Your mother and i Çeviri İspanyolca
4,114 parallel translation
Ryan, before you answer, just remember that if you go that far away, your mother and I will die of grief.
Ryan, antes de que respondas, solo recuerda que si te vas tan lejos, tu madre y yo moriremos de pena.
Well, as you know, your mother and I have been seeing each other for a few months now, and I've grown increasingly fond of her.
Bueno, como sabes tu madre y yo nos hemos estado viendo ya por unos cuantos meses y me he enamorado cada vez más de ella.
Your mother and I had to escape in the night like criminals.
Tu madre y yo tuvimos que escapar en la noche como criminales.
Kids, in April of 2013, your mother and I were very close and yet very far apart.
Niños, en abril del 2013, vuestra madre y yo estábamos muy cerca y aun así muy lejos.
But where you let it consume you, your mother and I have chosen to resurrect her.
Pero mientras tú permites que eso te consuma, tu madre y yo hemos elegido resucitarla.
Your mother and I were together.
Tu madre y yo estuvimos juntos.
Your mother and I are off to Legoland.
Tu madre y yo nos vamos a Legoland.
Your mother and I are even.
Tu madre y yo estamos en paz.
And whatever mistakes your mother and I may have made to get you this far, we made'em.
Y sea cual sea los errores que tu madre y yo hayamos hecho para darte esto, ya esta hecho.
You know your mother and I only want what's good for you.
Sabes que tu madre y yo solo queremos lo mejor para ti.
My dead father asked me to protect you and your mother and I did not do that.
Mi padre me pidió que te protegiera a ti y a tu madre y yo no lo hice.
Jimmy, your mother and I are just fine.
Jimmy, tu madre y yo estamos bien.
Your mother and I are calling it quits.
Tu madre y yo nos vamos a separar.
Your mother and I have cut you a lot of slack.
Tu madre y yo somos tolerantes.
Emily, you've been through more things than anybody at your age should have to survive, but your mother and I thought I was over, and it's not, is it?
Emily, has pasado por muchas cosas que nadie de tu edad debería pasar, pero tu madre y yo pensábamos que habías terminado, y no es así, ¿ verdad?
When your mother and I got married, we said my dad's farm would be there to get us over any bumps in the road, the tough times in life.
Cuando tu madre y yo nos casamos, dijimos la granja de mi padre estaría allí, para llevarnos a través de cualquier golpe en el camino, en los momentos difíciles de la vida.
Point being, I'd like to give up police work and enjoy a quiet, peaceful life with your mother at my side.
El punto es que me gustaría renunciar al trabajo policiaco Y disfrutar una vida pacífica y tranquila al lado de tu madre.
You use those assets to help me take down the Ewings, and I will give you enough money to buy Ryland transport right out from underneath your mother's control.
Utiliza esos activos para ayudarme a bajar los Ewing, y yo te daré el dinero suficiente para comprar Ryland transporte derecho de debajo el control de tu madre.
In fact, there was something I wanted to ask your advice on, as a doctor and a mother.
De hecho, había algo Quería pedirte consejo sobre, como un médico y una madre.
You don't want to give you and me a chance because you don't think I can handle your mother?
¿ No quieres que nos demos una oportunidad porque piensas que no puedo lidiar con tu madre?
And although I... grew to care deeply for your mother, there are times I wish I'd trained with someone a bit more tender.
Y aunque... aprendí a que tu madre me importara profundamente, hay veces que deseo haberme entrenado con alguien un poco más tierna.
Your mother told me they were discharging you, and... I've brought a surprise.
Tu madre me ha dicho que te daban el alta, y... te he traído una sorpresa.
I told your mother that died, And not getting killed.
Le dijo a tu madre que estabas muerto. La gente mata por menos.
Your mother told me about the accident, and then I-I thought I'd break up seeing my little girl fight for her life.
Tu madre me contó lo del accidente, y luego pensé que me derrumbaría... viendo a mi niña luchar por su vida.
Kids, I've only had three great ideas- - marrying your mother, using a hot dog as a straw and this romantic train ride anniversary.
Niños, solo he tenido tres ideas geniales casarme con su madre, usar un hot dog como sorbete, y este romántico viaje en tren, por nuestro aniversario.
And I think we all know your mother's doing just fine.
Y creo que todas sabemos que tu madre está bien.
Your father and I thought it'd be a nice Mother's Day gift for Maw Maw if we helped her remember she actually had a mother once.
Tu padre y yo pensábamos que sería un buen regalo del Día de la Madre para Maw Maw ayudarla a recordar que una vez tuvo una madre.
Then I promise to find your son the best possible home and never to tell him who his mother is.
