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You would tell me Çeviri İspanyolca

3,740 parallel translation
You would tell me?
- ¿ Me lo dirías?
You would tell me if there's anything wrong?
¿ Me dirás si algo va mal?
So, when I was little, and we would look up at the stars and you would tell me of the heroes whose glory was written in the sky, how there was a star up there for me, is this what you imagined would be written on it?
Cuando era pequeña y mirábamos las estrellas y me contabas de héroes cuya gloria estaba escrita en el cielo y decías que yo tendría una estrella ¿ te imaginabas que esto estaría escrito en ella?
And if you were to tell me that you wanted to leave your baby because you weren't emotionally prepared to raise him, I would be the first one saying that you're doing the right thing, but you do want to raise him.
Y si fueras a decirme que querías dejar el bebé porque no estás emocionalmente preparada para criarle, sería la primera en decir que estás haciendo lo correcto, pero tú no quieres criarle.
It's only fair I tell you that risk, but you should also know that if we just leave it, it'll grow and then, I'm afraid, it definitely would paralyse you.
Es justo que te hable de ese riesgo, pero también deberías saber que si lo dejamos crecerá y entonces, me temo que definitivamente te paralizaría.
So tell me exactly how you would take out that submarine?
Así que dime exactamente, ¿ cómo abordarías ese submarino?
And in 24 hours, I got you to tell me things it would have taken you years to admit.
Y en 24 horas, he conseguido que me digas cosas que habrías tardado años en admitir.
And if you had any objectivity, you would know that it was true, Tom. Tell me what to do.
Y si tienes algo que objetar, deberías de saber que es cierto, Tom.
If I asked you what the hell was going on, would you tell me the truth?
Si te pregunto qué diablos está pasando, ¿ me dirás la verdad?
Listen to me! You are about to become the father of a boy, and I would be remiss in my duties if I did not tell you that I think Adrian Peterson, any time before the third round, is nuts. Yup.
Va a ser padre de un chico, y sería no hacer mi trabajo si no le dijera que creo que elegir a Adrian Peterson antes de la tercera ronda es de locos.
And if you did, would you even tell me?
Y si lo supieras, ¿ me lo contarías?
I would like to tell you about my imprisonment in Andersonville.
Me gustaría contarle acerca de mi encarcelamiento en Andersonville.
I would be very disappointed if you couldn't tell me the titles of some of those DVDs.
Estaría muy decepcionado si no pudieras decirme los títulos de algunos de esos DVD.
Hmm? What part of you... tell me... thought that I would like a surprise theme party?
¿ Qué parte de ti... dime... pensó que me gustaría una fiesta temática sorpresa?
Or you did it on purpose, because now I can't look up fingerprints or anything else that would tell me who you are.
O lo hiciste a propósito, porque ahora no puedo obtener las huellas digitales o cualquier otra cosa que me diga quién eres.
Honey, would you please just tell me what's wrong?
Cariño, ¿ podrías por favor decirme qué pasa?
Now tell me what would you say... to helping me with my work in a professional capacity?
Ahora, dime qué dirías a... ¿ ayudarme con mi trabajo en calidad de profesional?
Since I've apparently been sent from Rome to Germany to chauffeur you, and since Mrs. F isn't exactly a chatterbox, would you care to tell me what we're doing?
Desde que he sido aparentemente enviado desde Roma a Alemania para ser tu chofer, y desde que la Sra. F no es precisamente una charlatana, ¿ te importaría decirme que estamos haciendo?
I made clear to you, Sam... that I would stand by you, but you must tell me the truth.
Te lo dejé claro, Sam... que me quedaría a tu lado, pero debes decirme la verdad.
Would you allow me not to tell you that, sir?
¿ Me permite no decírselo, señor?
Tell me... what would you do in my place?
Dígame... ¿ qué haría usted en mi lugar?
Well, I suppose the intelligent thing to do would be to tell you that I'm here under duress, that Khalid kidnapped me out of that safe house, and now he's threatening to kill me if I don't do what he says.
Bueno, supongo que la cosa inteligente a hacer... sería decirte que estoy aquí a la fuerza, que Khalid me secuestró desde la casa segura, y que ahora está amenazando con matarme si no hago lo que él dice.
I told Carlisle's campaign guy that you would do two songs at the announcement, so you just need to tell me what songs.
- Le dije a Carlisle... que harías dos canciones en su anuncio... así que debes decirme qué canciones.
It would have been better if you didn't tell me.
Hubiera sido mejor si no me lo hubiera dicho.
Well, I was hoping that my son would be here for this, but I am thrilled to tell you that Grayson Global has finally shaken off the vestiges of our financial crisis and risen from the ashes.
