Better than anyone Çeviri Fransızca
1,079 parallel translation
Porcupines, who should know better than anyone not to go through the same door at the same time.
Les porcs-épics, qui devraient savoir... qu'on ne passe pas une porte à deux.
You know what a friend of mine once said who thinks he's better than anyone?
Tu sais ce qu'a dit une fois un de mes amis qui se croit le meilleur?
He would know better than anyone else that removal of the prostate is a very good operation. Very highly successful.
Il sait mieux que quiconque que l'ablation de la prostate est une opération banale.
She must be dressed better than anyone... except me.
Je veux qu'elle soit la mieux mise de toutes. Moi excepté.
I know better than anyone else how much love there is in a father's heart.
Je sais mieux que quiconque combien le cœur d'un père est aimant.
I know better than anyone else what you have in you, Noelle :
Je connais mieux que quiconque ce dont tu es capable, Noëlle.
If I prove to you that I know you better than anyone in the world, better even than your own mother, will you listen to me?
Si je te prouvais que je te connais mieux que n'importe qui, mieux que ta propre mère, voudrais-tu m'écouter?
Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser que vous pouvez mieux contrôler ces tomates?
You ought to understand that better than anyone else.
Tu devrais comprendre cela mieux que n'importe qui.
I'm an experienced midwife and can assist her better than anyone else.
Je suis accoucheuse expérimentée et je peux l'aider mieux que quiconque.
Now, this is my island and I know it better than anyone.
C'est mon île et je la connais mieux que quiconque.
I do odd jobs. But I can handle animals better than anyone.
Je fais des numéros bizarres, mais je dompte les animaux mieux que personne.
I like you better than anyone.
C'est toi que je préfère.
He was an enormous, enormous success, and this success largely changed his whole life, I think,'cause he found out there was something that he could do well, do practically better than anyone else.
Et ça a donné "Dix Jours qui ébranlèrent le monde". À ce qu'on raconte. Ça a eu un succès énorme.
You say that a person knows his body better than anyone else.
Tu dis que nul ne te connaît mieux que toi.
You're better than anyone I ever had.
Tu es le meilleur joueur que j'aie eu.
Philip, as a specialist in legal affairs... you should know better than anyone, Diana is not military attaché. Her field decisions regarding Earth missions... are absolute and inviolate.
En tant que spécialiste en droit, Philippe, vous devriez savoir mieux que quiconque que Diana étant notre attachée militaire, ses décisions en ce qui concerne la Terre sont absolument irrévocables.
- Better than anyone in our department.
- Meilleur que quiconque chez nous.
Enrico knows better than anyone that with all the workload at the paper we often have to skip lunch and dinner.
Avec tout ce travail au journal, nous n'avons parfois pas le temps de manger.
He plays the keyboards better than anyone.
Personne ne joue des claviers comme lui.
You're no better than anyone else, so let's go, let's get to work.
Vous êtes comme les autres. Au travail!
I'm not saying there aren't things about me that you know better than anyone.
Il y a certaines choses que tu connais mieux que quiconque.
Mary knows this place better than anyone.
Mary connaît cet endroit mieux que personne
I know that I can see you better than anyone, because I can feel what a wonderful person you are and how special you are.
Je sais que je peux voir en vous mieux que quiconque, car moi, je sens à quel point vous êtes merveilleux et différent des autres.
He is not a monster. I'm his daughter. I know him better than anyone.
Ce n'est pas un monstre, je suis sa fille, je le connais mieux que n'importe qui.
What can I do better than anyone else?
Qu'est-ce que je sais faire mieux que personne?
You should know that better than anyone.
Tu devrais le savoir mieux que quiconque.
I knew this man perhaps better than anyone here.
Je connaissais cet homme peut-être mieux que quiconque.
You, better than anyone, should know how destructive that can be.
Tu sais mieux que personne le mal qu'il peut faire.