Entonces te prometo, encontrar el mejor hogar posible a tu hijo, y nunca le diré quien es su verdadera madre.
We were just talking about the party tonight and how much fun it's going to be and how I maybe invited your mother.
Hablábamos de la fiesta de esta noche y de lo divertida que será y de cómo tal vez había invitado a tu madre.
Listen, I talked to my supervisor about dismissing your mother's prostitution charge, and he won't go for it.
Escucha, hablé con mi supervisor, sobre despido cargo de prostitución de su madre, y no va a ir a por ello.
- And I'm your mother.
- Soy tu abogado. - Y yo soy tu madre.
I betrayed your mother- - not you- - and that's my business.
Traicioné a tu madre... no a ti... y eso es asunto mío.
And maybe I'm cold, and maybe I don't have the mother gene, and maybe a thousand other things that make me such a horrible villainous bitch in your book, but in Jerry and Karen's book,
Estás diferente. Y quizá sea fría, y quizá no sea maternal y quizá miles de otras cosas que me hacen la villana de tu libro pero en el libro de Jaren y Karen, sigo siendo su madre.
I've been watching your mother for days now, Oliver, and nothing.
He estado observando a tu madre durante días, Oliver, y nada.
- I'll ride down to Virginia and locate your mother and bring her to New York using contacts from the old underground railroad.
¿ Y si te pierdo a ti y a mi mama? Cabalgaré hasta Virginia, localizaré a tu madre, y la traeré a Nueva York usando contactos del viejo ferrocarril subterráneo.
I will personally go to the plantation and shepherd Sara's mother to your door.
Iré en persona a la plantación y acompañaré a la madre de Sara hasta vuestra puerta.
And I'll kill your father and mother and your brother, who's sleeping in their bed. Right?
Y mataré a tu padre y a tu madre... y tu hermano, que está durmiendo en su cama. ¿ Cierto?
And... and I loved your mother very much and decided that it didn't matter.
Y quería muchísimo a tu madre y decidí que no importaba.
And if I had figured things out before I got married, I might still be with your mother.
Y si hubiese entendido las cosas antes de casarme, quizá aún estaría con tu madre.
I am not your son and you are not my mother.
Yo no soy tu hijo y tú no eres mi madre.
I believe I was 13 when my mother pulled me out of French literature class in Geneva and whisked us out of the country to keep us from being murdered... By your mother.
Creo que tenía 13 años cuando mi madre me sacó de clase de literatura francesa en Génova y nos llevó por todo el país para evitar que nos asesinara... tu madre.
And I'd start with your mother.
Y empezaré con tu madre.
I mean, they are literally printing money to make over the city and your mother knows me well enough to know that I can't just walk away from all that.
Es decir, están literalmente imprimiendo dinero para mejorar la ciudad y tu madre me conoce lo suficiente para saber que no puedo desentenderme sin más de todo eso.
And by "small," I mean anyone but your mother.
Y por "pequeño", me refiero a cualquiera excepto tu madre.
I, your mother should wash ; cook and take care of you,
Yo, tu madre, lavaré, cocinaré y cuidaré de ti.
And I also thought if you two got married, then you and your mother wouldn't be like family anymore.
Y también supe que si os casabais, entonces tú y tu madre no seríais como familia.
And you are not too short for me. I don't care what your mother says.
Y tú no eres demasiado bajito para mí, me da igual lo que diga tu madre.
Listen, Mother's Day is this weekend, and I know your dad hasn't planned jack squat.
Escucha, el Día de las Madres es este fin de semana, y sé que tu papá no ha planeado nada.
And I'm off to pick up your mother.
Me largo a recoger a tu madre.
I couldn't figure out the link between the car and your mother.
No adiviné lo que vinculaba el coche y a tu madre.
Your mother always said you and I were...
Tu madre siempre decía que tú y yo éramos... éramos...
your mother 885
your mother is dead 28
your mother called 23
your mother's dead 20
your mother's 21
your mother died 17
your mother's right 42
your mother's here 17
and i 3645
and i'm proud of you 44
your mother is dead 28
your mother called 23
your mother's dead 20
your mother's 21
your mother died 17
your mother's right 42
your mother's here 17
and i 3645
and i'm proud of you 44
and i will 353
and i'm grateful 35
and i said yes 53
and i'm starving 33
and i'm not gonna lie 17
and i'm very sorry 29
and i'm an alcoholic 48
and i'm so sorry 99
and i'm really sorry 62
and i'm 661
and i'm grateful 35
and i said yes 53
and i'm starving 33
and i'm not gonna lie 17
and i'm very sorry 29
and i'm an alcoholic 48
and i'm so sorry 99
and i'm really sorry 62
and i'm 661