Esperaba que mi hijo viniera a esta reunión, pero me alegro de comunicarles que Grayson Global por fin se ha librado de los vestigios de la crisis financiera y ha resurgido de sus cenizas.
Would you like to tell me what she's on about?
¿ Harías el favor de decirme que está tramando?
Would you please tell me before we go?
Tu nombre real.
He said that you would never tell me about the kiss.
Me dijo que jamás me contarías lo del beso.
No, I didn't hear anything from you, but I would like to, so please tell me.
No, no me habéis dicho nada, pero me gustaría que lo hicierais, así que por favor, contadme.
Well, I would love nothing more than to have you on my arm, uh, but before we announce our relationship status to the world, I have to tell my kids first.
Bueno, nada me gustaría más que te cogieras de mi brazo, pero antes de anunciar nuestra relación al mundo, debería decírselo a mis hijos primero.
If you don't tell me things like that, who else would you tell it to?
Pero si no me cuentas esas cosas a mí, ¿ en quién podrías confiarlas?
I gotta tell you, the greatest motivator for me is if he can't do something and he needs help, I would fall down and die next to you if I had to, just to finish.
- El mejor motivante..... es si tú no puedes hacer algo y ocupas ayuda, ahí estaré para ti.
If you know anything, would you please tell me?
Si sabe algo, ¿ podría decírmelo?
Tell me, how would you describe Daniel and Ellie's relationship?
Dime, ¿ cómo describirías la relación de Daniel y Ellie?
Would that have some bearing on what you're going to tell me?
¿ Eso tiene algo que ver con lo que vas a decirme?
Excuse me, would you tell the pilot I'm gonna need another moment, please?
Disculpe, ¿ podría decirle al piloto que voy a necesitar un momento más?
What would you like to tell me?
Que quieres decirme?
They seemed kind of scared of me, so I thought they'd ask you to come in and tell me that he was dead, which would be...
Parecía que me tenían un poco de miedo, así que pensé que te pedirían que entraras y me dijeras que está muerto, lo que sería...
You asked me what I would do in that situation, and I couldn't tell you.
Usted me preguntó qué iba a hacer En esa situación, y yo no podía decirle.
You know how you're always complaining about my cooking and about how I have no taste, so I can't buy you any clothes? Uh-huh. Well, tell me... how would you feel if I was to invite Emily to move to BlueBell?
¿ Sabes que siempre te estás quejando de mi cocina y de que no tengo gusto, por lo que no puedo comprarte ropa? Bien, dime... cómo te sentirías si invito a Emily a que se mude a Bluebell?
Why would you tell me this?
¿ Por qué me cuentas esto?
Why did you fire Marisol? That woman would talk my ear off. She'd come and sit right where you're sitting and tell me all her problems.
¿ Por qué despediste a Marisol? Vino y se sentó justo donde tú estás sentada y me contó todos sus problemas.
Just tell them that you're voting for me or whatever and that would be one vote less me.
Sólo diles que votarás por mí y ese será un voto menos para mí
I tell you, I would love to get you in your little bear outfit on a day like this, sweating your bollocks off.
Hoy me gustaría verte en tu disfraz de oso. Te sudaría el trasero.
And both of them would have been to if you tell me the truth. It would be next to you.
Y lo hubiera hecho con los dos, si me hubieras contado la verdad.
I would tell you how much time you have left, but you stole my watch.
Te diría cuánto tiempo te queda, pero me has robado el reloj.
Would you at least tell me your name?
¿ Pero no me quieres decir al menos cómo te llamas?
But if that pink crystal loses its glow and no longer works then tell me... would you still want to wear it?
Pero si ese cristal rosa pierde su brillo y ya no funciona entonces dime... ¿ aún quieres llevarlo?
Tim will tell you, and Mel will tell you, is that... What happens is that about this time of night the set gets moved, so we could be here... And if I talked for hours and I said thank you to everybody, bits and pieces of the scenery would start to be removed from underneath me, so, um...
Tim y Mel os lo podrían decir, es que a estas horas de la noche... el escenario se retira, así que podríamos estar aquí... y si yo hablara durante horas, agradeciendo a todo el mundo... empezarían a quitar partes del escenario, debajo de mí... y de todos nosotros.
So, if you co-operate with us, many people would try in many different ways, you please don't tell them anything, don't give up, people have suspect if I stay here for long, keep the map, get into some lorry,
Por lo tanto, si usted coopera con nosotros, muchas personas intentarían de diferentes maneras, por favor no se lo digas a ellos sino se rinden, la gente sospecha Si me quedo por aquí mucho tiempo, cojan el mapa, y viajen en algún camión,
I wonder what would have happened if I had found the courage to tell you that I liked you earlier.
Me pregunto qué hubiera pasado, si hubiera tenido el coraje... de decirte que me gustabas.

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