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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ Y ] / You would do that

You would do that Çeviri İspanyolca

9,342 parallel translation
- You would do that?
- ¿ Harías eso?
Uh, do you think that would be appropriate?
¿ Cree que eso sería apropiado?
Why would you do that?
¿ Por qué harías eso?
Why would you do that?
¿ Por qué lo hiciste?
I don't know why you would do this, but I know that you would do anything to save your own skin.
No sé por qué harías esto, pero sé que harías cualquier cosa para salvar tu pellejo.
From the things that they would do to you in there. - They would tell you that they would make everything better, that they accepted you in ways that your...
Te dirían que podrían hacer todo mejor, que te aseptarían de la forma que tu... familia no lo haría.
Why would you do that?
¿ Por qué haces eso?
Mindy, I would do that for you if you want.
Mindy, haría eso por ti si es lo que quieres.
I actually do know a technique that would allow you to give birth naturally.
Conozco una técnica que le permitiría dar a luz de forma natural.
Because that's where I'll be if you don't do what I told Melissa you said you would.
Porque es allí donde estaré si tu no haces... lo que le dije a Melissa que harías.
Now why would you do that?
¿ Por qué has hecho eso?
You poisoned me. Why would you do that?
Me envenenado. ¿ Porque hiciste eso?
Do you think that you would bring your family with you if you went?
¿ Te llevarías a tu familia también? Sí, por supuesto.
- I would just like to submit to you that, although I agree that mangy hound is a bit of an eyesore... doesn't smell very good either... but he's got as much right to be in here as you do.
- Me gustaría presentar a usted que, aunque estoy de acuerdo que perro sarnoso es un poco de una monstruosidad... no huele muy bueno tampoco... pero tiene tanto derecho estar aquí como lo hace.
But - Ash, would you do me a favour and throw that lamp at Stuart?
Ash, ¿ me harías el favor de tirarle esta lámpara a Stuart?
You seriously think I would do that to my own son?
¿ Crees realmente que le haría eso a mi propio hijo?
That's an idl... Why would you do that in a 304
Qué cosa más idiot... ¿ por qué harías eso en un 304...?
Flynn : If Henry didn't do anything to Chandler, why were you so worried that he would get in trouble?
Si Henry no le hizo nada a Chandler, ¿ por qué te preocupas tanto por él?
Do you think a man would have to sit here and be patronised like that?
¿ Crees que un hombre podría estar sentado aquí y ser menoscabado así?
You are not obliged to do it, but it would help you if you tell us that you had a long history of spirits and pill abuse.
No estás obligado a declarar, pero te ayudaría... decir que no te sentías bien y abusaste de las pastillas.
Darius, why would you do that?
Darius, ¿ por qué harías eso?
Why would you do that?
¿ Por qué hizo eso?
If you'd really gotten to know me, you'd know that I would never do anything to hurt you, Jemma.
Si de verdad hubieses llegado a conocerme... sabrías que nunca haría nada para hacerte daño, Jemma.
Why would you do that?
¿ Por qué hiciste eso?
- Why would you want to do that?
¿ Por qué querrías hacer eso?
Do you think if I told them I've survived being kidnapped and tortured, they would get that their weak little misspellings barely make me blink?
¿ Tú crees que si les contara que sobreviví a un secuestro y una tortura, ellos creen que esos débiles y pequeños errores me harían siquiera pestañear?
Why would you do that?
¿ Por qué has hecho eso?
Why would you do that? Why?
¿ Por qué harías eso?
Do you think... When all the trouble I went to in order to have surgery that I would risk my career and my daughter's life by having cocaine anywhere near me or my family?
Creen... con todos los problemas que he tenido para operarme que pondría en riesgo mi carrera y la vida de mi hija teniendo cocaína cerca de mi familia?
You should've thought of that before you picked someone who would do something like this in the first place.
Usted debe haber pensado en eso antes de que eligió a alguien que haría algo como esto en el primer lugar.
And why would you do that?
Y ¿ por qué hiciste eso?
And you never would have asked him to take this case if you didn't trust that he would do just that.
Y nunca le habrías pedido a tomar este caso si no confías en que iba a hacer precisamente eso.
I would, and I do, but that doesn't change the fact that you made a contract.
Lo haría, y lo hago, pero eso no cambia el hecho de que usted ha hecho un contrato.
It's got everything to do with why we're here, because I knew that you would never believe that I could close Dellmore.
Tiene todo que ver con que estemos aquí, porque sabía que nunca creerías que cerrase un trato con Dellmore.
Let's just say that you wanted me to do this like Harvey would have and not like I would have, but I did the best of both.
Solo digamos que querías que lo hiciese como Harvey quería y no como yo quería, pero he hecho lo mejor para los dos.
You'd never do that to me, would you bud?
Nunca me harías eso, ¿ cierto?
I may have done some office backstabbing, but I have never done anything to indicate to you that I would do something illegal.
Puede que haya dado alguna puñalada pero nunca he hecho nada que te indique que haría algo ilegal.
- Is that what you would do?
- ¿ Es lo que tú harías?
You do realize that something would have to befall King Cyrus for Her majesty's succession plan to work.
¿ Te das cuenta de que algo tendría que sucederle al rey Cyrus para qué el plan de su majestad funcione? Lo sé.
Okay, that would do it, but you survived that.
Bien, eso es suficiente, pero sobreviviste a eso.
Now, behind every matriarch is a dreamer with a voice and hair that you would do jail time for.
Ahora, detrás de cada matriarca... hay un soñador con una voz y un cabello... por el que irías a prisión.
I know what that feels like, and I would never do that to you.
Sé cómo eso hace sentir... y yo nunca te lo haría.
That put him on the map. I'll tell you what Harvey would do.
Te diré lo que Harvey haría.
It's got everything to do with why we're here, Because I knew that you would never believe That I could close Dellmore.
Tiene todo que ver con que estemos aquí, porque sabía que nunca creerías que cerrase un trato con Dellmore.
Why would I do that? Because you asked me to bring the compensation issue up
Porque me pediste que arreglase que el tema de las indemnizaciones fuese a votación como un hombre, y lo he hecho.
And however did you get him to do that? Let's just say that you wanted me to do this Like Harvey would have and not like I would have,
Solo digamos que querías que lo hiciese como Harvey quería y no como yo quería, pero he hecho lo mejor para los dos.
Do you think after knowing what that Pit has done to me, that I would let that happen to Sara?
¡ ¿ Crees que después de saber lo que ese pozo me ha hecho a mí, dejaría que le pasase a Sara? !
I swore that I would never keep secrets from you again, especially when it has to do with our family.
Juré que nunca volvería a guardar secretos a usted otra vez, especialmente en lo que tiene que ver con nuestra familia.
You were hoping that I would be so grateful that I would do anything you said, that I would tell you anything that you wanted to know.
Estabas esperando que estuviera muy agradecido que haría cualquier cosa que dijeras, que te diría cualquier cosa que quisieras saber.
You know how deeply that I care about the family that we have built, and I would do anything to keep us together.
Sabes lo mucho que me preocupo por la familia que hemos construido y haría lo que sea para mantenernos juntos.
Do you really believe that I would make that up?
¿ De verdad crees que me inventaría eso?

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