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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / So that's it then

So that's it then Çeviri İspanyolca

909 parallel translation
So then I'm going front, back, front, back... and it's all dirty in the back, so when I move it to the front, then that gets all dirty.
Y luego ya es delante, detrás, delante, detrás... y por atrás está todo sucio, así que cuando lo pongo delante, eso también se ensucia.
So it's true, then, that you're penniless?
Te vistes como un ladrón.
Then that's the way it will be, so she can grow up into a very lovely lady.
Entonces, así será... para que pueda convertirse en una dama encantadora.
Well, naturally, she was excited because it was here last night, then she heard somebody coming, so that's why she hid in the closet.
Claro que se puso nerviosa, porque estaba aquí anoche y oyó que alguien venía. y se ocultó en el armario.
It's just that I love you so, Ollie. And if you're happy, then I guess that's all that really matters.
Te quiero muchísimo, Ollie, y si tú eres feliz, lo demás poco importa.
So then, it's all very well that I leave.
O sea, mejor que me vaya.
And this morning when I read in the papers about Count Vronsky's accident... I felt so little about it... that I realized then it was... you who I had always loved.
Y esta mañana, cuando leí en los periódicos sobre el accidente del conde Vronsky, me afectó tan poco que vi entonces que... era a usted a quien siempre he amado.
So, then, you who understand, tell him that until now I tried convincing him but now it's an order.
Tú que me entiendes, diles que he intentado hacerles razonar, pero ahora es una orden, ¿ entendido?
But then I don't think our form of government's so bad that honest men can't run it.
Pero creo que nuestro último gobierno no era tan malo...
It's his gun, but then maybe a man could get so tormented by that kind of woman, he wouldn't know what he was doing.
Era su pistola, pero es cierto que un hombre puede obnibularse por una mujer como esa. Él no sabía lo que hacía.
Millions of people right now are pretty happy to be right where they are, but when someone wants to go somewhere else so badly that they'll risk their lives, then it's time for me to help them,
Millones de personas son felices donde están. Pero cuando uno arriesga su vida para ir a otro sitio, entonces me toca ayudar en vez de rechazar.
Then he always falls down. But when he's in it, we bear him up very tight and take him in when it's cold, and we got a pair of Large prize wheels on, so that when he moves, they run after him.
Pero cuando está en él, le sujetamos muy fuerte, le metemos cuando hace frío, y tenemos un par de ruedas, para que cuando se mueva, corran tras él.
If I can find some way to curb that instinct... to tame it, so that it's always under control... then perhaps we can eliminate bloodshed, violence, even war... and have peace on earth and goodwill towards men.
Si pudiera encontrar el modo de dominar este instinto... de forma que esté siempre bajo control. Entonces... posiblemente, podríamos eliminar las carnicerías, la violencia... hasta la guerra... para tener paz sobre la tierra... para los hombre de buena voluntad...
Well, it's about a chap who murders a chap, and then, so not to be found out, he has to kill another one and then another one, and, well, that's the way it goes, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.
Es un hombre que mata a otro hombre, y para que no lo descubran, mata a otro, y a otro, y así hasta el final. "Ad infinitum", "Ad nausen".
You'll tell them that your fathers defended your fatherland from the barbarian invader who threatened its sacred borders and that we of 1899, who fought on Monte Grappa, on the stony ground of the Carso and on the River Piave, are the same men we were then and so, when the cannon thunders it's the voice of the fatherland that is calling us and we shall answer :
Diréis que vuestros padres defendieron la patria... del invasor que amenazaba las fronteras sagradas... y que nosotros, los del 99, que luchamos en el Monte Grappa... y en las pedreras del Carso y en el Piave... somos los mismos de ahora. Y, cuando suenen los cañones... es la voz de la patria que nos llama. Y nosotros responderemos, "¡ Presente!"
I was so cramped and pressed down by it, but then I saw the light, and now I am the happiest person in the world, and I praise and thank God and that's what I wanted to say.
Pero después me convirtieron... y ahora soy la mujer más feliz del mundo, y alabo y doy gracias a Dios. Eso es todo lo que quería decir.
If I could get that approach, so it's smooth... then get the twist of the wrist.
Si supiese ponerme para lanzarla suave... -... y Iuego girar Ia muñeca.
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Y luego, lo haremos más tarde, pero casarse así parece algo rutinario, así que vamos a... ir al norte del estado, o a Jersey, o a donde... se haga eso, y lo haremos.
So that it's then...?
¿ Así que eso es todo...?
I suppose I knew then that what he was doing was contrary to somebody's law, but... my granddaddy had done it before him, his daddy before him and so on clear back to Ireland.
Supongo que sabía que lo que él hacía era contrario a la ley de alguien. Mi abuelo lo había hecho antes que él... su papá antes que él y así retrocediendo hasta Irlanda.
- It's a trap... we used to take possums like that... you fool them so they feel safe and then, bang!
- Es una trampa yo cazaba así las zarigüeyas las engañas para que se sientan seguras y luego, ¡ pum!
So that's it, then.
Ya estáis casados, pues.
