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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You understand that

You understand that Çeviri İspanyolca

17,632 parallel translation
One of the hardest things to realize when you're a child is that your parents are people too, you understand that?
De niño, algo muy difícil es darse cuenta de que tus padres son personas, ¿ entienden eso?
Do you understand that?
¿ Lo entiendes?
Do you understand that now?
¿ Lo entiende ahora?
Laura, do you understand that?
Laura, ¿ entiende eso?
You understand that?
Usted entiende que?
We wanted to see your face so that you understand that you're in business with us now, too.
Queríamos ver tu cara para que entiendas que haces negocios con nosotros también.
Do you understand that we're hiding the most wanted person in the country?
¿ Te das cuenta que estamos escondiendo la persona más buscada en el país?
I'm glad. That means you understand the (? ) is like Japan.
Me complace, eso significa que Ud. entiende que el señor es Japón.
And that also, Kyle, means killing the old one, you understand?
Y eso también, Kyle, significa matar a la anterior. ¿ Entiendes?
Understand that I am really exposing myself here for you guys.
Entiendan que realmente me estoy exponiendo aquí por ustedes.
What you and your sister don't understand is that your father wanted me to stay here.
Lo que tú y tu hermana no entienden es que tu padre quería que me quedara aquí.
I hope... that you can understand that what's happening is nothing personal.
Espero... que puedas entender que lo que está pasando no es nada personal.
But you understand, we're balancing that with the privacy of our students and their families.
Pero entiendes, que estamos balanceando eso con la privacidad de nuestros estudiantes y sus familias.
When you truly understand that, then you'll understand me.
Cuando de veras lo comprendas, entonces me comprenderás.
You can understand that.
¿ Puedes entender eso?
The repeated military attacks on this enormous creature are failing to have their intended effect, but we understand new reports are filtering in, and you are hearing this correctly, that Colton West is piloting a civilian aircraft into the hot zone.
Los repetidos ataques militares contra la enorme criatura no han tenido el efecto esperado. Nuevos reportes de están filtrando y sí escucharon bien,
'Cause you need to understand that pieces of shit like this ruin people's lives.
Para que entiendas que estas ratas les arruinan la vida a todos.
It's you that doesn't understand, Alec.
Eres tú el que no comprende, Alec.
If you're the man I understand you to be, I'm sure that's true.
Si eres quien creo que eres, estoy seguro de que es la verdad.
Yeah. And, you know, you can't even understand it, you know, how does something like that have...
Y ni siquiera logras entender que algo como eso...
But with that said, you need to understand that a good number of your assets were seized by the government, Mr. Fisk.
Dicho eso, es necesario que entienda que el gobierno confiscó una buena parte de sus activos, Sr. Fisk.
I understand why you'd think that.
Comprendo que piense eso.
Look, look, Karen, Karen... I understand that this whole journalism thing is new to you, but a real journalist doesn't just up and quit.
Karen, entiendo que el periodismo sea algo nuevo para ti, pero un periodista de verdad no renuncia.
Now, what he did was wrong... but no one, including your paper, ever mentioned the fact that he was a father... and a husband, grieving, looking for answers, and you, more than anyone, should understand why that matters to me.
Lo que hizo estuvo mal pero nadie, ni tu diario, mencionó jamás que era un padre y un esposo sufriente que buscaba respuestas, y tú más que nadie deberías entender que eso me importe.
Due to the nature of that mission, you'll have to understand that the precise circumstances are classified.
Debido al carácter de aquella misión, comprenderá usted que las circunstancias exactas son confidenciales.
I mean, ever since I, you know, went to Hell, it's just... there's been things in my head that no one would understand.
Es decir, desde que, ya sabes, fue al infierno, es solo... ha habido cosas en mi cabeza que nadie lo entenderia.
But you have to understand it's hard to plead your case after what you did to that teacher's desk.
