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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ C ] / Come on up here

Come on up here Çeviri Fransızca

1,032 parallel translation
Come on up here. Okay, sarge.
C'est bon, sergent, le 4 va marcher.
- Come on up here.
- Monte par ici.
Come on up here.
Viens ici.
Come on up here... - Hello, Dan.
Asseyez-vous ici.
Come on up here.
Alors, viens par ici.
Come on up here.
Venez ici.
Come on up here!
I'll be dogged if I'm losing my killer instinct. Come on up here.
Je ne dois pas perdre mon instinct de tueur.
Come on up here, both of ya.
Venez ici tous les deux.
Come on up here.
Come on up here and sit down, Samson.
Grimpe ici et assieds-toi, Samson.
I hear you come from up north in the woods, or down north, as we call it here.
Vous venez du Nord, des bois. Du grand Nord, comme on dit.
Come on, get up here and fight.
Allez, levez-vous et battez-vous.
Come on! Break it up here!
Allez, arrêtez!
I've asked the Chief Engineer to come up here to find out if it's possible to turn off every piece of machinery. Cut out every sound.
Je veux savoir si on peut tout couper pour être silencieux.
You give up everything... to come here and work for a dollar a year, and you can't find a place to live.
On abandonne tout pour venir se faire exploiter et on ne peut pas se loger.
Miss Nash, to tell you the truth... I didn't exactly come up here to be admired as a museum piece.
A vous entendre, on pense à une pièce de musée.
- Come on, jump right up here on this cart.
- Grimpez sur la charrette.
Come on, ladies and gentlemen, step up here and see the great Wanda, the gypsy fortune teller.
Venez ici rencontrer la grande Wanda.
Nick, remember when we used to come up here fishing?
Tu te souviens quand on venait pêcher?
- Come on girls. Drink up and lets get out of here.
Finissez et partons.
Come on, bottoms up Here is mud in your eye
Allez, cul sec, à la bonne vôtre
I don't like to be asked to come up here and then told I can go.
J'aime pas qu'on me fasse venir pour me dire de m'en aller.
We used to come up here when we were kids and build a fire.
On venait ici, gamins, on faisait un feu.
Glad to be home. Come on. Ride up here with me.
- Heureux d'être de retour.
- I come up here sometimes. - Do you sit here on your own?
Je viens ici de temps en temps.
We're not going to make them come up here.
- On ne va pas les faire venir ici.
Come here. Take that rope and get up on top that box, and tie it to that handle up there.
Prends cette corde et monte sur la caisse.
You're here on business? They don't pay my expenses to come up here and yodel.
Vous voulez vendre à l'empereur certaine chose.
Come on! Let's go back and load up and get out of here.
Allons charger l'or et fichons le camp!
Come on, line up, here's a good place right here.
Les uns à côté des autres, voilà.
Come on. Shake it up here. Press a line here.
Prêt, Paul?
It means they're gonna blow up the minefield... knock out our roadblock, then that joker's... gonna come out here to see if we got an antitank gun planted around the bend.
Ensuite, ce charlot va voir si on a une pièce anti-tank.
All right, come on. Step up here and get your money.
Avancez pour votre argent.
We'll come up here the first thing each morning and see to it that San Francisco starts the day off right.
On viendra ici chaque matin pour s'assurer que San Francisco commence la journée du bon pied.
Come on, pull up this thing! Pull up the bow here!
Allez, rapproche-toi!
Come on, hit me up here.
Allez, tire-moi là-dessus...
I've come here on Sally's behalf... on a certain matter that has to be cleared up.
Je viens en son nom clarifier une affaire.
That's all you need, boy. That'll really wash you up around here. Come on.
Il ne vous manque que ça pour être lessivé ici!
Come on up here.
Venez, vous tous.
How come we're eating up here? Why don't we eat downstairs?
Pourquoi on dîne pas en bas?
Come on, shut up. Get out of here.
Viens, on s'en va.
We'd have gotten married, come back here to finish up.
On se serait mariés, on aurait fini nos études ici.
Sit up, that's right. Here, put an arm around my shoulder. Come on, now.
Asseyez-vous, passez votre bras autour de mes épaules.
I have to come up here again next month on business.
Je dois revenir le mois prochain pour affaires.
We'll drop our cargo in New Orleans, and come back here to pick him up.
On va décharger le bateau et on reviendra le chercher.
Pack up your things, get out of here. Come on with me.
Fais tes valises et viens avec moi.
Come on, move up here.
Allez, viens ici.
And that wasn't done just so that one day you could come in here and stick up a lot of fences and bleed us to death.
Et on n'a pas fait ça pour qu'un jour vous veniez planter vos clôtures et nous saigner à blanc.
You don't see'em in town. That's why I come up here.
On ne les voit pas en ville, c'est pour ça que je viens ici.
Come on up here!
Venez par ici.

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