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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ S ] / So there we were

So there we were Çeviri İspanyolca

647 parallel translation
Well, so there we were, me and 25 soaking wet Japanese architects in my apartment, and I'm out of Brie.
Bueno, así que allí estábamos, yo y 25 remojo arquitectos japoneses húmedos en mi apartamento, y yo estoy fuera de Brie.
So there we were in a ghost town, Harry and me.
Entonces, aquí estamos, en un pueblo fantasma, Harry y yo.
I wish we were there so they could annoy me in person.
Suspiros Ojalá estuviéramos allí para que pudieran molestarme en persona.
We were going to be married on Tuesday, and then we postponed it, so my sister could get there from New Hampshire, remember?
Teníamos que casarnos en martes, pero lo aplazamos para que mi hermana pudiera llegar de New Hampshire.
I only put it there so that I could get it quick in case we were torpedoed.
¿ De qué hablas, idiota? Lo puse ahí para tenerlo a mano... en caso de que nos bombardeasen.
let go of him, Ossip, Stepan there you are, my dear father-in-law so you finally got Dunja's letter, we were afraid it hadn't reached you because you didn't come and the wedding is tomorrow
¡ Soltadlo, Ossip, Stepan! ¡ Está Ud. aquí, querido suegro! Así pues, recibió Ud. la carta de Dunia, temíamos que no le hubiese llegado.
Well, now that we're gettin'so clubby... suppose you tell me what you were doing up there last night.
Ya que estamos tan amigables... dígame qué fue a hacer ahí anoche.
We got prints, but there were so many!
¡ Hemos sacado algunas huellas, pero había muchísimas!
There were jobs for everybody. We felt so good about it, we forgot it didn't mean prosperity.
Olvidaba que no estamos en época de prosperidad... sino de guerra.
We were so shocked, we just stood there for a moment.
Estábamos tan asombrados, que quedamos inmóviles un momento.
I'd like to take her there, but we were up so late last night.
Me encantaría ir con ella, pero ayer se hizo tan tarde...
Unfortunately, there were no witnesses... so we've only your word for that.
Desafortunadamente, no había testigos. Sólo tenemos su palabra.
Yeah. Things were going so swimmingly for The Four Donahues, one winter, we even vacationed there.
Las cosas iban tan bien, que un invierno pasamos allí las vacaciones.
Miss, we need to know from you, who were so close to poor Silvani, if there was anyone who had a motive of hatred, resentment toward him.
Verá, señorita, lo que deseamos es que nos diga usted que conocía tanto al pobre Silvani si había alguien que pudiera tener motivo de odio o de rencor hacia él.
So there we all were, suffering.
El caso es que todos sufríamos.
We were all working at Zach's tonight and I decided the air would do me good so I walked till I almost fell down and there I was, no purse.
Nos reunimos donde Zach y me apetecía tomar el aire. Eché a andar y cuando me cansé, ahí estaba, sin bolso.
There were so many people around the other day, we hardly had a chance to talk.
El otro día, Casi no hablamos.
There were so many places we had planned to travel but he was occupied with his work here.
Había tantos lugares que habíamos planeado visitar pero estaba ocupado con su trabajo aquí.
There was berlin to worry about and indochina, and algeria and all the other myriad problems, major and minor that somehow had lost their incisive edge of horror because we were so familiar with them.
Se preocupaban por Berlin, Indochina, Argelia y todos los otros problemas grandes y pequeños a los cuales ya habíamos perdido un poco el miedo por estar tan familiarizados con ellos.
There was a time when we were so poor... we didn't have nothing to eat all winter except one slice of bacon.
Hubo un invierno en que nos mantuvimos con una lonja de tocino.
And one of the boys knew the girl I was with so they stopped the car, and we were introduced. And then the next night, I went to a dance and there he was.
Uno conocía a mi amiga, detuvieron el auto, nos presentaron y la noche siguiente fui a bailar.
These men were so excited about surfing that we felt sure after we left... they'd shape their own surfboard from some jungle tree... and are probably out there surfing right now.
Estaban tan emocionados con el surf... que pensamos que después de marcharnos, hicieron sus propias tablas con árboles... y probablemente estén ahora mismo ahí haciendo surf.
So, there we were in this crummy hotel room, necking away until we both got pretty excited...
Un día estábamos en un cuarto de hotel, besándonos hasta excitarnos...
There were no trains so we were bored.
Poco antes de las doce, yo estaba leyendo, no pasaba ningún tren.
There were so many volunteers at the church we were getting in each other's way.
Había tantos voluntarios en la iglesia que nos chocábamos unos con otros
I wish there were more time... if only so that we could adjust to the situation.
Desearía que hubiese más tiempo... Si fuera así, podríamos ajustarnos a la situación.
If so, the Romulans could attack into Federation territory before we knew they were there, before a vessel or a planet could even begin to get their defences up.
Entonces los romulanos podrían atacar la Federación antes de que lo supiéramos. Antes de que una nave o un planeta pudiese siquiera armar sus defensas.
I wish there were some way we could open the window so we could hear what's going on in there.
Ojalá pudiéramos abrir la ventana para oír qué pasa ahí.
