But something's wrong Çeviri Fransızca
336 parallel translation
! Yes, if you do something wrong, you should be punished for it, but you don't want to overdo the punishment to the extent of killing Kang Hyun Min's life as an actor!
! mais vous ne voulez pas le punir trop sévèrement pour ne pas tuer la vie de Kang Hyun Min en tant qu'acteur!
Since there's no distemper, but the loss of hair is abnormal, It must be something that he ate is wrong.
Sa perte de poils est, en effet, anormale. Il a dû manger quelque chose...
But there's something wrong.
Mais un truc cloche.
No, but there's something wrong there yonder.
Non point. Mais il y a un problème là-bas, Monsieur.
But something went wrong with me.
Mais la machine s'est enrayée avec moi.
"Once I did something wrong." I don't know, but it was something a long time ago.
Ça s'est passé, il y a longtemps.
There's something wrong about it, but I just don't know what.
Il y a quelque chose qui cloche mais je ne sais pas quoi.
But, Robert, I'm sure there's something wrong with him.
Mais tu sais, il n'est pas normal.
Something's wrong with you, but never mind. I won't cross-examine you. I'll pretend I didn't notice anything.
Vous êtes drôle ce soir, mais je ferai semblant de n'avoir rien remarqué.
I don't know what's wrong with you, but if you're ill, and if it's what Mrs. Alsop thinks, you should do something about it.
Je ne sais pas ce que vous avez, mais si c'est ce que pense Mme Alsop, ça peut s'arranger.
I can't spot it, but something's wrong somewhere.
Je n'arrive pas à dire quoi, mais un truc ne colle pas.
Yes, but there's something wrong, Officer. That place was full of people just a few minutes ago, and now there's nobody.
Cette église était pleine de monde.
You're wrong, you know, you're wrong, but there's something wrong here there's something that's been overlooked.
Vous avez tort, vous savez, - Quelque chose ne va pas dans cette histoire.
I may be wrong, but... ( ANNA YELPS ) Well, I think she's gonna pull something. Huh?
- Je crois qu'elle va tenter un truc.
But if something goes wrong, none of us here knows the territory.
Mais s'il y a un coup dur? Nous ne connaissons pas la région.
- No! But if something happens to you... - What's wrong with this plane?
Je ne vous accuse de rien, mais si un nouveau malheur arrive, c'est moi qu'on blâmera.
But there's something wrong.
Mais il y a anguille sous roche.
I'm not sure. But I'm gonna do something, even if it's wrong.
Je n'en sais rien, mais j'ai bien l'intention d'agir.
Well, I think there's something wrong too, miss, but not the same thing.
Moi aussi, je le crois.
Mais dites-moi, Votre Majesté, que se passe-t-il?
But there's something wrong around here... whether Loy is playing hide-and-seek with you or not.
Mais quelque chose ne va pas ici, que Loy joue à cache-cache avec toi ou non.
I don't quite know what it is, but there's something wrong.
J'ignore de quoi il s'agit, mais il y a de l'eau dans le gaz.
I-I thought just now that something was wrong when I saw that, but now I'm sure. Alright, what's your theory then?
Je pensais à l'instant que quelque chose ne tournait pas rond en voyant ça, mais à présent j'en suis sûre.
But there's something wrong and I'll feel a lot better after he's checked you over.
Mais quelque chose cloche, et je me sentirais beaucoup mieux s'il t'auscultait.
Thornton's got something wrong with him, but it wasn't our doing.
Votre ami Thornton est très mal. Mais c'est pas par notre faute.
It's all very well for you to say that I can get them back undetected but, well, if something goes wrong, I don't think that they would understand that you merely like to wear them for a couple of hours.
C'est facile de dire que je peux les rendre sans problème. mais si ça devait mal tourner je ne suis pas sûr qu'ils comprendraient que tu les portes seulement quelques heures.
I think he's all right, but if something goes wrong, I'm counting on you, Pete. See you.
Ça ira, mais si ça tourne mal, je compte sur toi, Pete.
But you know now there's something wrong. - Will you admit that to me? - Yeah.
Mais vous sentez que quelque chose ne va pas.
Don't get shook, Sammy, but there's something wrong with my powers.
Ne t'énerve pas, Sammy, mais je crois que j'ai un problème avec mes pouvoirs.
There's something wrong with his liver, but still... He's an inveterate enemy of the Reich.
il a un problème au foie mais n'empêche que... c'est un ennemi profond du Reich.
