Which is weird Çeviri İspanyolca
388 parallel translation
Lo cual es raro, porque siempre me siento mal cuando viajo.
Something's showing up on the long-range scan which is weird with a capital "WE".
- ¡ Oh, sí! El radar de largo alcance muestra algo que es absurdo con mayúsculas.
There's no CIA, no FBI, no NSA, which is weird.
No es de la CIA, FBI o NSA, lo cual es extraño.
Which is weird, since Dawson and I would just hide in his bedroom and watch old movies.
Qué raro, porque él y yo nos escondíamos en su cuarto a ver películas.
There was just too much going on for him, which is weird because he seemed to be holding it together.
Vio una mejor oportunidad y la tomó. A costa mía. Y la verdad es que es más manipuladora de lo que puedo ser yo.
I think about you a lot, which is weird because we don't talk, ever.
Pienso mucho en ti, algo raro porque nunca hablamos.
which is weird, because it seems like a perfectly good place.
Pues qué raro, porque parece un lugar perfecto.
Which is weird because it's not like there's anything all that spectacular going on in my life right now. lt's just that....
Es raro, porque no me está pasando nada del otro mundo... Me siento diferente.
I was so bored I was counting his eyebrows, which is weird because there's actually only one.
Estaba tan aburrida que contaba sus cejas, lo cual es raro porque sólo tiene una.
It was like Bono was singing just to me, which is weird,'cause he barely knows me.
Fue como si Bono cantara solo para mi, lo cual es raro, porque apenas me conoce.
Which is weird, I know, because we slept together, but... well, you know.
Lo cual es raro, porque nos hemos acostado, Pero... bueno, tu sabes.
She said that you guys weren't happy that Lane is still staying here... which is weird because Lane has been practically invisible.
Dijo que no os gusta que Lane esté aquí Lo que es raro, visto que Lane es invisible
- I've never been in one before. Which is weird because beds and breakfasts are my two favorite things.
Realmente nunca he estado en uno antes lo que es raro porque las camas y los desayunos son mis dos cosas favoritas.
There's a missed call, though, which is weird... Okay.
Hay una llamada perdida, lo cual es raro...
And CC3 was using high-tech hazmat suits made by a company called Shining Armor, which is weird, because the military isn't even using these things yet, but Shining Armor refuses to admit they built them and Battle Support Services refuses to admit they were using them, so...
Y el CC3 usó trajes protectores hazmat fabricados por una empresa llamada Shining Armor..... lo que es extraño porque los militares todavía no los han utilizado....... pero Shining Armor no admite que los haya manufacturado y Battle Support Services tampoco admite que los haya usado, así que...
There's something quite charming about it, which is weird.
Y hay algo encantador en ella, lo cuál es extraño.
Like I'm wearing the wrong pair of glasses or something. Which is weird since I don't wear glasses.
Y eso es raro, porque no uso gafas.
He never showed, which is weird.
Nunca apareció, lo cual es extraño.
In these times, with the country incapacitated by economic ailments and in danger with an undercurrent of social unrest, the promulgation of such a weird, fantastic and impractical plan, as contemplated by the defendant, is capable of fomenting a disturbance from which we may not recover.
En estos tiempos, con un país aquejado de problemas económicos y con el peligroso trasfondo del descontento social, la ejecución de un plan tan fantástico como impracticable como el pretendido por el acusado, provocaría disturbios de los que el país tardaría en recuperarse.
I'm picking up some weird magnetic anomalies here, which is interesting in itself, but this is really unnerving.
Pero esto es realmente enervante.
Weird! Which is why I go over people's heads.
Por eso paso por encima de la cabeza de la gente...
I'm feelin'sleazy, which is really weird because I usually like that feeling.
Me siento sórdido. Algo raro, porque normalmente me gusta.
Both have mustaches, which is a little weird.
Los dos tienen bigote.
Which is very, very weird because she never calls me.
Y eso me parece tan extraño, porque ella jamás me llama.
Mom, why is it that every time I try and separate from you, which is a totally normal adolescent impulse, and in fact, crucial to my adult development, you come back with that weird thing about me telling you what I can't tell the rest of the world?
Mami, ¿ por qué cada vez que intento independizarme de ti, lo cual es un impulso adolescente normal, y crucial para mi desarrollo como adulto, siempre me respondes con esa frase rara, dicéndome lo que no puedo decirle al resto del mundo?
