Which is why Çeviri İspanyolca
9,975 parallel translation
You're a sweet guy, Hal, which is why you've hung on this long.
Eres dulce, Hal, por eso has durado tanto.
Which is why we bought you this.
Y por eso te hemos comprado esto.
Which is why I'm asking you, "Do you have the package?"
Por eso, te pregunto : "¿ Tienes el paquete?"
You didn't have the package in Guam, which is why I asked you,
No lo tenías en Guam, por eso te pregunté :
I was actually a charter member of the ACLU in Virginia, which is why they assigned me to you.
Yo fui socio fundador de la ACLU en Virginia, por eso me lo han asignado.
There's a lot of pressure on his spine which is why he can't move.
Hay mucha presión en su espina dorsal... por lo que no puede moverse.
Which is why Pandora sent us both.
Por lo que Pandora nos envió a los dos.
When I opened my fund, I was very aware of the responsibility that people like Garth put in my hands, which is why I hedge my investments.
Cuando abrí mi fondo, estaba muy consciente de la responsabilidad que ponían en mis manos personas como Garth, razón por la cual protejo mis inversiones.
Which is why I am presenting you with a check for $ 25 million minus 16, which leaves you with $ 9 million.
Por eso les estoy presentando un cheque de 25 millones de dólares menos 16, que los deja con nueve millones.
I'm trying to blow past him, which is why the Black and White album needs to be released before the ASAs.
Intento sobrepasarlo, que es por lo que... el álbum Black and White tiene que lanzarse antes de los ASA.
Which is why I need you to help me.
Por eso necesito que me ayudes.
After 9 / 11, the government wanted a system that could watch everyone and everything, and if I'm right, then somebody really built the damn thing, which is why I called you.
Después del 11 de septiembre, el gobierno quería un sistema que observara todo y a todos, y si tengo razón, alguien construyó la puñetera cosa, por eso la he llamado.
For such a brilliant mind, you are a terrible chess player, which is why you've already lost.
Para tener una mente tan brillante, es un terrible jugador de ajedrez, que es por lo que ha perdido.
Which is why we turn our head for years pretending like, you know, we don't know what you're doing in the bathroom.
Por eso me he hecho de la vista gorda por años... pretendiendo que no sé lo que haces cuando vas al baño.
Which is why I've asked to speak to you all today, to share my message.
Motivo por el cual se me ha pedido que hable hoy aquí, para compartir mi mensaje.
I practiced that all morning, which is why it will always be the yonk to me.
Practiqué eso toda la mañana por eso para mí siempre será "El Yonk".
It's science, which is why
Es la ciencia, por lo que
Which is why I can't stay here.
Es por eso que no puedo quedarme aquí.
Which is why I think you're up to something.
Es por eso que creo que estás haciendo algo.
But then he had something to say on every subject, which is why I got rid of him.
Pero tenía algo que decir sobre todos los temas, Por eso me deshice de él.
Um, I learned that it's very hard to emigrate, which is why you rarely hear the word "emigrant."
Me enteré que es muy difícil emigrar por eso casi no oyes "emigrante".
Well, I know it's crazy, which is why I put in for a transfer.
Bueno, sé que es una locura, que es por eso que pongo en una transferencia.
You say I've divided a city because I don't accept your explanation, which is why we can't move on from those two fateful days in July.
Dicen que ha dividido una ciudad porque no acepto su explicación... es por ello que no podemos superar lo de aquellos dos funestos días de julio.
Which is why I'm reversing my position today. "
Y es por esto que hoy estoy dando marcha atrás en mi posición.
Which is why you can dismiss one drunken idiot.
Por eso puedes despedir a un borracho idiota.
Interesting fact, the shoulder is held in place mostly by muscle, which is why it's so easily dislocated.
Hecho interesante, el hombro se mantiene en su lugar... principalmente por un músculo, por lo que se disloca muy fácilmente.
Which is why I don't understand why guys like you do bullshit like this.
Es por eso que no entiendo por qué tipos como tú hacen chorradas como esta.
Which is why you get acidity
Es la razón por la cual se obtiene la acidez
Which is why I don't wear a bra she doesn't have a beard
Es por eso que yo no uso sostén y ella no tiene barba
I appreciate that, which is why we're not looking for much.
Se lo agradecemos, y por eso no le estamos pidiendo mucho.
Which is why we're here.
Y por eso estamos aquí.
Which is why they aren't mine.
Es por ello que no son míos.
Which is why expanding the show is so important.
Es por eso que expandir el programa es tan importante.
It's sensitive to heat, friction- - which is why I'll do the test carefully!
Es sensible al calor, a la fricción... Es por eso que hago la prueba con cuidado.
Yeah, which is why we need to move now...
Sí, es por eso que necesitamos movernos ahora.
In fact, he'd like to exterminate them, which is why he was trying to manipulate this group into putting them all in one place.
De hecho, le gustaría exterminarles... por eso intenta manipular a este grupo... para ponerles en un mismo lugar.
Which is why I really dragged you here.
Es por lo que en realidad te arrastré hasta aquí.
Which is why I didn't want you running in Dallas.
Por eso no quería que te presentaras por Dallas.
Which is why this Yorkshireman's left it to the last minute.
Es por lo que este hombre de Yorkshire lo deja todo para el último minuto.
Mnh-mnh. Which is why, out of respect for you, I snuck around.
Es por eso, por respeto a ti... andaba a hurtadillas por ahí.
About needing to own it, Dre, which is why I want to apologize.
Sobre aceptarlo, Dre... y por eso quiero disculparme.
Which is why I need you to work on finding out where history records seeing him next.
Por eso necesito que trabajes en averiguar dónde le situarán los registros históricos.
Which is why we need to make sure he doesn't get away.
Por eso tenemos que asegurarnos de que no escapa.
Yeah, redacted by the U.S. government, which is why we are here to steal the original file on Savage back from those who are tracking him.
Sí, redactada por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, por lo que estamos aquí para robar el archivo original a espaldas de Savage de aquellos que lo están siguiendo.
Which is precisely why you should put some distance between us, John.
Por eso debería poner algo de distancia entre nosotros, John.
Which is exactly why I shouldn't marry him right now.
Y es por eso que no debería casarme con él en este momento.
Which is exactly why a strong monarchy, the physical manifestation of God's will on earth, is more vital now than ever.
Que es exactamente por eso Una monarquía fuerte, La manifestación física de la voluntad de Dios en la tierra,
Whoa. And it's that look that you're giving me right now... which is the reason why
Y es esa mirada que tienes ahora... la razón por la que no te cuento estas cosas.
All the girls loved her, which is exactly why Sister Fabian hated her.
Todas las chicas la querían, razón por la que la hermana Fabian la odiaba.
Which is probably why he didn't wake when the fire broke out.
Probable motivo por el que no despertó cuando se desencadenó el incendio.
Which means whatever this thing is has Ward's memories, so why hasn't It come after us?
Lo que significa que sea lo que sea esta cosa, tiene los recuerdos de Ward... ¿ así que por qué no ha venido'It'a por nosotros?
which is why you're here 18
which is why i need your help 17
which is why i'm here 46
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is why i need your help 17
which is why i'm here 46
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is which 28
which is nice 40