You know it better than anyone, cos after it happens you walk out!
Tu le sais très bien puisque tu t'es empressé de partir.
Face it, sweetie. I know you better than anyone and believe me, she sees you as the world sees you :
Je te connais mieux que personne et crois-moi, elle te voit comme le reste du monde :
Father understood better than anyone the danger of losing those values which we hold most precious.
Papa comprenait mieux que quiconque le danger de perdre les valeurs auxquelles on est le plus attaché.
James and I knew Laura better than anyone did.
James et moi, on connaissait Laura mieux que personne.
And if I happen to make'em better than anyone, then I've got a bigger responsibility than anyone to serve it up.
Et si je les réussis mieux que personne, il m'incombe d'autant plus de les faire.
You can direct it better than anyone. We start shooting in six weeks.
On commence à tourner dans six semaines.
To me, money can keep a secret better than anyone I know.
Pour moi, l'argent, c'est ce qu'il y a de mieux pour garder un secret.
I know the neighborhood better than anyone else.
Je connais le quartier mieux que personne.
He knows better than anyone the art of bullfighting, the flamenco and the Spanish wine. Give me a hug, man.
Vous connaissez mieux que nous le vin espagnol, la tauromachie et le flamenco!
You can dance the tango and drive a Ferrari better than anyone I've ever seen.
vous dansez le tango et conduisez une Ferrari mieux que personne.
"I come better with you, sweetheart, than anyone in the whole damn world."
"Chérie, je jouis mieux avec toi, qu'avec personne au monde."
No one is better or worse than anyone else.
Pour moi, vous êtes tout de même, ni meilleure ni pire.
You ought to know better than anyone,
Tu devrais savoir mieux que personne que j'interdis les mensonges chez moi
Obviously, anyone is better than your family.
Tout est mieux que ta famille.
I think you're a better judge of what would be a serious tile problem than anyone here.
Je pense que vous êtres plus apte à en juger que nous tous ici.
I don't think our leader could have chosen anyone who could do a better job than you.
Notre chef n'aurait pas pu choisir... quelqu'un de plus qualifié.
You know, if I was gonna murder anyone, I'd wear better-looking underwear than that.
Moi, si j'allais assassiner quelqu'un, je porterais un caleçon plus beau que ça.
You ought to look around and see if there's anyone you like to listen to better than yourself.
Tu viendras chez Fred?
His doctor said it was cardiac arrest, but I knew John better than anyone.
Le karaté était toute sa vie.
We have a better chance of helping than anyone, son.
On sera plus à même de l'aider.
I feel I know him better than I've known anyone in my life.
Jamais je n'ai eu l'impression de connaître aussi bien quelqu'un.
- We need help. Anyone can see that, and I can't think of anyone better qualified for the job than you.
- Nous avons besoin d'aide et je ne vois personne d'autre qui soit aussi qualifié que vous.
better than sex 19
better than me 42
better than ever 45
better than what 22
better than nothing 32
better than good 18
better than you 74
better than 39
better than that 75
better than okay 22
better than me 42
better than ever 45
better than what 22
better than nothing 32
better than good 18
better than you 74
better than 39
better than that 75
better than okay 22
anyone 1207
anyone home 132
anyone here 106
anyone else 312
anyone in there 20
anyone can 23
anyone can do that 18
anyone i know 36
anyone there 88
anyone can see that 16
anyone home 132
anyone here 106
anyone else 312
anyone in there 20
anyone can 23
anyone can do that 18
anyone i know 36
anyone there 88
anyone can see that 16
anyone can do it 19
anyone at all 33
anyone in particular 26
anyone hurt 24
anyone see you 19
better 1689
bette 147
better safe than sorry 106
better watch out 24
better luck next time 114
anyone at all 33
anyone in particular 26
anyone hurt 24
anyone see you 19
better 1689
bette 147
better safe than sorry 106
better watch out 24
better luck next time 114