I'm supposed to meet Ramon Verona for dining and dancing on Jupiter, but there's something wrong with my radar.
J'ai rendez-vous avec Ramon Verona sur Jupiter pour aller dîner et danser, mais j'ai un problème avec mon radar.
Sweetheart, I don't wanna alarm you, but there's something wrong with me.
Chéri, je ne veux pas t'alarmer, mais j'ai un problème.
- I don't know but something's wrong.
Bien sûr! Sinon, ils vont m'écharpé!
That's easy enough for you to say Bonnie but supposing something goes wrong,
Facile à dire. Toi, tu ne risques rien!
Of course I'm listening, but something's wrong with the line.
Si, j'écoutais, mais il y avait des bruits sur la ligne, pardon.
She refuses to talk about it, but... it's obvious that something's wrong between them.
Elle refuse d'en parler, mais... il est évident que quelque chose ne va plus entre eux.
Oh, yes, sir, it did occur to me, but there's something wrong with your thinking.
J'y ai pensé mais votre théorie ne tient pas.
All squadrons engaged, sir, but something's wrong.
Tous les escadrons attaquent mais il y a quelque chose d'étrange.
I don't know what it is, but there's definitely something wrong.
Je n'en sais rien, mais il y a vraiment un problème.
If I get the 4,000 shares at 1 133 / 4, I know something's wrong. But suppose the order I put in to buy the shares when the price was 1 133 / 4,
Si je les ai à 113 c'est louche mais si j'en ai 2000 à 114,
But there's something wrong with the world.
Mais il ne tourne pas rond.
- Hey! But there must be something wrong with me, because it's always that perfect moment... when a little voice tells me disaster's about to strike.
Et c'est à ce moment parfait qu'une petite voix m'annonce un désastre imminent.
I don't know. It's a thing in Lauderdale. Something must have gone wrong, but they're not telling me.
Une embrouille à Lauderdale, je ne sais pas au juste.
But there's something wrong with them.
Mais il y a quelque chose de louche.
Now, I don't know why, but there's something wrong with it. It stinks.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais ce livre me chiffonne...
I didn't say that, but something's wrong here. He won too easily, kind of mechanically.
- Non, y a un truc bizarre, il a gagné trop facilement.
Well, a man with a woman whom he's in love with... but who has something wrong with her, like she's frigid, can get very paranoiac.
Un homme avec une femme dont il est amoureux mais qui est... affectée d'une infirmité, disons la frigidité, peut devenir paranoïaque.
I know I could be wrong, but I don't think it's a car part at all. Maybe you've seen something like it.
Je peux me tromper, mais je crois pas que ce soit une pièce de voiture.
He was not very good at training, but he was smart. As the time for drills approached, he made sure the doctor would find something wrong with him and thus managed to be excused from exercises.
Il n'aimait pas l'entraînement physique mais il était malin, et quand approchait l'heure des exercices, il s'arrangeait pour que le docteur lui trouve un problème, et l'en exempte.
But there's clearly something wrong here.
Je ne sais comment la mécanique fonctionne, mais il y a un vice quelque part.
But something's wrong with the lift.
- C'est cet ascenseur.
something's wrong 881
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong with you 23
something's wrong with me 26
something's wrong with him 16
wrong 1364
wrong place 64
wrong guy 28
wrong number 137
wrong answer 165
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong with you 23
something's wrong with me 26
something's wrong with him 16
wrong 1364
wrong place 64
wrong guy 28
wrong number 137
wrong answer 165
wrong way 70
wrong door 22
wrong room 34
wrong one 16
wrong question 22
wrong time 78
wrong floor 19
wrong again 87
but still 1334
but something went wrong 29
wrong door 22
wrong room 34
wrong one 16
wrong question 22
wrong time 78
wrong floor 19
wrong again 87
but still 1334
but something went wrong 29
but sometimes 291
but so are you 19
but so far 188
but she's gone 43
but soon 162
but some 28
but she's not here 34
but something 32
but seriously 409
but she hasn't 17
but so are you 19
but so far 188
but she's gone 43
but soon 162
but some 28
but she's not here 34
but something 32
but seriously 409
but she hasn't 17
but so am i 35
but so what 89
but she couldn't 19
but surely 93
but sir 122
but she can't 33
but she isn't 30
but she 181
but she wouldn't listen 26
but she didn't 123
but so what 89
but she couldn't 19
but surely 93
but sir 122
but she can't 33
but she isn't 30
but she 181
but she wouldn't listen 26
but she didn't 123