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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ C ] / Couple of weeks ago

Couple of weeks ago Çeviri Fransızca

613 parallel translation
I saw him a couple of weeks ago.
Je l'ai revu, il y a quelques semaines.
He quit him a couple of weeks ago.
Il est parti il y a deux semaines.
So a couple of weeks ago, I asked this kid to work for me.
Alors, il y a deux semaines, j'ai demandé à ce petit de m'aider.
Do you realize that a couple of weeks ago, we didn't have enough to eat ourselves?
Maman, nous aussi, nous étions sans le sou.
Johnnie borrowed it a couple of weeks ago.
John me l'a emprunté il y a 15 jours.
Yeah, a couple of weeks ago.
- Vraiment? Il y a deux semaines.
Joe and I were riding on Foothill Boulevard a couple of weeks ago.
Joe et moi étions boulevard Foothill, il y a deux semaines.
A couple of weeks ago I stood here, and you told me the gates were going to open for me.
D'après vous, les portes allaient s'ouvrir pour moi.
Just a couple of weeks ago, I picked up a dame in my cab... she must've had her face lifted by one of them quacks.
Il n'y a pas longtemps, une de mes clientes avait dû se faire opérer par un charlatan.
Well, a couple of weeks ago, he called.
Or il a appelé il y a 2 semaines... et je lui ai proposé de passer.
A couple of weeks ago.
II y a deux semaines.
Their only son was killed a couple of weeks ago.
- Leur fils unique a été tué.
Couple of weeks ago.
Il y a 15 jours.
You know, a couple of weeks ago, I was actually jealous of that Ross fellow.
Tu sais que j'étais jaloux de Joe Ross au début?
I resigned from the force a couple of weeks ago.
J'ai démissionné il y a deux semaines.
A couple of weeks ago he was on the long-distance phone, trying to call her on Molokai, the leper colony.
Il y a quelques semaines, il a essayé de l'appeler à Molokai, à la léproserie.
A couple of weeks ago she was at the Golden Bar.
Elle était à la Taverne.
He was supposed to come back a couple of weeks ago and finish up.
Il devait revenir il y a deux semaines.
I was here watching the porpoises... and he made a pass at me, didn't you, boy? He picked me up a couple of weeks ago.
Il m'a levée il y a deux ou trois semaines.
They sent the herd out a couple of weeks ago.
Ils ont sorti le bétail il y a quinze jours.
When I was a practicing attorney. A couple of weeks ago. My great stock in trade was defending the guilty.
Quand j'étais en exercice, il n'y a pas si longtemps, ma spécialité était de défendre les coupables.
A couple of weeks ago, man, I was the lowest.
Il y a peu, j'étais désespéré.
A couple of weeks ago, I got a letter from young Fred.
Il y a deux semaines, j'ai reçu une lettre de Fred.
You met him at my party a couple of weeks ago.
Vous l'avez rencontré à ma soirée.
Well, I had a letter from him a couple of weeks ago.
- Oui. J'ai reçu une lettre de lui il y a quinze jours.
No, she moved to a beach house somewhere, couple of weeks ago.
Non, elle a emménagé au bord de la plage, il y a quelque temps.
A couple of weeks ago.
Il y a quinze jours.
You know, a couple of weeks ago, it moved.
Il y a deux semaines, environ.
Don't you remember I talked to you about it a couple of weeks ago?
Je vous en ai parlé il y a deux ou trois semaines.
Et Whitty?
Got back a couple of weeks ago, better.
Elle est revenue il y a quinze jours, en meilleure forme.
He's married now. His wife had twins a couple of weeks ago.
Il est marié et vient d'avoir des jumeaux.
Remember that liquor store... a couple of weeks ago?
Tu te souviens de ce magasin de spiritueux?
Bonney tried to steal a few head a couple of weeks ago.
Et Bonney a essayé d'en voler il y a 2 semaines.
Couple of weeks ago, he flew his car nonstop right off the cliff down to the bottom of a gorge?
Il y a deux semaines, sa voiture a décollé de la falaise jusqu'au fond d'une gorge?
Maybe. See, like a town girl who was raped a couple of weeks ago.
Peut-être, mais tu sais qu'une fille de la ville s'est fait violer il y a deux semaines.
I broke this a couple of weeks ago. I've been carrying it with me.
J'ai cassé le mien il y a un moment.
Yeah, I had this camera on the shelf a couple of weeks ago.
Oui, il était en rayon il y a 15 jours.
You know, we are really traveling high on the hog, considering that a couple of weeks ago we didn't even have a pot to...
On vit vraiment bien. Y a 2 semaines, on n'avait pas de marijuana à se...
Eric and I broke up a couple of weeks ago.
Eric et moi avions rompus il y a deux semaines.
A couple of weeks ago. I don't remember.
Il y a quelques semaines, je crois.
A couple of weeks ago. I spotted him on the bus.
Il y a deux ou trois semaines.
One night, a couple of weeks ago, she comes into this bar where I'm working... Just sort of temporary.
Un soir, il y a 15 jours, elle vient au bar où je bosse momentanément.
A couple of weeks ago? You said the cut was healed, and it opened right up.
T'avais dit que ça s'était cicatrisé mais ça s'est rouvert.
Yeah, I installed a set of rings just a couple of weeks ago.
Pas s'il s'agit d'anneaux de mariage.
Kazuko was working in Shikoku, but I brought her home a couple of weeks ago.
Ça va bien? Lève-toi.
Il y a deux semaines,
- Oh, friend of mine - a fella I used to work with in a stock company - brought her out here a couple weeks ago... and asked if I could give her a job.
- C'est un ami - Un gars avec lequel je travaillais dans une société de courtage - Il me l'a présentée pour que je lui trouve un emploi.
Well, yes, that was only a couple of weeks ago.
C'était il y a 2 semaines.
Well, just a couple of weeks, actually, but it seems like a long time ago.
En fait, c'était il y a juste 2 semaines, mais ça semble très loin.
I'd say they started pulling out three, four weeks ago a couple of families at a time.
Ils ont commencé à évacuer il y a trois ou quatre semaines, quelques familles à la fois.

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