Pero tienes que entender que es difícil defender tu caso después de lo que le hiciste al escritorio de ese profesor.
I would think you would understand that better than anyone.
Pensé que entenderías eso mejor que nadie.
I know that my choices may have hurt you in ways I can never understand...
Sé que mis decisiones pueden haberte herido en maneras que nunca podré entender...
But you have to understand that I wouldn't have been a good mom.
Pero tienes que comprender que no habría sido una buena madre.
And you do understand that if Lieutenant Cooper spots Gary following you, you are not to get involved in the takedown.
Y ten muy claro que si el teniente Cooper ve a Gary siguiéndote, no debes involucrarte de ningún modo.
You understand the weight of that statement?
¿ Entienden el peso de esa afirmación?
When you said that you thought this situation was extraordinary, I knew you can maybe understand.
Cuando dijo que esta situación le parecía extraordinaria supe que tal vez lo entendería.
We should discuss that so that you can understand fully.
Deberíamos hablar de eso para que lo entienda completamente.
Ah, Jesus, you don't understand how mind-blowing that is.
Jesús, no entiendes lo impresionante que es esto.
I don't understand why you can't see that.
No entiendo cómo tú no puedes verlo.
You know how your father can be, he's, slow to understand and accept things that he doesn't know much about.
Ya sabes cómo es tu padre, que es... lento para entender y aceptar las cosas que no entiende mucho sobre...
So, perhaps the Master has formed an alliance with one of your kind. Do you understand what it means that he's not sought the same arrangement with you?
Entonces, quizá el Amo hizo una alianza con uno de su especie. ¿ Entienden lo que significa que no haya buscado el mismo acuerdo con ustedes?
OK, I think I understand that, but I still don't get how when he dies, you die.
Creo que eso lo entiendo pero sigo sin entender cómo es que tú mueres, cuando él muere.
- I want you to understand that there will be no more hesitation.
- Quiero que entiendas que ya no habra mas vacilaciones.
Show me that you understand.
Muéstrame que entiendes.
King Ragnar, but I understand that your brother betrayed you.
Rey Ragnar, pero entiendo que tu hermano te traicionó.
You must understand that I cannot allow you to leave.
Entiende que no te puedo dejar ir.
- Don't... don't pull that "say you understand" thing with me.
- No... saques eso de "di que entiendes" conmigo.
Well, after everything that happened with... [softly] with Mr. Galeano and Mr. Moncada, well... people are nervous, you understand?
Bueno, pues, es que después de todo eso que pasó con... [susurra]... con el señor Galeano y con el señor Moncada, pues la gente anda como nerviosa, ¿ me entiende?
If there's one thing that I can understand about you, it's loneliness.
Si hay una cosa en la que puedo entenderte, es la soledad.
You understand, for me, that my Earth is Earth-1? - Yeah.
¿ Entiendes que para mí, que mi Tierra es Tierra-1?
I know that's a huge thing to ask, and if you don't want to uproot your whole life for someone you've only been with for a few weeks, and not even really been with, then I-I completely... I completely understand, but I was just hoping that there was... that was maybe something you would possibly consider.
Sé que es mucho pedir y si no quieres abandonar toda tu vida por alguien con la que solo has estado unas semanas y con la que realmente no has estado, lo entiendo totalmente, pero esperaba que quizás fuera algo que pudieras considerar.
The latest attack was orchestrated by Zoom, and we understand that citizens of Central City are scared, but I can assure you the CCPD
El último ataque fue orquestado por Zoom, y entendemos que los ciudadanos de Central City estén asustados, pero le aseguro que la policía
I understand it's something that is instantaneous online and it can go from one country to the other and you know, they can have their money.
Entiendo que es algo que es instantánea en línea y que puede ir de un país a otro y usted sabe, pueden tener su dinero.
And you probably would have had to have been a cypherpunk to understand all the elements of it that had already been put together.
Y probablemente habría tenido que haber sido un cypherpunk para entender todos los elementos de la misma que ya se habían reunido.

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