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She knew him Çeviri İspanyolca

591 parallel translation
Particularly in what he was before she knew him.
Especialmente saber cómo era antes de conocerlo.
She knew him intimately?
¿ Sus relaciones eran íntimas?
Then apparently, she knew him.
Entonces aparentemente, lo conocía.
O'my word, and she knew him as well as I do, she'd think scolding would do him little good.
Oh, mi palabra, y ella le conocia tan bien como yo, y pensaba que regañar haria poco bien.
I thought Susan acted like she knew him.
Me pareció que Susan ya lo conocía.
She knew him.
Ella le conocía.
He knew she was fooling, but he was happy. For she was near him, holding his hand, smiling at him.
ÉI se daba cuenta pero estaba feliz porque ella estaba allí, le cogía la mano y le sonreía.
I knew if I got out she'd marry him and everything would be all right.
Habiéndome ido yo, ella se casará con él y todo arreglado.
If you knew how much she loves him.
Si supieras cuánto lo ama.
Before I knew what happened he made me tell him what you said. That she deserved to die.
Antes de saber qué pasaba, me obligó a decirle que merecía morir.
" She knew he was weeping and wept with him.
" Ella sabía que él lloraba, y lloró con él.
I knew she'd stand him up.
- Sabía que ella lo plantaría.
─ Yet you knew she was crazy about Goff. You admitted having a fight with him on the pier.
Supo que ella estaba loca por Goff y se peleó con él en el muelle.
I knew after that night, that wasn't the way to stop her. She'd just have to get over him. That's all.
Tenía que esperar a que se desilusionara de él.
Everything she knew or ever became was because of him.
Todo lo que conoció o llegó a ser fue por él.
He was raised by a sister, who I believe hated him too. Although, she certainly never knew it.
Le crió su hermana que aún sin saberlo, le odiaba también.
I knew that she was in love with him.
Sabía que estaba enamorada de él.
And I thought if the mayor knew what kind of a man this Corday is, well, maybe she wouldn't want him staying at her house.
Y pensé que si la alcaldesa supiera la clase de hombre que es el Sr. Corday, bueno, quizás no querría tenerle en casa.
For that reason it takes to you those two to give him / her trust, he / she knew that they were very good.
Por eso le lleve a usted esos dos para darle confianza, sabía que eran muy buenos.
When it all came out, she made me promise not to say anything... because she knw I knew she'd been out with him.
Cuando pasó todo, me hizo prometer que no diría nada porque yo sabía que había salido con él.
I knew that all his plans, all his dreams of greatness... would be wrecked because of what she was doing to him.
Sabía que todos sus planes, todos sus sueños de grandeza... serían destrozados por lo que ella le estaba haciendo.
He looked at her, she looked at him, and before she knew it, she got painted.
Él la miró a ella, ella lo miró a él, y antes de que ella se diera cuenta, estaba pintada.
And when Courtland threatened to expose her she went to his apartment to plead with him in the only way she knew.
Tras amenazar con desenmascararla, fue a su residencia para disuadirle de la única manera que sabía.
He knew because she told him. Isn't that the truth?
Porque ella se Io dijo, ¿ no es así?
And the first thing I knew, she had picked up quite a large book and squashed it squarely in his face. She hit him?
Cuando me di cuenta, ella había cogido un libro y se lo aplastó en la cara.
He knew she wanted him to come home, but... he promised me he wouldn't no matter what happened.
Él sabía que ella quería llevárselo a casa, pero me prometió que no iría.
I knew a man once, kept accusing his wife of being unfaithful. After listening to him for 12 years, she was.
Recuerdo a un hombre que acusaba a su mujer de serle infiel, y 12 años después, ella lo fue.
She knew he'd change his mind, and started throwing those harpoons into him.
Ella supo que cambiaría a su mente, y empezó a tirar arpones sobre él.
She knew how to make him appreciate her.
Ella sabía cómo hacer que la apreciara.
So if she should get ahold of some of this money and she knew that she could get this somebody to bring the rest of it back could get your father to promise not to send him to jail, please?
Así que si ella cogiese parte de ese dinero y supiera que puede hacer que ese alguien devolviera el resto ¿ podrías hacer que tu padre prometiese no mandarlo a la cárcel, por favor?
Inspector, my wife simply means that as far as she knew... she never saw him before.
Inspector, se refería a que no creía haberlo visto antes.
I knew she was no good for him.
- Ya dije que no le convenía.
She never knew him.
Nunca lo conoció.
Father knew him and liked him,... but he couldn't stop laughing when Iris told how she said no,... simply because the fellow wanted her to give up her dancing and just be his wife.
Mi padre lo conocía y le gustaba, pero se puso a reír cuando Iris dijo que le había dicho que no, sencillamente porque él quería que dejara la danza para ser su mujer.
And by then I'm sure he knew she didn't love him.
Para entonces, seguro que sabía que ella no le quería.
Immediately she knew how to explain it to him.
De inmediato supo cómo explicárselo.
She marched Alec to the altar before he knew what struck him.
Llevó a Alec al altar antes de darle tiempo a reaccionar.
All you have to do is broach the subject as tastefully as possible. Find out if she ever knew him, and then tell me about it.
Zach, es muy fácil, toca el tema con mucho tacto, entérate de si le conocía, y me lo cuentas.
I knew she'd take him from me.
Sabía que ella me lo arrebataría.
I knew when he came home with a pair of green socks she'd knitted for him.
Lo supe desde el día que vino a casa con las medias verdes que ella le había tejido.
She knew how to treat him.
Ella se lo ha sabido montar.
Beside her Agostino felt safe, as if the day were loaded with meanings... that only his mother knew... and that she would have revealed them to him.
Agostino a su lado se sentía seguro como si el día se cargase de significados... que sólo la madre conocía y que le habría revelado.
He knew that despite her lovers... her gestures... her frantic goings and comings... she'd end by giving in to him
Sabía muy bien que mamá, a pesar de todos sus intentos, sus amantes, sus viajes y sus retornos imprevistos, habría acabado capitulando.
I knew that she was in love with him.
Sí, sabia que estaba enamorada.
And he knew that she loved him.
Y sabía que ella lo amaba.
This poor defendless woman who briefly knew happiness when she met a humble gas deliveryman, and she married him.
Esta pobre e indefensa mujer que por un momento encontró La felicidad al conocer a un humilde repartidor de gas. Con quien contrajo matrimonio.
'Cause she only knew him for three weeks before she died.
Estuvo con ella por tres semanas antes de su muerte.
I knew she hated him.
Sabía que lo detestaba. Dijo :
If only we knew what Elisabeth Halle meant when she said we had the power to destroy him.
Si sólo pudiésemos entender a lo que se refería Elisabeth Hölle cuando dijo que teníamos el poder de destruirle. Creo que lo sé.
Yet Carlos never knew why she didn't join him.
Y Carlos nunca supo por qué ella no fue a su encuentro.
She had in her eyes something so evidently greedy, insatiable, that every move she made gave rise to a sense of anguish in him because he knew that under that dress, that surely once belonged to her mother, she was completely naked.
Ella tenía en los ojos algo tan evidentemente ávido e insaciable que cada movimiento suyo causaba en él una sensación de angustia por que adivinaba que debajo de aquel vestido, seguramente antes de su madre, estaba completamente desnuda

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