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Translate.vc / İngilizce → Fransızca / [ D ] / Did they tell you

Did they tell you Çeviri Fransızca

669 parallel translation
When you came, what did they tell you?
Quand vous êtes arrivés, que vous ont-ils raconté?
Did they tell you about it?
- Ils vous ont dit?
- Did they tell you I got out?
- Elles t'ont dit que j'étais sorti?
- Oh, what else did they tell you?
- Que t'ont-ils dit d'autre?
Did they tell you that? Why, it's... it's understood.
Éh bien... cela va sans dire.
Did they tell you not to talk to strangers?
Il est interdit de parler aux inconnus?
What did they tell you?
Que vous a-t-on dit?
What did they tell you?
Qu'est ce qu'on t'a dit?
Did they tell you how they plan to dirty the throne?
Ils veulent salir le trône.
Did they tell you that?
Ils l'ont dit?
- Well, did they tell you?
- Alors, ils t'ont dit?
Well, what kind of a lie did they tell you?
Quel genre de mensonge elles vous ont raconté?
- What I mean is... What did they tell you?
Alors, quelles nouvelles?
Did they tell you how his mother birthed him, turned from him, gave him his evil name, and died?
Sa mère l'a mis au monde, lui a donné son vilain nom et est morte.
Did they tell you how God's lightning struck down and branded him?
Dieu l'a foudroyé et marqué à vie!
Did they tell you how he spat in the holy goblet in the church at Valparaiso?
On vous a dit la fois où il a craché dans le calice à l'église?
And did they tell you what happened his last voyage?
Et ce qui est arrivé à son dernier voyage?
Did they tell you how the whale marked him inside as well as out?
Comment la baleine l'a marqué dedans?
Did they tell you that mischief was worked on his soul?
Comment son âme s'est pervertie?
Those doctors, did they tell you it was no-go?
Ecoute, ils n'ont pas abandonné, alors toi non plus.
Did they tell you who paid your bail?
Sais-tu qui a payé ta caution?
What else did they tell you about him?
Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit d'autre?
And what did they tell you about me?
- Que vous a-t-elle dit?
What did they tell you at the bank?
Qu'est-ce qu'ils t'ont dit à la banque?
Did they ever tell me, if you don't do you're gonna get done? No!
M'a-t-on dit que c'était eux ou moi?
Tell me... when they searched you, did they leave you your money?
Dites, quand ils vous ont fouillé, vous ont-ils laissé votre argent?
I'll tell more. I could tell you why they did it.
Je peux vous dire pourquoi ils l'ont fait.
When they're gone, you can't tell where. Or what the devil you did with them. But I believe I'll say now while there isn't time left for either of us to get any more embarrassed...
Maintenant, je vais te dire, le temps nous est compté
Already there have been serious riots in your key industries and they didn't tell you that, did they?
Des conflits graves éclatent dans les industries clés... et ça, ils ne vous l'avaient pas dit.
You saw that bombed apartment. I tell you, they did it.
Donnez-moi une chance de le prouver.
Did he tell you how thoughts come and how they go?
Et qu'en est-il de la circulation des pensées?
Even if you did tell the cops, I was in on it with you what could they do to me?
Si tu dis aux flics que j'étais dans le coup, qu'est-ce qu'ils me feront?
The former owner... they're the ones who did him in. I shouldn't tell you. She doesn't love him.
Enfin, j'ai pas de conseils à te donner, mais si tu veux te réveiller vivant demain matin, va te coucher.
And did he tell you that the army from Fort Liggett, has orders to seize the cattle if they're not off the Reservation by the first of November?
T'a-t-il dit que l'armée a ordonné la saisie du bétail s'il n'est pas parti au 1er novembre?
II vous a dit ce qu'ils avaient subi? Mike Garby?
Can you tell me what you did for me, the night they brought me here?
J'ai su ce que tu as fait pour moi le soir de ma venue ici.
- Did they tell you?
- Vous a-t-on dit?
Did he tell you they threw him out?
II t'a raconté qu'on l'avait renvoyé?
What did you tell them that they turned you loose?
Pourquoi ils t'ont relâché?
I haven't got anywhere near that much money... and I'm going to find out from the bank just what they did tell you too.
Je suis loin de ce chiffre. Je saurai bien ce que la banque vous a dit!
Did I tell you they were crooks?
Ai-je vous dit'escrocs'?
They did. If you were gonna be smart, I'll tell you what you'd do.
Tu sais ce que tu devrais faire si tu avais un peu de jugeote?
Did I tell you they'd be here?
J'étais sûr qu'ils seraient là.
Tell me what they did to you.
Dis-moi ce qu'elles t'ont fait.
Ils sont venus nous chercher!
What did I tell you? It's the uniform. They all fall in the end.
C'est l'uniforme, elles finissent toutes par craquer.
Did she tell you how they intended to get this information out?
Est-ce qu'elle vous a dit comment ils comptaient sortir les infos du pays?
Did you know they tell the age of a horse by his teeth?
On devine l'âge des chevaux d'après leurs dents.
But if you're looking for a time to avenge what I did... I will feel very therefore, Kid. But if you want, tell them how and where they want to fight.
Mais si tu viens pour un règlement de comptes... et ce serait regrettable... dis-moi où et comment.
Did your husband tell you what kind of pressure they've been putting on him? No. He didn't.
Mais je sais que cela me concerne.
Tell me everything you saw there : Who was there, what they were doing, and what you did.
Tu vas me dire tout ce que tu as vu au Parc Paolino, s'il y avait des gens, ce qu'ils faisaient, et surtout ce que toi, tu y as fait.

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