Tell me you belong to me, that you will run away with me, it's my only hope of salvation! Then you will see again the man who you came to for help, and who loved you so much!
Dime que te quedarás conmigo, y la bestia que me posee se calmará, y volveré a ser un hombre enamorado.
That's downright wicked of you To say I have something so awful-sounding And then not tell me what it is.
Pero no está bien, que me diga que tengo algo que suena tan terrible y no me aclare de que se trata.
I thought perhaps once I had explained, then even members of the Iyi Clan would surely say, " Oh, so that's how it was. Perhaps we were overzealous that day in rushing to that end.
Explicar las dificultades de Motome, permite a sus hombres entender su posición para reflexionar en sus propios sentimientos.
Now then, my dear, what is it that's so important, hm?
¿ Qué es eso tan importante, querida?
Well, then perhaps, and it's just a possibility, he chooses to keep the inner man locked up so that no one steps on him.
Quizá, y es sólo una posibilidad intenta ocultar a su verdadero yo para que nadie lo humille.
Right. So all we have to do is measure the distance from here to the bridge at 40 miles an hour, and then set the timer so that it blows up while he's crossing the bridge.
bien, tendremos que tomar la distancia desde aqui al puente a 40 millas por hora, y colocar el contador para que explote mientras cruzan el puente.
So that's it then? She's out?
- Entonces, ella está descartada.
When you're finished there... you can help me by pulling... this painfully barbed savage's arrow... first by snipping the head off in the back... and then pulling it from the front, quickly so that it doesn't hurt me.
Cuando acabes puedes ayudarme a mí quitándome esta flecha que tanto me duele. Primero parte la punta por detrás y luego da un rápido tirón por delante para que no me duela.
I would have worn mine too but I've filled out so much since then that it's practically indecent.
Yo me hubiera puesto también el mío pero me he rellenado tanto desde entonces que hubiera sido indecente.
So I take it that a place like this, that's a step up for you, then?
Entonces asumo que un lugar como este es un paso hacia adelante ¿ verdad?
So, after that have happen to me, then, uh, I said to myself, "Now it's time for you to go from Quebec."
Así que, luego de que me sucediera, entonces yo me dije. "Ya es hora de irme de Quebec."
so... that thing, then... what's it called?
Entonces... esa cosa... ¿ Cómo se llama? El dinero...
Then it is true, a story so strange that no one ever could make it up, has to be true, this story is really true, it's really true.
Es verdadera, una historia tan extraña que nadie podría haberla inventado, esta historia es verdadera, realmente verdadera
That's kind of the middle of the country back there, so... bluegrass or country music... if it comes down to that area... if it mixes with the rhythm, and if it dances... then you've got a combination of all different kinds of music.
Hablamos del centro del pais. El bluegrass o la musica country, cuando llega a esa zona y si se mezcla con ritmo y se baila, tienes una combinacion de todos los estilos musicales.
Then it's flung back into outer darkness its orbit so large that it will not return for millions of years.
Luego es arrojado y su órbita es tan grande que no regresa en millones de años.
Then after a time the denial became so strong that it totally obliterated Kane's identity.
Luego la negación se volvió tan fuerte que bloqueo completamente la identidad de Kane.
You know, it's just that he's so funny, and then he yammers to me that he can't give up the women.
Es que es tan raro... y luego se queja de que no puede renunciar a las mujeres.
So that's it, then?
¿ Entonces se acabó?
It's hard to believe that all of this was so beautiful then.
Es dificil de creer, pero todo esto era tan hermoso entonces.
So then it's safe for us to assume that your mother is...
Así que podemos dar por sentado que su madre es...
It's the fucking bankers, the politicians, they're the ones that wanna make coke illegal so they can make the fucking money and then get the fucking votes!
Son los jodidos banqueros, los políticos... los que quieren que la coca sea ilegal. Así pueden ganar un pastón y obtener un huevo de votos.
Then he programmed the telephone... so that if a call came in, it would automatically be forwarded to Horatio's telephone.
Luego, programó el teléfono para que las llamadas entrantes se desviaran automáticamente al teléfono de Horacio.
But, Cutwater's aren't quitters. So, I've decided that if my wealth cannot help me in this life, then my God, it's going to buy me another one. - Ah, Grayson.
Pero todo era de Cutwater, por eso decidí... que si mi salud no me ayudaba en esta vida, mi dinero me compraría una nueva vida.
It just is so nice. And then the Russian rye. You know, there's so many raisins in it that...
Y el pan ruso, con las pasas...
And that's why it was so important that you came, because if we could touch the you in you, then maybe the shock might bring her back.
Era importante que vinieras. Porque si pudiéramos tocar tu interior, podría recuperarse del trauma.
I know I shouldn't have but then I wanted to give it to her ; And so I did That's it
así es como hice eso hiciste
- No, that's not a movie. - OK, so what is it, then?
¿ qué es?
So that's it then.
Eso es todo.
So until you can tell me something that makes one ounce of sense, then we're all going home, and that's all there is to it.
A menos que me diga algo que tenga sentido, nos iremos a casa. Nada de estudios.

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