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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ C ] / Come on over

Come on over Çeviri Fransızca

3,862 parallel translation
Just come on over here.
J'allais le poser.
And if anyone wants a picture and autograph, just come on over.
Et si vous voulez une photo ou un autographe, venez me voir.
Come on over here, son.
Viens ici.
- Come on over, Ben.
- Venez, Ben.
Come on over the top!
Allez, envoie par-dessus.
Come on over here.
Venez par là.
Come on over here.
Boys, come on, come on over here.
Venez me rejoindre.
That was the closest we have come to winning a fucking hockey game in over a month, and you just fucked us!
Là, les gars, on était jamais venu aussi proche d'engranger notre seule victoire de tout le mois, sauf que monsieur ici nous a tous fourrés!
Don't make me come over there, Neil. You know I get sick on that ferry.
Me force pas à venir, je suis malade sur le ferry.
If you're done with him, just hand him over. Come on, girls.
Allez, les filles.
Does he want us to come over?
Il veut qu'on approche?
When your mom was pregnant with you she'd come through that door, walk straight over here and join me on this couch.
Quand ta maman était enceinte de toi, elle passait par cette porte et me rejoignait sur ce canapé.
Just like in high school, you know? You used to come over, study and stuff.
Ce sera comme quand on était au lycée.
You, get over here. Come on.
Toi, viens ici.
Can you convince another firm to come on board and take over the case?
Est-ce que vous pourriez convaincre un autre cabinet de reprendre l'affaire?
Over your head, son Follow me, come on
Au-dessus de la tête. Suis-moi. Allez!
Come on, move over. Move.
Allez, bouge de là.
Okay, you guys, come on, come over.
Les gars, venez!
And, girls, stop getting so hysterical over everything! Come on!
Arrêtez de brailler, les filles.
* come over here, baby, and talk to me * * sit yourself down on... * you really like Christmas, huh?
Tu aimes vraiment Noël, hein?
All right, then we'll come over here and shoot guns.
Bon, alors on vient ici faire des tests balistiques.
Come on, let's get this over with.
Viens, finissons-en.
"Come on"? I got some pull over there at the Panthers, all right?
J'aurai mon mot à dire là-bas.
I hate to come over here and spoil the party, but I can't sit on this any longer.
Je ne veux pas gâcher la fête, mais il faut que je te parle.
Come on, it's over.
C'est fini.
- Come on, come on. - He's all over me.
- Arrêtez, j'aime pas ça.
Because usually when guests come over, you make weird stuff.
D'habitude, quand on a des invités, tu fais des trucs bizarres.
- Come on, come over here.
Viens par ici.
Listen, you wa me to come over to brainstorm with you?
à ‰ coutes, tu veut que je passe et qu'on fasse un brainstorming?
Oh, come on. Divisions I've worked - - Newton and Southeast - - half the rape cases, they were just fights over money.
Mes anciens services, à Newton et Southeast, 50 % des affaires de viols, elles se battaient pour l'argent.
Come on, come on. It's over.
Arrête, arrête, c'est fini.
You really come over here thinking we'd sign that land over to a mining company?
Tu as vraiment cru qu'on céderait notre terre à une compagnie minière?
So you just got run over by the wheels of justice, and you come over here for a shoulder to cry on.
Alors vous venez de vous faire rouler dessus par les roues de la justice
Okay, come on. Over here.
D'accord, allez viens.
OK, come on. I need to go over today's pages.
Il faut que je revoie les pages du jour.
Come, we roll over there and let's see what's good.
Venez, on va là-bas et on voit ce qu'on fait.
You could come over to mine and we can go over some interview techniques.
Tu peux venir chez moi et on peut passer par des techniques d'entrevue.
I hope you haven't come to get run over on the highway.
Mais j'espère que tu ne viens pas te faire écraser.
If you're in over your head on something don't you think I might be the guy to come to?
Si t'as des problèmes, ne suis-je pas le mieux placé pour en parler?
Oh, don't worry about that. Hey, come on. Move over.
T'inquiète, change de place!
Now, move over. Come on.
- Du calme.
Come on. Move over.
- Je sais conduire.
Come on. Somebody help me over here.
Venez m'aider.
Come on, my shift's over, I want to go home.
Allez, je dois rentrer chez moi.
We come over here to work things out with them, and they insult us they browbeat us they lecture us about being good citizens of the planet.
On vient pour arranger les choses, et on se fait insulter, intimider, sermonner sur notre rôle de bons citoyens de la planète.
Were you guys talkin about my... oh! Oh, get over yourself, Tommy. Come on!
Arrête, avec ta petite personne.
I mean, come on, man. You're looming'over me like a dark cloud.
On croirait un mauvais nuage au-dessus de ma tête.
- Come on, hand it over.
- Allez, apporte.
- Come on, put your leg over.
- Allez, passe tes jambes.
But then you have those moments, you come home from work, you open the door, your kid runs in and gives you a big hug, and it's kind of game over, right?
Mais après, y a les moments où on rentre du bureau et où notre gamin court nous faire un câlin et on oublie tout le reste.

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