Now, you were shootin'low out there, so we'll put that front side right about there for you.
Estabas disparando bajo, así que te arreglaremos eso de delante.
A Judy Bishop of 505 LaGuardia Place... and, uh... uh... it seems that there's some mistake, because I have come here under the assumption that we were to have a date tonight, and, uh, it seems that Miss Bishop knows nothing about it... and so I would like to find out what's happening here.
Judy Bishop de LaGuardia Place 505... y... parece que hay un error porque vine creyendo que teníamos una cita esta noche y parece que la Srta. Bishop no sabe nada al respecto... y me gustaría saber qué sucede aquí.
On 3 Godfathers there's this scene where Wayne and Armendériz and myself were in our bedrolls and we're covered up. you know uh. because there had been a sandstorm so... And then we sit up from the bedrolls and Duke wakes up. and then Pete wakes up.
En "Tres padrinos" está esta escena donde Wayne, Armendáriz y yo estábamos en nuestros sacos y estábamos cubiertos, ya sabes, porque hubo una tormenta de arena... y entonces nos sentamos en los sacos y el Duque se despierta, y entonces Pete se despierta.
So, there we were in front of the fireplace... and making love... which was new to me - to make love to a man.
Así que, allí estábamos delante del hogar... y haciendo el amor... que era nuevo para mí- - hacerle el amor a un hombre.
So we were given temporary shelter at the shrine and eventually took up residence there.
Con el tiempo se convirtió en nuestra residencia.
But, in case there were some survivors, we took MacDonald with us so that he could parley with them and secure permission for our search.
Llevamos a MacDonald con nosotros por si había sobrevivientes para que tratara con ellos y lograra el permiso para nuestra búsqueda.
I know that you were only following orders, so there is no reason why we cannot be friends, is there?
Se que solo seguías ordenes, no hay razón para no ser amigos, no?
also, polly PIatt and I had driven across the country in the mid -'60s, and we'd noticed that there were no hills in Kansas, and so we thought, when we were confronted with this,
A mediados de los 70, Polly y yo cruzamos el país en coche. Nos dimos cuenta de que en Kansas no había colinas.
We had to, of course, straighten out the backgrounds, so that we made sure there were no anachronisms.
Hubo que adaptar los paisajes de fondo con el fin de evitar anacronismos.
So, there we are, looking sexy, and we were in Amalfi, and we stop for a gelato.
Así que, ahí estábamos, luciendo sexies, y estábamos en Amalfi, y nos detuvimos por helado.
There was one day when we were filming here that was so complicated that when lunch was called, I walked down the road and didn't come back.
Hubo un día que estábamos filmando y fue tan complicado... que cuando tuvimos el receso para comer, me fui por la calle y no volví.
So, there we were, wide open when they hit us.
estabamos allí indefensos, cuando nos dispararon.
So there, that's where we were yesterday afternoon.
Allí, allí donde estábamos ayer por la tarde.
There was a full moon so we were able to stay on the Mau Mau's track.
Había luna llena, así que pudimos seguir la pista de los Mau Mau.
So we had to cut another path... and that brought us problems because we had to cut deep into the mountain... and it's very-very, very tough... and there were landslides.
asi que tuvimos que construir otro camino... y eso nos trajo muchos problemas por que tuvimos que rebajar bastante el terreno... y fue muy duro... habían desprendimientos de tierra.
There's not much damage though, and we were going to move anyway... so I guess we'll just knock a little off the price.
Pero no ha habido muchos daños. Nos íbamos a mudar así que supongo que habrá que bajar el precio.
Sí - nosotros - bueno - ya ve, éramos tan parecidos que no encontraron... necesario ponernos nombres diferentes.
So we drove directly from the airport to City Hall... and there were maybe 75 people there.
Así que nos fuimos directamente desde el aeropuerto hasta el Ayuntamiento... y había tal vez 75 personas allí.
So far we know that there are injuries but there were no casualties.
Por lo que sabemos hay heridos pero no así víctimas mortales.
I see you have completed your task He-man yes, but there's still so much we don't know then listen and I shall tell you all many years ago twins were born to Randor
Si, pero todavía hay mucho que no sabemos Entonces escuchen y les contaré todo Hace muchos años nacieron gemelos, hijos de Randor
I think Ludie knows how I feel about getting back to Bountiful because... once when we were talking about something that happened back there in the old days... he burst out crying... and so overcome, he had to leave the room.
Creo que Ludie sabe lo que significa para mí regresar a Bountiful... porque una vez estábamos hablando de algo que sucedió allí hace mucho tiempo... y él rompió en llanto... y estaba tan emocionado que se paró y se fue.
If we start buzzing about down there, we're liable to find their mental power is so great, they could reach out and swat this ship as though it were a fly.
Si empezamos a interferir su poder mental podría ser capaz de aplastar esta nave como si fuéramos una mosca.
But there's always a postmortem after every suspicious death, so we were bound to discover the morphine.
Pero siempre hay una autopsia luego de una muerte sospechosa y obvio que descubriríamos la morfina.

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