And what about Çeviri Fransızca
20,714 parallel translation
And what about this chick?
Et cette nana?
And what about them?
Et eux?
Right, and what about my mom? That bitch beat her. What's her function?
Quelle est celle de la chienne qui a frappé ma mère?
And what about my family?
Et ma famille?
And what about so-called "experts," who say it's wrong to keep these girls in captivity so they can amuse and entertain us?
Et aux soi-disant "experts", qui disent que c'est mal de maintenir ces filles en captivité dans le but de nous divertir, je rétorque :
And what about speaking with the reporter? What would that be?
Et ton entretien avec la journaliste, c'était quoi?
And what about Julian?
Et que dire de Julian?
And what about the other guy?
Et l'autre mec?
And what about the secretary?
Et qu'en est-il de la Secrétaire?
And what about you...
Et vous...
And what if I'm supposed to think about that before I start judging their lives? "
Et si je dois le prendre en compte avant de juger leur vie? "
And hypothetically, if you're not sick, if you're just nursing your wounded pride about what happened yesterday, you should be at home doing that too.
Et hypothétiquement, si vous n'êtes pas malade, si vous êtes juste d'infirmier votre fierté des blessés au sujet de ce qui s'est passé hier, vous devriez être à maison qui fait ce aussi.
Sarah, I've been thinking a lot... about what you said to me earlier, and it made me realize...
Sarah, j'ai pensé beaucoup... à propos de ce que vous me disiez plus tôt, et il m'a fait comprendre...
I see the way he is around her and I think - It's not about what he's been through, it's about the mission. - that she's good for him.
Je vois comment il est avec elle, elle est bien pour lui.
What about your mom and dad?
Et tes parents?
And what about siblings?
Et les frères et sœurs?
You know what I'm talking about, he's got, like, the, um... Like, the face, and the hands? It really doesn't matter.
Vous voyez, il a... avec ce visage et ces mains?
What about Kennedy and Hoffa?
Qu'en est-il de Kennedy et Hoffa?
She's swimming in denial about what she said and what she did.
Elle nage dans le dénis sur ce qu'elle a dit et fait.
I would talk to, uh, Cassie about you a lot, and despite what went down, she always said that you were one of the good moms and eventually, you'd come around and accept me.
Je parlais beaucoup de toi à Cassie, et malgré ce qu'il s'était passé, elle disait toujours que tu faisais partie des bonnes mères et qu'un jour, tu reviendrais et m'accepterais.
It's about love and friendship, and what happens when a group of kids face the biggest exam of all, survival.
Il est question d'amour et d'amitié, et du pire examen que des ados puissent passer, la survie.
He'd ask about my job and what was going on in the writers'room.
Il m'a interrogée sur mon boulot et ce qui se passait dans la salle des rédacteurs.
Oh, and I told student counseling about what happened.
Oh, et j'ai raconté au conseil des étudiants ce qu'il s'est passé.
What about free love and all that "Rolling Stone" crap?
Et que dis-tu de l'amour libre et toute cette merde à la "Rolling Stone"?
And to have told you what I told you about... uh, loving you, but softer.
Et j'aurais voulu te dire que je t'aime, mais de manière plus douce.
What about that part when Glinda the Good Witch comes floating in on her magic bubble, and her skin's all white and sparkly?
Et le passage où Glinda la gentille sorcière arrive en flottant sur une bulle magique et que sa peau est blanche et brillante?
And I'm not sure what to do about that.
Et je ne sais pas quoi faire.
What about you and me?
Et au sujet de toi et moi?
Because they confronted him about what he did, and he was afraid of being exposed.
Parce qu'elles l'ont confronté à ce qu'il avait fait, il a eu peur d'être découvert.
And out of all the people the Flash saved as a result of that decision, what about them?
Et avec elle, toutes les personnes que le Flash a sauvées à cause de cette décision, et eux?
Because it was about a mother who was always there for her child, no matter what, and that wasn't my mom... or yours.
Car il s'agissait d'une mère toujours présente pour son enfant, peu importe ce qui arrivait, et ce n'était pas ma mère... ni la tienne...
What about Ben and Red?
Et à Dan et Red?
