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Was it worth it Çeviri İspanyolca

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Was it worth it? What you found in the outside world?
¿ Valió la pena lo que encontraste en el mundo exterior?
" Was it worth it Stas?
" ¿ Mereció la pena, Stas?
It was worth it.
Mereció la pena.
Was it worth your efforts?
¿ Os ha valido la pena tanto esfuerzo?
And much of the american. But was it worth it?
¿ Pero valió la pena?
It was painful, but it was worth every moment of it, and, you know, silly thing, corny as it is,
Fue doloroso, pero valió la pena cada momento de la misma, y, ya sabes, una cosa tonta, cursi como lo es,
Marshall refused to respond and told Truman at the time, that if at this point in his life he had to explain that he was not a traitor it was hardly worth the effort.
Marshall se negó a responder y dijo a Truman al momento que si en ese punto de su vida tenía que explicar que no era un traidor apenas merecía el esfuerzo.
I didn't have any of the pain, but I would say it was worth all of the trial of getting to where we were.
Yo no sentí nada del dolor, pero yo diría que valió la pena toda la aflicción de llegar a donde estábamos.
If you had gone to see the movie with me... I... Would've thought that it was worth about 80 points.
Si fueras a ver una película conmigo... habría pensado... quizá unos 80 puntos.
It was based on what my time is worth.
Se basa en lo que mi tiempo vale.
It was worth a shot.
Fue la pena intentarlo.
And, God knows, it was worth it.
Y Dios sabe que valió la pena.
He said expensive, but it was totally worth it.
Dijo caro, pero fue totalmente la pena.
"Was it worth losing her to leave a footprint on the moon?".
"¿ Mereció la pena perderla para dejar una pisada en la Luna?"
well, it was worth it, i think.
- Bueno, valió la pena, pienso. - ¿ Eso piensas?
But it was worth it.
Pero valió la pena.
Hey, listen, man, it was worth every minute.
Escucha, hermano, valió la pena cada minuto.
Leaving the nest was totally worth it!
¡ Valió la pena abandonar el nido!
It was worth it.
Valió la pena.
In ancient times it was worth more than its weight in gold because it was the color of Roman royalty.
Hace mucho tiempo, valía su peso en oro. Porque era el color favorito de los emperadores romanos.
And it was worth it.
Y valió la pena.
It was worth it for $ 2, come on.
Valieron la pena los $ 2.
You know, it was worth- -
Bueno, ya sabes, valía...
My brother, it was worth it.
Hermano, valió la pena.
I always said it was worth the risk but...
Siempre dije que era vale la pena el riesgo, pero...
- Was it worth it?
¿ Valió la pena?
Three hours'wait and it was worth every minute of it to go in there tonight.
Tres horas esperando y valió cada minuto estar ahí esta noche.
It's worth noting that Tobias had heard this hospital in Orange County was a favorite of show business big shots seeking plastic surgery.
Vale la pena acotar que Tobias había escuchado que este hospital en Orange County era el favorito de grandes estrellas que buscaban cirugía plástica.
So it was all worth it.
Así que todo valió la pena.
Was it really worth all the effort of committing it to memory like that?
¿ Realmente valió la pena todo el esfuerzo de aprendértelo de memoria, de esa manera?
I hope it was worth it, because you just lost us the cover of New York Magazine.
Espero que valiera la pena, porque nos acabas de hacer perder... la portada del New York Magazine.
It was worth untold riches.
Valía incalculables riquezas.
Took me 25 years, but believe me, it was worth the wait.
Me tomó 25 años pero créeme valió la pena esperar.
But, to see her again, It was all worth the risk.
Pero, por volver a verla, merecía la pena arriesgarse.
He didn't think I was worth it.
No creyó que valiera la pena.
So it was worth it.
Así que, ha valido la pena.
It was worth the wait.
Valió la espera.
Ah, well, thought it was worth a try.
Bueno, debía intentarlo.
Dude, that was worth it.
Tía, mereció la pena.
Yes. He was one of our marketing guys back when we were just a little start-up, and we were just about ready to take the car public. Had he kept that investment stake in the company, it would've been worth somewhere in the area of a billion dollars.
Sí, era uno de los chicos de mercadotecnia muy atrás cuando apenas empezábamos y estábamos casi listos, para hacer público el auto, si hubiera mantenido su inversión en la compañía, ahora valdría algo así como mil millones.
When I fought for Poojah, it got messy, but it was all worth it.
Cuando peleé por Poojah, quedé arruinado pero valió la pena.
For what it's worth, I didn't know you were gonna say it, - but I was happy when you did. - Mmm.
Si sirve de algo, no sabía que ibas a decirlo, pero fui feliz cuando lo hiciste.
I hope it was worth it.
Espero que haya valido la pena.
What was it worth?
¿ Cómo fue eso?
But Alec's behind bars, so from where I sit, it was definitely worth it.
Pero Alec está entre rejas, así que desde donde yo lo veo, definitivamente mereció la pena.
I think it was worth the wait.
Creo que valió la pena la espera.
It was worth a shot.
Valía la pena intentarlo.
Plus, it was worth it to see Adam's cock.
Plus, valió la pena ver la polla de Adam.
the finals are going on and you said this girl was worth it what's changed?
van a ser las finales, y dijiste que la chica merecia la pena que ha cambiado?
Was she worth it?
¿ Ella valió la pena?
It was worth a try.
Valió el intento.

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