Touching Çeviri İspanyolca
7,113 parallel translation
Oh, that is very touching, but adoption is reserved for those in need of an emotional and physical support system.
Oh, eso es conmovedor, pero la adopción está reservada para aquellos que necesitan un sistema de apoyo físico y emocional.
She really, really doesn't like people touching her stuff.
No le gusta nada que la gente toque sus cosas.
Shodai, touching balls...
Shodai, ¿ tocar pelotas...
"Naoki Nagasaki's touching AV debut - Rape the Undead"
El conmovedor debut de Naoki Nagasaki "Violación a los Muertos Vivientes".
Look, they are touching his nipples!
¡ Miren, les están tocando los pezones!
Randomly touching other people's houses.
Estás tocando aleatoriamente casas de otras personas.
She keeps touching her nose and covering her mouth.
Ella sigue tocando su nariz y cubriendo su boca.
The arm touching, the dinner... ugh.
La conmovedora brazo, la cena... uf.
Are you touching yourself?
¿ Estás tocándote?
It's... it's all so very touching.
Es... es todo tan conmovedor.
- No, I mean, with the touching speeches and romantic serenades.
- No, quiero decir, con los discursos conmovedores y las serenatas románticas.
Clearly it's because my client was manipulated into saying that she was touching the victim's body by the detectives in order to further incriminate her.
Esta claro que es porque mi clienta fue manipulada para decir que estaba tocando el cuerpo de la victima por los detectives para incriminarla.
It turned you on - just to think about Lila... touching yourself, taking those pictures.
Te excitaba solo pensar sobre Lila... tocándote, haciéndote esas fotos.
All right, no touching. Got it.
Muy bien, sin tocar.
Do not think about touching those or opening those.
Ni se te ocurra tocarlas ni abrirlas.
Only I can consent, and I don't want you touching her.
Yo sólo puedo, y no quiero que la toques.
No touching.
No se toca.
No touching.
Sin tocar.
They said no touching.
Dijeron no tocar.
It felt like everyone who ever made the mistake of touching Ali was there that night.
Parecía que todos los que alguna vez cometieron el error de tocar a Ali estaban allí esa noche.
Quite touching that, wasn't it?
Qué conmovedor, ¿ verdad?
That's very touching.
Qué conmovedor.
If I can achieve 40 teaspoons a day without touching perceived candy or junk food...
Si puedo conseguir 40 cucharaditas al día sin tocar percibida dulces o comida chatarra...
Where are you touching?
¿ Por qué me tocas?
Before I shot him, I was sitting in the truck, and I was watching you two touching and hugging and stuff.
Antes de dispararle, estaba sentado en la camioneta, y viendo cómo los dos os tocabais y os abrazabais y tal.
They're using magic that lets them brainwash others just by touching them.
Usan magia que permite lavarle el cerebro a todo lo que tocan.
I ain't touching nothing that touched the hands of a nigger lover.
No tocaré nada que hayan tocado las manos de un amante de los negros.
Hey, I'd rather be out of touch than touching everything that walks.
Prefiero estar desfasado que en contacto con todo el que se mueve.
They were touching me, and I electrocuted them.
Ellos me estaban tocando, y yo les electrocutado
It was touching.
Ha sido emotiva.
But for now, there is an embargo on touching Garrett's property.
Pero por ahira, está prohibido tocar la propiedad de Garrett.
Stop touching my clothes.
Deja de tocar mi ropa.
And you think that I would be touching her in a way that you're describing right in front of you?
¿ Y crees que yo la estaría tocando de la manera que describes justo en frente de ustedes?
That is so touching and from the heart.
Es tan conmovedor y desde el corazón.
I don't want no man touching me!
¡ No quiero que ningún hombre me toque!
It was like Hartley triggered something by touching it.
Fue como si Hartley hubiera desatado algo al tocarlo.
If it touched the song of the heart touching the heart
Si tocaba la canción del corazón... tocaos el corazón.
I'm going to be competing against my daughter. Against my daughter. It was pretty touching for me
Voy a competir en contra mi hija.
It was pretty touching for me and it just brings it all And it just brings it all home, un, this whole blood versus
Fue muy emotivo para mi y hace que me sienta como en casa, de esto trata Blood vs.
Kind of poison sap or something that people were touching. That people were touching. so let's get it off.
Pues vamos a quitarlas.
Why are you touching him?
Saca las manos!
Nobody was touching this train.
Nadie iba a tocar este tren.
That is so touching.
Me ha llegado.
Um... I, um, er..... have trouble managing too much, er, sensory input at one time and in this instance there was the whole tongue thing and you were touching my leg at the same time and I can't be completely certain but it's possible I just had an orgasm.
Oh... yo... hay problemas para manejar demasiada información sensorial a la vez... y en este caso existe el asunto del habla... y que estás tocando mi pierna al mismo tiempo... no puedo estar completamente seguro... pero es posible que acabo de tener un orgasmo.
I will have this splinter in my brain that I can't stop touching.
Tendré esta espina en mi cerebro que no puedo dejar de tocar.
That girl... told me that I have the face of a good person just by touching me.
¡ Ah! Esa chica... me ha dicho que tengo cara de buena persona solo con tocarme.
Woo "p" and it's really pretty Woo "p" and it's really pretty touching to see a tough girl
Te llega ver a una chica fuerte llorar.
Well, I don't like touching people for no reason.
Bueno, no me gusta tocar a la gente sin motivo.
No one is touching this button!
¡ Nadie va a pulsar este botón!
And very sad, I think - - sad and touching.
Y muy triste, supongo. Triste y conmovedor.
That means he'll be touching himself.
Eso significa que se está tocando.
touching you 17
touching me 21
touche 95
touched 29
touch 409
touchdown 220
touch me 152
touch and go 16
touch wood 21
touch him 24
touching me 21
touche 95
touched 29
touch 409
touchdown 220
touch me 152
touch and go 16
touch wood 21
touch him 24