And what that means is, if I haven't taken you aside and spoken to you privately about staying on, that does mean that you are... terminated, immediately.
Si je ne vous ai pas pris à part pour vous dire de rester, ça signifie que vous êtes licenciés, immédiatement.
And that's what every successful partnership is about.
C'est la clé de tout partenariat fructueux.
No, because then I'll hear the "psst, psst, psst." And I'll be up all night wondering what you're talking about.
Non, je vais entendre les bruits... et je me demanderai de quoi vous parlez.
What about this one? Remember when Erika Eleniak guest starred as Goober's cousin from out of town, and Brad had a boner for the whole episode?
Tu te souviens quand Erika Eleniak a joué la cousine de Goober qui lui rendait visite et que Brad a eu la trique pendant tout l'épisode?
What about the one where the writers made Joelle dress up like a pumpkin, and the whole episode was fat jokes, so then Joelle got an eating disorder?
Et les scénaristes ont fait s'habiller Joelle en citrouille, on a fait des blagues sur les gros, et elle est devenue anorexique.
I just need to know what you were trying to tell me about being a lifeguard, and then, I'll leave and you'll never see me again.
Je voudrais savoir ce que t'essayais de me dire l'autre fois. Puis je partirai et tu ne me reverras plus jamais.
Those limp dicks are about to find out what savvy film and television viewers have known for years.
Ces chiffes molles vont voir ce que les téléspectateurs ont vu il y a longtemps :
Well, you let me know what you want to do and I'll think about it.
Tenez-moi au courant de vos intentions et j'y réfléchirai.
He's describing the platform and what's great about it.
Il décrit ce qui la rend géniale.
All they know is that I'm over there exchanging witty banter with McNamee, and about what, they don't know.
Ils savent juste que j'échange des propos marrants avec McNamee. Sur quoi? Ils l'ignorent et aimeraient savoir.
So is it possible that you got overwhelmed and were unsure about what you really wanted, and that's why you never said no?
Il est donc possible que vous vous soyez retrouvée submergée et que vous ne soyez pas certaine de ce que vous vouliez réellement et que vous n'avez jamais dit non?
Play all the games you want, Tribeca, but you're gonna tell me what you know about Mayhem Global and their connection to this mayoral election...
Fais la maline, Tribeca, mais tu vas tout me dire sur Mayhem Global et leur lien avec l'élection du maire...
It's amazing what people say about those who lack manners, and they always refer to poor people.
C'est incroyable de voir qu'on parle du manque d'éducation en stigmatisant toujours les pauvres.
" and for what's about to happen.
" et pour tout ce qui va arriver.
What they do care about is you, pulling back the mask and finally offering a real glimpse inside the deepest, darkest corners of your soul.
ce qu'ils veulent c'est toi, tombant le masque et leur donnant une vraie vue du plus profonds et plus sombres recoins de ton âme.
And what do you think this is about, exactly?
Et que pensez-vous que cela soit cette histoire exactement?
What was that look on your face when you found out about Greg and Rebecca?
C'était quoi ce regard quand tu as appris pour Greg et Rebecca?
Everybody knows about depression and what it can do to you, even the Catholic Church.
Tout le monde connaît la dépression et ce que cela fait, même l'Eglise Catholique.
I may also pick up a bottle of that panhandle Pinot grigio I was telling you about. Oh, and you know what?
Si t'es sage, j'achèterai une bouteille du pinot gris dont je t'ai parlé.
and what about you 352
and what about me 98
and what about this 29
and what about us 31
and what about her 16
and what are you doing 48
and what are you doing here 62
and what are you going to do 22
and what 818
and whatever you do 86
and what about me 98
and what about this 29
and what about us 31
and what about her 16
and what are you doing 48
and what are you doing here 62
and what are you going to do 22
and what 818
and whatever you do 86
and what's more 117
and what does that mean 94
and what happened 146
and what do you want 78
and what do you think 83
and what did you say 84
and what's worse 41
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's that 303
and what's this 102
and what does that mean 94
and what happened 146
and what do you want 78
and what do you think 83
and what did you say 84
and what's worse 41
and what's that supposed to mean 44
and what's that 303
and what's this 102