Was it you Çeviri İspanyolca
98,712 parallel translation
And why was it you didn't get Brian Sewell's old job?
¿ Por qué no te postulaste a ser crítico de arte como Brian Sewell?
It was all over your face when you were talking to Bruno.
Se te veía en la cara cuando estabas hablando con Bruno.
Why didn't you tell us it was very slow?
¿ Por qué no nos dijiste que es tan lento?
If Alfa Romeo launched a dog turd, you'd say it was brilliant.
Si Alfa Romeo presentara una mierda de perro... Dirías que es genial
It was like a big classic-car museum, just out of town here, where you could also buy the exhibits.
Es como un gran museo de autos antiguos... A las afueras de la ciudad, donde puedes comprar lo que se exhibe
I mean, it was full of, you know,
Es decir, estaba lleno de, ya saben...
There was so much joy in car design back then, and you see it in that car there.
Había tanta pasión en el diseño de autos entonces Y eso se puede ver en como quedaban, allí
And there was a terrific explosion, you may have seen it.
Hubo una espantosa explosión, deben haberlo visto
So how long do you think it was before the local newspaper carried a headline containing the following words :
Entonces, cuanto creen que pasó... Antes de que el periódico local... Pusiera un titular conteniendo las siguientes palabras :
Because, do you remember, and it is a long time ago, when the Continental GT first came out, we all thought that was hideous...
Porque quizá recuerden, aunque fue hace tiempo... Cuando se presentó por primera vez el Continental GT... Todos pensamos que se veía horrendo...
Because it's not that long ago, if you think about early Range Rovers and the like, going fast was actually quite frightening.
Porque hasta no hace mucho tiempo... Si piensan en los primeros Range Rover y demás Ir veloz era de hecho algo que asustaba mucho
She recognized the humanity in you, and she tried to reach out to it, but when her superiors found out, she was removed from the project.
Ella reconoció la humanidad que había en ti e intentó comunicarse contigo, pero cuando sus superiores lo descubrieron, la sacaron del proyecto.
You didn't really think it was gonna be that easy, did ya?
No pensaríais que iba a ser tan fácil, ¿ verdad?
I have friends in the Intelligence Division, and I know they know Tabor was working with the crew of the "Raza," and rumor has it, you're running the business now.
Tengo amigos en la División de Inteligencia, y sé que saben que Tabor estaba trabajando con la tripulación de la Raza. Y hay rumores de que ahora tú llevas el negocio.
You don't know for certain that it was them.
No sabemos si fue así.
He did make it clear that his new duties on the outer colonies would command a great deal of his attention and that he wouldn't be as available to you as he was in the past.
Enfatizó que sus nuevas responsabilidades en las Colonias Exteriores demandarían mucha atención y que no estaría tan disponible para ti como en el pasado.
You think if I had known that getting captured was part of the plan, I would have gone along with it?
¿ Crees que si hubiera sabido que parte del plan era que me capturaran, habría accedido?
I was going to say "let it get to you."
Iba a decir "dejar que te afecte".
Well, it's a very different look for you, and I was wondering why.
Bueno, el aspecto que tienes es muy diferente, y me preguntaba por qué.
Yeah, it was super thick when Mikhail, you know...
Sí, era muy espesa cuando Mikhail, ya saben...
Will you care to explain to us what it was doing here, then?
¿ Entonces le importaría explicarnos qué hacía aquí?
Guy said he bought it because it was a bugout vehicle, you know, so old it didn't have a circuit board, in case aliens or whatever came and fried our technology.
El tipo dijo que lo compró porque era viejo, ya sabes, tan viejo que no tenía tablero de circuitos, en caso de que los alienígenas o algo viniera y friera nuestra tecnología.
You should've seen how proud Toby was riding in it.
Deberías haber visto lo orgulloso que estaba Toby por subirse en él.
But you have to understand, it really was an accident.
Pero tienen que entender, de verdad fue un accidente.
I remember, like it was yesterday... when you asked me to be there with you and Liza.
Lo recuerdo como si fuera ayer... Cuando me pediste que estuviera allí contigo y Liza.
It was interesting, you know, what we did.
Fue interesante, ya sabes, lo que hicimos.
