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You seem Çeviri İspanyolca

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Because you seem a little agitated.
Debido a que parecer un poco agitado.
Achmed, are you all right? You seem upset.
Achmed, ¿ estás bien?
If it's Marco Bello's you seem to have been abandoned.
Si es de Marco Bello diría que te ha abandonado.
You seem upset.
No luce bien.
You seem like a fighter to me, brother.
A mí me pareces un luchador, hermano.
You seem to know an awful lot about them.
Parece que sabes mucho acerca de ellos.
Oh, hey there, Z. You seem surprised to see us.
Hola, Z. Parece que te sorprende vernos.
You seem to have forgotten where you loyalties lie.
Pareces haberte olvidado de tus lealtades.
You seem tense.
Pareces tenso.
You seem more cut out for this than me.
Me parece que estás más hecha para esto que yo.
For someone that says that they don't want to talk about the movie, that's all you seem to be talking about.
Para alguien que dice que no quieren hablar de la película, Eso es todo lo que parece estar hablando.
Jess, you seem to be confused.
Jess, que parecen estar confundidos.
You seem determined to keep him as a suspect.
Usted parece decidido a mantenerlo como sospechoso.
So, uh, you seem to have something of mine.
Así que, eh, que parecen tener algo mío.
You seem to have waited until I was good and gone to get a little revenge.
Parece que han esperado hasta que yo era bueno y se han ido para obtener una pequeña venganza.
Stan, you're hiding it really well, bro, but I know you, and you seem stressed.
Stan, estas escondiéndolo muy bien, bro pero yo te conozco, y pareces estresado.
- You seem rested.
- Luces descansado.
You seem really calm about this. What's the big deal?
Luces muy cómodo acerca de esto.
You seem quite yourself.
Pareces bastante tú misma.
You seem like you deserve it.
Porque parece que te lo mereces.
You seem maybe not okay.
No pareces estar bien.
From a cursory glance, you seem symmetrical and well-balanced.
A primera vista, pareces simétrico y equilibrado.
You seem sad.
Pareces triste.
And now you seem to want to operate here with a great deal of autonomy.
Y ahora parece que quiere operar aquí con un alto grado de autonomía.
[engine turning over] - You seem like a reasonable man, Mr. Ainge.
Parece un hombre razonable, Sr. Ainge.
And as strange as these urges may seem, it's important for you to know that these feelings are natural and nothing to be embarrassed about.
Y por extrañas que parezcan esas urgencias, es importante que sepas que esos sentimientos son naturales y no hay nada de qué avergonzarte.
Something small may seem enormous depending from where you view it.
Algo pequeño puede parecer enorme según desde donde lo veáis.
"You didn't even seem mad at me anymore."
Tenía la impresión de que me estabas perdonando.
And you didn't even seem upset after.
Y no parece que te haya afectado nada.
Well, you two seem fine.
Bueno, ustedes parecen estar bien.
You just seem like... Did you get a haircut?
Sólo pareces... ¿ te cortaste de pelo?
So you say, but the paperwork doesn't seem to be in order.
- Pero el papeleo no está en orden.
- Doesn't that seem strange to you?
- ¿ No te parece extraño?
You don't seem to be taking this very seriously.
No parece tomarse esto muy en serio.
- You don't seem prepared to me.
- A mí no me pareces preparado.
Oh. Besides, this way, when we hang you, it will seem a mercy.
Además, así cuando te colguemos, parecerá piadoso.
You mourn the Rangers, but you also seem to be claiming that you're some kind of Patriot.
Se lamenta por los Rangers pero también dice que usted es un tipo de Patriota.
I seem to remember you telling me that Prince Albert does not care for dancing.
Me parece que recuerdo que me decía que al príncipe Alberto no le interesaban los bailes.
You do seem to be very different.
Ustedes parecen ser muy diferentes.
Then you get used to one another and... things don't seem to matter so urgently.
Luego uno se acostumbra al otro y... las cosas no parecen cuestiones tan urgentes.
You guys seem pretty confident.
Parecéis estar muy seguros.
Because I seem to think it was something about, like, candles, you trying to get me into a sexy black dress... Something's wrong.
Porque creo que se trataba de velas, tú tratabas de hacerme usar un vestido negro y sexi...
that made it seem like you only want intels on the Chanels.
Hace parecer como si sólo quisiera detalles de las Chanels.
It may not seem important to you, but it was important to him.
Esto puede no ser importante para ti, pero era importante para el.
You seem a little crazy... I know.
Te ves como un loco...
I'd ask if you were all right, but you don't seem like the "lean on me" type.
Me pregunto si estabas bien, pero no parece el tipo "pobre de mí".
But doesn't it seem pathetic to you, too?
Pero, ¿ no te parece patético también?
- Just, you don't seem mad anymore.
Simplemente, no pareces enfadada.
- You don't seem fine.
- No lo pareces.
You're sitting on a powder keg here, and you don't seem to realize it.
Estás sentada en un barril de pólvora y pareces no darte cuenta.
Your grandmother used to get up on this stage and start singing, and whatever was worrying you just wouldn't seem to matter anymore.
Tu abuela solía pararse en ese escenario y comenzar a cantar y cualquier cosa que te preocupara simplemente perdía importancia.

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