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Shields up Çeviri İspanyolca

288 parallel translation
Deflector shields up.
Suban los deflectores.
Keep your shields up.
Mantengan los escudos.
Deflector shields up.
Eleven los escudos deflectores.
Deflector shields up.
Suban los escudos deflectores.
Shields up.
Activar escudos.
Deflector shields up.
Activar escudos deflectores.
- Shields up and operating, sir.
- Escudos activados, senor.
- Get those shields up again, now.
- Active los escudos ya.
Deflector shields up, Mr Sulu.
Activar escudos deflectores, Sr. Sulu.
Butwhen you're outthere in yakuza society, you have to live with your shields up!
Pero cuando estás ahí fuera, en la sociedad yakuza, tienes que vivir con tus escudos en alto.
Shields up.
Conecten los escudos.
- Sulu, get those shields up!
- ¡ Sulu, active esos escudos!
Precautionary, Mr Chekov, shields up.
Medida preventiva, Chekov, active escudos.
Shields up.
Escudos fuera.
Shields up, computer.
Computadora, levante escudos.
Shields up.
Tiene los escudos levantados, Señor.
Shields up, photon torpedoes activated, sir.
Escudos arriba, torpedos de fotón activados, Señor.
Shields up.
Levante escudos.
- Shields up!
- ¡ Escudos arriba!
- Shields up. Yellow alert.
- Eleven pantallas.
- Shields up. Contact Riker.
- ¡ Suba escudos y llame a Riker!
Shields up.
- Shields up.
- Pantallas.
- Shields up!
¡ Escudos arriba!
Shields up.
Active campos.
I made up my mind without fearing arrows nor shields.
Me mentalicé para no tener miedo ni a flechas ni a escudos.
Shields firming up.
Blindajes afirmándose.
- Shields are up, but won't last long.
- Los escudos no resistirán mucho más.
If we try to warp out, or even move on impulse engines, we'll lose our shields, and we'll burn up like a cinder.
Si intentamos usar velocidad warp o los motores de impulso perderemos los escudos y nos quemaremos vivos.
- Get those shields back up again.
- Suba otra vez esos escudos.
The shields of the riot police were lined up
La policía alineaba sus escudos.
If the shields don't stay up, the hull will be corroded and we'll all be broken down into nice digestible particles.
Si desactivamos los escudos, éstas corroerán el casco... y nos desintegrarán en bonitas partículas digeribles.
Captain, the deflector shields are coming up again.
Capitán, recuperamos los escudos deflectores.
Angle the deflector shields while I charge up the main guns.
Activa los escudos mientras cargo las armas de defensa.
- Back off! We're coming up.
Cree, Shields, atrás.
The Roman soldiers go forward shoulder to shoulder with their shields locked a cohort they're not going to bring the ramp up to the gates.
Los romanos avanzan hombro con hombro con los escudos unidos una cohorte no van a acercar la rampa hasta los portales.
- Their shields are going up!
- ¡ Están activando los escudos!
He would fall backwards down a manhole and wind up in the arms of Brooke Shields.
Si se cayera por una alcantarilla, acabaría en brazos de Brooke Shields.
Shields and deflectors up, sir.
Escudos y deflectores levantados, Señor.
- When he put up the shields.
- Al levantar sus escudos.
Shields and deflectors up full, sir.
Escudos y deflectores a toda potencia.
Shields and deflectors up, sir.
Escudos conectados, Señor.
- Shields and deflectors up.
- Activen escudos y deflectores.
Shields just came on. Deflectors also up.
Elevadas pantallas y deflectores.
We can't beam the away team up with our shields in place.
No podemos subirlos.
Aft shields weakened. Whatever they're using, our shields can't stand up to it much longer.
No van a poder resistirlo mucho más.
Shields and deflectors are up.
Escudos y deflectores elevados.
Ensign T'su, when I order the shields down, you have one responsibility. Locate the away team and get them up here.
Cuando ordene bajar los escudos, tendrá una responsabilidad localizar al equipo de salida y subirlo.
Shields and deflectors up.
Activen escudos protectores.
Let me put up the shields, sir.
Subamos las pantallas, señor.
Shields up.
¡ Active campos!

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