I didn't even know it was you!
¡ Ni siquiera sabía que eras tú!
How did you know? It was Eddie!
‐ ¿ Cómo lo sabías?
It was Steve who helped you see that.
‐ Fue Steve quien te ayudó a ver eso.
Because, you know, if anyone was trying to do that with my kids, I would not be okay with it.
Porque si alguien hiciera eso con mis hijos, a mí no me agradaría.
I feel like, you know, God plays a role in our lives and I think this was something He thought that I was probably better at than being a doctor, so there it is.
Dios tiene un papel en nuestras vidas. Creo que Él pensó que yo era mejor para esto en vez de ser médico y aquí estoy.
Thank you for your service. It was an honor and a pleasure.
Uh, entonces me casaría con Darren,
If it was up to you, they never would have gotten together. And then the children they're gonna have would never have been born.
Oh. ¿ Estás bien?
You didn't say it was in the bathtub.
No has dicho que era en la bañera.
Told you it was loose.
Te dije que estaba suelto.
What I heard was, "This isn't enough for me," and since we can't make it work, it just... it's... it's too hard for me to see you.
Lo que escuché fue : "'Esto no es suficiente para mí ", y ya que no podemos hacer que funcione, es solo...
It never occurred to you that Rhoades was moving you around to serve his purposes whenever he found himself holding a Yarborough?
¿ Nunca pensó que el señor Rhoades lo estaba moviendo según sus propios intereses cuando se encontraba en problemas?
You know, I don't know if it was part of your plan or a happy accident, but Axelrod has decimated the part of the state where I poll weakest.
No sé si fue parte de tu plan, o un feliz accidente pero Axelrod arrasó la parte del estado donde estoy más bajo en las encuestas.
What was the nature of your job at Axe Capital as you understood it?
¿ Qué tipo de trabajo realizabas en Axe Capital según tu punto de vista?
I may have given you the impression that I was happy there, and I may well end up that way. But the truth is, it's been bumpy.
Quizá te haya parecido que estaba contenta ahí y puede que termine siendo así pero lo cierto es que ha sido difícil.
To Paris. That rainy night. We wouldn't get out of bed even though the iPod was playing "With or Without You" on repeat, and so we ended up listening to it all night.
A París y esa noche lluviosa en la que no pudimos salir de la cama aunque el reproductor tocara "With or whitout you" y terminamos escuchándola toda la noche.
I thought you fucking loved this stuff. Like it was oxygen to you.
Es genial saber que no soy el único, creí que te encantaba esto que era como oxígeno para ti.
But she knew you and I were going through tough times. So she was extra smug and condescending when it came to the sanctity of her own marriage.
Pero ella sabia que tú y yo atravesábamos tiempos difíciles así que se volvió más arrogante y pretenciosa en lo referido a la pureza de su matrimonio.
Because I was playing it against you.
Porque iba en tu contra.
They say that if you were ever to be captured, they'd cut off your leg, the one that was wounded in Saratoga, and they'd bury it with honors.
Dicen que si volvieras a ser capturado, te cortarían la pierna, la que fue herida en Saratoga y la enterrarían con honores.
And with it, you were telling me I was wrong, but did you mean I was wrong about besting you... or wrong about Rogers?
Y con ella, me estabas diciendo que estaba equivocado, pero ¿ te refieres a que estaba equivocado sobre vencerte... o equivocado sobre Rogers?
Are you sure it was here?
¿ Seguro que estaba aquí?
If it was your father, you wouldn't mourn him?
Si fuese tu padre, ¿ no le llorarías?
Maybe it was the devil that wants me down here with you.
Quizá era el demonio el que me quiere ahí abajo contigo.
Mom, how can you be so sure it was Walker who killed the Trimbols?
Mamá, ¿ cómo puedes estar tan segura de que Walker mató a los Trimbol?
You didn't tell me it was anthrax.
No me dijiste que era ántrax.
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it him 59
was it bad 29
was it not 62
was it her 21
was it true 23
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
was it hard 20
was it him 59
was it bad 29
was it not 62
was it her 21
was it true 23
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
you got it 4932
your 1839
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you got this 563
young 1055
you got it 4932
your 1839
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423