra knew too little about.
Tammi se siente en parte responsable porque había instado a su madre que acepte ese viaje gratis de un hombre al que Sandra conocía poco.
That's why when she was arrested on drug charges I knew that it was wrong.
Por eso cuando fue arrestada por cargos sobre drogas, sabía que eso estaba mal.
Dude, I swear to God, if I knew that she had a cop pimping for her, I would have let her have it free, all right?
Amigo, lo juro por Dios, si hubiera sabido que su chulo era un poli, lo hubiera dejado pasar, ¿ de acuerdo?
Cassie Reynolds never asked because she knew what really happened that night.
Cassie Reynolds no se lo preguntó porque ella sabía lo que realmente pasó aquella noche.
I knew she was gonna say that.
Sabía que iba a decir eso.
I knew I'd never be that close to her again, so... I cut off some of her hair when she kissed me.
Sabía que nunca volvería a estar tan cerca de ella, así que le corté un trozo de pelo cuando me besó. ¿ Solo para recordarla, sabe?
Well, the Naomi I knew would never fall for someone like Wyndham, but she wouldn't have left his picture in that locker if he weren't connected to her death somehow.
La Naomi que conocí no hubiera caído con alguien como Wyndham, pero... no hubiera dejado su foto si no estuviera relacionado con su muerte.
If everyone knew, that I am her father, and she would get the role that then everyone else would think she would get the role because of me.
Si todo mundo sabía que yo era su padre, tendría el trabajo. Entonces todos pensarían que... lo había obtenido por mí, por la conexión.
Yet he was betrayed by his lover who knew the defining feature that could tell him apart and she told his enemies how they could identify him.
Sin embargo, fue traicionado por su amante... que conocía un rasgo que podría identificarlo... y se lo contó a sus enemigos.
She's been dead about five to seven hours, but you probably already knew that.
Lleva muerta de cinco a siete horas, pero probablemente ya sabías eso.
You knew the way that she did that was with all these gift baskets, so all you had to do was replace one of the water bottles with water that you poisoned.
Y conocías que su método era enviar todas esas cestas de regalo, lo único que tenías que hacer era cambiar una de las botellas de agua con la botella en la que pusiste el veneno.
If you knew that she was looking at you, then you must've been looking at her.
Si sabías que ella te estaba mirando, es que has debido mirarla a ella.
She knew what it meant to marry a soldier, if that's what you mean.
Sabía el significado de estar casada con un soldado, si a eso te refieres.
I never said this woman's laptop had anything to do... you knew that she wasn't involved in your investigation from the beginning, and you let us believe so.
Usted sabía que ella no estaba relacionada con su investigación desde el principio, pero dejó que lo creyéramos.
That was part of it, but I also knew I'd never need a breakup restaurant again,'cause I found a woman who was so sure of what she wanted, and she wanted me.
En parte por eso, pero también supe que nunca volvería a necesitar un restaurante para rupturas. porque había encontrado a una mujer muy segura de lo que quería, y me quería a mí.
She is Ali's older, gorgeous, very well-connected friend that... Somehow we never knew anything about.
Es una amiga mayor de Ali, magnífica, muy bien conectada de la que... de alguna forma nunca oímos hablar.
The worst thing that could happen is if she knew this was all an act.
Lo peor que podría ocurrir es que ella supiera... que todo fue una actuación.
It is possible that she knew about it.
Es posible que ella lo supiera.
That she is getting used by that person... that she knew of his real self.
Que está siendo usada por esa persona. Qué sabía quién era realmente.
- She won't let him. - I wish we knew that.
- Ojalá supiéramos eso.
Because you knew that she was lying the whole time.
Porque tú sabías que estaba mintiendo todo el rato.
I knew she'd eventually run ; that's what she does.
Sabía que finalmente habría de correr, eso es lo que hace.
Well, that's because she knew you would never do better.
Bueno, eso es porque sabía que tú no lo harías mejor.
But she also knew that this was happening, and when I said no, I swear to God, she looked at that phone.
Pero también sabía que esto sucedería y dije que no, te juro por Dios que ella miró el teléfono.
I knew that if I started a row in there, you'd come to her defense, and if you came to her defense, she might very well tell you the truth.
Yo sabía que si empezaba una fila de allí, que había llegado a su defensa, y, si usted salió en su defensa ella podría muy bien decir la verdad.
As long as he's alive, he can prove not only that Lena knew Annie went to Cuba, but she helped her get there.
Mientras estuviese vivo, podría probar no solo que Lena sabía que Annie había ido a Cuba, sino que la había ayudado a llegar ahí.
Her nan does the cleaning at Crickley Hall, that's how she knew about us.
su monja hace la limpieza en Crickled hall asi es como nos conocio.
Then came actresses and so on that she knew.
Entonces vinieron actrices y sucedió lo que ya sabes.

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