Somebody told me they make comic books here, which is so weird, because I have this great idea for a story.
Alguien me dijo que hacían comics books acá, lo que es curioso, porque tengo esta gran idea para una historia.
Which, apart from being a little weird..... is kind of OK?
Que aparte de ser un poco extraño está bien.
And Buffy, like, knew them. Which is just too weird.
Y Buffy los conocía, lo que es muy raro.
Somebody told me they make comic books here, which is so weird, because I have this great idea for a story.
Y yo tengo una idea genial para una historia.
Either this is some kind of weird delusion, in which case I'm not sure I'm standing here, or this guy is for real.
Oye, o todo eso es una alucinacion, en cuyo caso ni siquiera se si estoy aqui... o ese hombre es real. Dime...
The weird thing is that I'm jealous of him and yet I hate him, which means if I became like him, I would hate myself.
Lo extraño es que estoy celoso de el y sin embargo lo odio lo quiere decir que me convertí en el y me odiaría.
Lo cual es extraño si lo piensas.
Which is so weird because we have so much in common, like, we're both dance majors...
Y eso es raro, porque tenemos mucho en común. Los dos hemos estudiado danza.
Which is so weird because we have so much in common, like, we're both dance majors...
Y eso es raro, porque tenemos mucho en común.
Sara, you have a fiancé who, despite his weird Eastern music, which we hope is just a phase, let's hope, loves you very, very, very much.
Tienes un novio que, a pesar de su... extraña música oriental, que esperamos sólo sea una fase... Esperemos... te ama realmente muchísimo.
Which is kind of weird because most of the time, I've just been really passive and not really responding, except for now, I guess.
Lo cual es raro, porque la mayor parte del tiempo he sido realmente pasivo, sin responder mucho, excepto ahora, supongo.
Which is a weird image, and you should all just forget it.
Lo que es una rara imagen, y todos deberían olvidarlo.
They have weird sports like the Biathalon which is like Norwegian drive-by.
tienen deportes raros como el biatlon es como Drive-By noruego.
First of all, I'm in my old college room, which is so weird.
Primero que todo, estoy en mi antiguo cuarto de la universidad lo cual es muy raro.
Now, this is a really weird idea, but it's kind of like a game of catch in which the players like me and me are particles of matter.
Bien, ésta es realmente una idea extraña, pero es como el juego de tirar la pelota, en que los jugadores como yo... y yo son partículas de materia.
Which is why it's so weird the way he's been acting.
Por eso era extraño su comportamiento.
I saw my mother's eyes which is pretty weird, because she's dead.
Vi los ojos de mi madre lo cual es bastante raro, porque está muerta.
Is this the observer... and which is so intricate to understanding... the wacky, weird world... of quantum particles and how they react?
¿ Es éste el observador... y lo que es tan intrincado para entender... el mundo loco, extraño... de las partículas cuánticas y cómo reaccionan?
I assume from that weird expression and the silence. ... that that is a yes, which is good.
Debo asumir por esa extraña expresión y tu silencio que eso es un sí, y eso está bien.
You're acting weird, which is normally fine, but, umm, y'know, I have a lot of work to do right now so...
Tu estás actuando raro, qué normalmente esta bien, pero sabes, tengo mucho trabajo que hacer ahora mismo así que...
Because something's going on right now and I can tell and now I fell all weird, which is exactly the opposite of how I want to feel at this particular moment so if you could just be honest with me.
Porque está pasando algo... y ahora me siento rara, que es justo lo contrario a como quisiera sentirme en este momento, así que te pido que seas honesto conmigo.
- lf you would come to our hotel room and go bowling, which is not as weird as it sounds.
- Si te gustaría volver a la habitación del hotel. Y jugar un poco a los bolos, lo cual no es tan raro como suena.
Which means i guess you also know me, which, i'm sorry, is really weird.
Lo que significa que también me conoces a mí. Lo que lo siento, es muy raro.
Which is kinda weird.
Lo que es un poco raro.
I had the craziest dream last night that I was in Cleveland, Ohio... which is really weird, because I've never even been to Ohio.
Ayer tuve un sueño loquísimo. Estaba en Cleveland, Ohio algo muy raro, porque nunca he estado en Ohio.
Which is kind of weird, because she does this noble work
Lo cual es raro, porque hace un trabajo muy noble.
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37